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Testing GNU AIS

Chris Roos edited this page Mar 27, 2015 · 3 revisions

With a raw AIS data file

wget ""

gnuais -l helsinki-210-messages.raw

If everything's working as expected then you should see lots of output similar to:

ch A type 4 mmsi 002300047: date 2008-10-30 time 06:03:51 lat 60.204025 lon 25.625364 (!AIVDM,1,1,,A,402<HSiuRg63k1mCKVRLg<Q00L1=,0*26)

Visualising the boats using GNU AIS GUI

This assumes you have the helsinki-210-messages.raw file mentioned above.

NOTE. gnuaisgui must be started after gnuais which is why I'm using named pipes in the code below.

# Create a named pipe and start `gnuais` listening to that input
mkfifo /tmp/ais
gnuais -l /tmp/ais

# Open a new terminal and start `gnuaisgui`

# Open a new terminal and pipe the content of the data file to our named pipe
cat helsinki-210-messages.raw > /tmp/ais

# Observe the boats appearing in the GUI

With an audio file

Following the instructions under "With an audio file" in Testing AISDecoder.

This only difference to those instructions is that you need to start gnuais in place of starting aisdecoder. Everything else should be the same.