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Video Indexer

This repository contains sample python scripts for using the Video Indexer API to Upload media file and search for text.

There is introduction to the FFmpeg tool to inspect the video/audio files and convert to VideoIndexer supported codecs.


  1. Create a Video Indexer Account using the steps here.

  2. Make a note of your Account ID.

  3. Make note of the Indexer Location. We used a trial version in the instructions below.

  4. Subscribe to the Video Indexer API by following steps here.

  5. Make a note of the Primary API Key.

  6. Install Visual Studio Code.

  7. Install the Python extension by following the instructions here.

Executing Python scripts

Clone the repository and follow the below instructions to execute the python scripts. Look through the python scripts to see example of calling the Video Indexer API.

Upload Media File

Execute the

 python src/ -a <account id> -k <api Key> -l <indexer location> -f <file path to upload> 

For example:

python src/ -a aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee -k abcdefg12345 -l trial -f data/beach_waves_narrated.mp4 

The script will upload the media file and then check for processing status every minute until processed and outputs the Full JSON response from the API will all the insights.

If you log in to the Video Indexer Portal, and go to Media Files. You should see the upload and indexing progress.

Search for Text

Execute the

 python src/ -a <account id> -k <api Key> -l <indexer location> -q <query> 

For example:

python src/ -a aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee -k abcdefg12345 -l trial -q "coronado"
python src/ -a aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee -k abcdefg12345 -l trial -q "coronado beach" 

Results are returned in JSON format.

{'results': [{'accountId': 'aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee', 'id': '368b37c2b4', 'partition': 'default', 'externalId': None, 'metadata': None, 'name': 'None', 'description': 'None', 'created': '2021-03-03T22:25:39.151+00:00', 'lastModified': '2021-03-03T22:31:33.081+00:00', 'lastIndexed': '2021-03-03T22:25:44.172+00:00', 'privacyMode': 'Private', 'userName': 'Farhat Saleem', 'isOwned': True, 'isBase': True, 'hasSourceVideoFile': True, 'state': 'Processed', 'moderationState': 'OK', 'reviewState': 'None', 'processingProgress': '100%', 'durationInSeconds': 13, 'thumbnailVideoId': '368b37c2b4', 'thumbnailId': '49671fad-b4a7-4414-b0a5-d14cb628dc1f', 'searchMatches': [{'startTime': '00:00:00', 'type': 'Transcript', 'text': "Here's a few shots of the waves in Coronado Beach", 'exactText': 'Coronado'}, {'startTime': '00:00:00', 'type': 'NamedLocation', 'text': 'Coronado Beach', 'exactText': 'Coronado'}], 'indexingPreset': 'Default', 'streamingPreset': 'Default', 'sourceLanguage': 'en-US', 'sourceLanguages': ['en-US'], 'personModelId': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'}], 'nextPage': {'pageSize': 25, 'skip': 0, 'done': True}}


  1. Download the FFmpeg tool.

  2. Extract the download tool to a directory of your choice.

Inspecting Video/Audio Files

  1. Run the tool from the installation directory and provide as input the video/audio file.
ffmpeg.exe -i <path_to_video/audio_file>

For example:

ffmpeg.exe -i ..\..\VideoIndexer\data\beach_waves_narrated.mp4


Converting Video/Audio Files

The FFMPEG tool documentation has details of converting files. Below are just a few examples that worked for some files that had problem with transcribing using the VideoIndexer during our testing.

You can force a specific codec to the input files if the codec is unkown:

ffmpeg.exe -f <codec to enforce> -i <path to input file> <path to output file>

For example:

ffmpeg.exe -f act -i ..\data\14967.wav ..\data\z.mp4

To force specific codec to the audio stream:

ffmpeg.exe -acodec <codec to enforce> -i <path to input file> <path to output file>

For example:

ffmpeg.exe -acodec g729 -i ..\data\14968.wav ..\data\a.mp4

To force specific codec and add filters (-af):

ffmpeg.exe -acodec g729 -i ..\data\14967.wav -af "afftdn=nf=-25" ..\data\a.mp4


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