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Contribution Guidelines

gavin edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 27 revisions

Introduction (for first timers)

Thank you for your interest in contributing to an open-source project! Our world works on people taking initiative to contribute to the "commons" and contributing to open source means you are contributing to make things better for not only yourself but everyone else too! So thank you for taking this initiative.

Great projects also work because of great quality. Open source or not, the user really cares that things should work as they are advertised, and consistently. New features should follow the same pattern and so that users don't have to learn things again and again.

Developers who maintain open source also expect that you follow certain guidelines. These guidelines ensure that developers are able to quickly give feedback on your contribution and how to make it better. Most probably you might have to go back and change a few things, but it will be in the interest of making this process better for everyone. So be prepared for some back and forth.

Contribution Guides

Please read the following guidelines (whichever apply) carefully when contributing. This should be followed in case of bug fixes and patches, yes, even typos ;)

  1. Preparing a Contribution Proposal
  2. Coding Standards
  3. Pull Request Checklist
  4. Updating Documentation

For feature contributions, we write user stories and follow the below guidelines:

  1. Prepare User Stories
  2. Naming Guidelines
  3. Form Design Guidelines
  4. Model Design Guidelines
  5. Integration Design Guidelines

For further reading:

  1. Code Security Guidelines
  2. Pull Request Review Guidelines
  3. Module Maintainers
  4. Supported Versions

Happy contributing!

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