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2upmedia edited this page Sep 22, 2011 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the FRAPI wiki!

What is Frapi?

  • A PHP Framework! (To build APIs only)
  • A simple and easy to learn API Framework
  • A framework that embraces the web
  • It’s RESTful.
  • Code Primer. It generates skeleton for you to handle REST calls and you only need to put your business logic.

What is Frapi NOT!

  • Complete. It is not complete. Currently in pre-beta phase
  • A complex and overly-extensible framework (You can’t do everything you ever wanted)
  • It’s not full of SOAP. In fact we hate SOAP.
  • Frapi is not made for shared hosting. We built Frapi as a full-fledged system and running on shared hosting would most likely be futile as we never tried, have no intentions of trying and won’t care if it breaks on shared hosting (Well we’ll care but we won’t adapt Frapi to work on shared hosting specifically)

Getting Started

This wiki is outdated, you should always refer to http: which is our developer handbook and the one that is where we submit updated documentation.