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Simple Comment Demo App - sc

This is a demo project to cover some tasks. Users can read and modify articles and comments, depending on their rights.

Configuration / Before you start the app

Redis and Memchached

You will need memcached and redis on your system. Make sure its installed, get more info here:



Set up the database

Go to sc project directory and use rake db:reset to setup the sqlite database and seed it with some init data.

MBP:sc user$ rake db:reset
MBP:sc user$ rake db:reset RAILS_ENV=production 
seed finished!

Then precompile the assets for production mode:

MBP:sc user$ rake assets:precompile

Starting redis and memcached

Go to sc project directory and start foreman for memcached and redis support (session).

MBP:sc user$ foreman start
01:32:54 memcached.1 | started with pid 7544
01:32:54 redis.1     | started with pid 7545

Starting the app

Start the server with rails s and open your browser with ''

MBP:sc user$ rails s -b -p 3000 -e production
Puma starting in single mode....
* Environment: production
* Listening on tcp:
Use Ctrl-C to stop


Guest (not logged in)

As a guest you can only read articles and comments, but never change anything.


By default you can login as 'admin' with password 'sumcumo' or normal 'user' with password 'sumcumo'.

Note: user 'admin' can never be deleted, its role changed or be edited by someone else


An admin has role 'admin' which allows him to edit and delete everything except items from user 'admin' itself (master admin).


A user can write articles and comments, and modify his own articles and comments.


The app contains RSpec test. They can be called from the app directory as follows:

MBP:sc user$ rspec spec
Finished in 1.34 seconds (files took 1.88 seconds to load)
67 examples, 0 failures


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