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title permalink header

See it here :)


title: "Résumé" permalink: /resume/ header:

See it here :) Then I get a link that opens to new tab instead of a pdf embedded page. However, I have saved to pdf to image, and was able to display that in the page.,,,

Code: Effect:

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How can I embed a YouTube video on GitHub wiki pages?

👩🏼‍💻 Establishment of Regional Innovation Hubs:

Frontend Engineer @ BRYTER (Dec 2020 - Present)
No-code platform that enables professionals to build interactive applications.

  • Establishment of Regional Innovation Hubs as sites for idea exchange and digital development in the field of school

  • Establishment of co-creation teams and regional stackeholders networks to enhance the collaboration between universities, schools and public sector

  • Establishment of Regional Innovation Hub as site for collaboration and mentoring and multiplying school to school mentoring strucures to scale up the digital innovation on local regional level

  • Tags Ideas and Thoughts: .

Neue Konzepte und temporäre Projekte brauchen kreativen Raum zur Entfaltung.

regionales Netzwerk aus Schulen, im Netzwerk bereichernde Erfahrungen teilen, Perspektiven einnehmen und uns gegenseitig fördern, Event- und Austauschplattform für die Tech- und Makerszene der Region, Accelerator-Programm für Innovationen an Schulen Accelerator · ‎Events Kompetenzstandorten vernetzen gezielt Schulen, Kommunen.. Ansprechpartner zum Thema Digitalisierung und Innovation begleiten und beraten wir Digitalteams mittelständischer Unternehmen beim Aufbau von digitalem ... befassen sich mit den aktuellen wie künftigen Innovationsfeldern Digitale Innovationen - ThinkTank Zukunftstechnologien Entwicklung von innovativen Ideen, digitalen Geschäftsmodellen & Prototypen. Forschung & Entwicklung für die digitale Zukunft Wir entwickeln disruptive Innovationen. Coworking. Eine Community aus Gründern, Schülern, Investoren, Entwicklern und Talenten. Das Netzwerk von zwölf Digital Hubs.

Google Season of Docs 2020 | Technical Writer @ GraphQL Foundation (Aug 2020 - Jan 2021)
Google Season of Docs is a program matching experienced technical writers with open source organizations.

Software Engineer @ Meeshkan (Oct 2019 - Sep 2020)
Early-stage startup focused on automated API testing and NLP.

  • Built the website and the initial web app that visualized the test reports
  • Maintained unmock-js, an open-source fuzz testing library

DigitalHub digital innovation hub - for education

in a nutshell: a coordinated group of organisations with complementary expertise and a public benefit objective, offering a set of services and activities to companies to support their digital transformation and innovation through a one stop shop

... cf

hier kommt die Literatur

The digital transformation of SMEs – a new knowledge broker called the digital innovation hub

Putting Digital Innovation Hubs into Regional Context A European survey Authors: Johan Miörner, Gabriel Rissola, Jens Sörvik, Joakim Wernberg 2019

Digital Innovation Hubs in Smart Specialisation Strategies Early lessons from European regions Gabriel Rissola, Jens Sörvik 2018

Exploring heterogeneous Digital Innovation Hubs in their context - a comparative case study of six (6) DIHs with links to S3, innovation systems and digitalisation on a regional scale

weitere Literatur ....









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