fsdemx / gpt4free
Forked from xtekky/gpt4freedecentralising the Ai Industry, just some language model api's...
Latest Erlang/OTP releases packaged as a zero dependency RPM, just enough for running RabbitMQ
海关编码以及税率、ciq等信息查询 / Query of Chinese hscodes, customs taxes and CIQs
Powerful, fast and robust engine for converting 3D models into g-code instructions for 3D printers. It is part of the larger open source project Cura.
SmartAdmin国内首个以「高质量代码」为核心,「简洁、高效、安全」快速开发平台;基于SpringBoot2/3 + Sa-Token + Mybatis-Plus 和 Vue3 + Vite5 + Ant Design Vue 4.x (同时支持JavaScript和TypeScript双版本);满足国家三级等保要求、支持登录限制、接口数据国产加解密、高防SQL注入等一系列安全体系。