My name is Francesco and I got my Computer Science degree at the University of Milan.
I've been fascinated by computers since I was five and nowadays I spend most of my spare time tinkering, coding and playing.
I truly believe in and actively promote the adoption of free software (free as in freedom, not as in beer!) and I'm always on the lookout for new tools to try out.
I'm also very committed when it comes to privacy, as I am convinced that our society is undergoing an unspoken emergency and I take each and every opportunity to rise awareness on this fundamental topic.
I really like to engage in constructive dialogue with friends and family about the impact of digital ethics in our everyday life and I'm very happy when I manage to spark curiosity on the matter.
I try to constantly keep up to date with the latest innovations and to understand the principles underneath them, especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence (which, I'll admit, I'm both fascinated by and a bit worried about).
I mostly like to create tools for my everyday needs, automating boring stuff and finding new ways to pipeline tasks.
I occasionally upload some of them here or on my gist page.
I also try to keep my starred projects section up to date and in order, check it out if you like!