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The code used for the pages written in PHP on


The code requires PHP ≥ 7.1 as well as the following extensions:


In order for the included files to be found, PHP’s include_path .ini setting must include the path /www/data/Physik.FSPHYS/php_include. This is set by the .user.ini file in /www/data/Physik.FSPHYS/imperialive/Physik.FSPHYS/ and so will be in effect for all scripts provided that evaluation of .user.ini files is enabled.

Note on localization

Localization is defined in Localization.php, which detects the correct locale to use from the location of the executed script on the file system. Alternatively, a script can define the constant LOCALE (e. g. const LOCALE = 'de_DE') before including Localization.php and set the default locale used by Localization.php in this way. (Note: LOCALE can either be set in the global scope or in namespace de\uni_muenster\fsphys.)