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Coded by ChatGPT V4.

Directed by Franz Enzenhofer.

What does it do?

thisismy concatinats files, removes unnecessary whitespace, prefixes it with "This is my current %filename%:" and pushes it to the clipboard (or elsewhere). Also works with online resources. Intended use is ChatGPT prompts with lots of code and docs.

What does it solve?

Coding with ChatGPT quite fast ends up with copy&paste-ing again and again multiple files as prompts prefixed with "This is my current %file%" into the ChatGPT textbox. Same with online ressources. This a) make one crazy over time and b) wastes lots of time and c) wastes tokens as unnecessary stuff (mostly whitespaces and boilerplate from the webpages) ends up in there. thisismy solves this.

Tell me more

thisismy is a command-line utility designed to simplify the process of creating prompts for ChatGPT. With thisismy, you can print the contents of one or more files or online resources to the terminal, copy them to the clipboard and whitespace reduce them to save tokens. I.e.:

thisismy -c -t -p "ChatGPT check this code for the best practices outlined in the online ressource." file1.js file2.js http:

This command will copy (-c) the contents of file1.js and file2.js and the main content of http: to the clipboard, with double whitespaces removed (-t). Each time the output is prefixed with "This is my current %file%" and "This is the current %url%". The whole response is prefixed (-p) with the defined prefix string.

Preview 1

Preview 2


To install the thisismy package from GitHub and link it globally, you can follow these steps:

  1. Clone the thisismy repository from GitHub:
git clone 
  1. Navigate to the thisismy directory:
cd thisismy 
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install 
  1. Link the package globally:
npm link 

Now you should be able to use the thisismy command anywhere in your terminal.


To use thisismy, you can run the command followed by the file path(s) you want to print:

thisismy path/to/file.txt 

You can also specify multiple file paths:

thisismy path/to/file1.txt path/to/file2.txt 

If you want to use an online resource, you can pass the URL instead of the file path:



thisismy supports several options:

Option Alias Description
--copy -c Copies the output to the clipboard
--tiny -t Removes double whitespaces from the read files
--file List of files or URLs to read
--prefix -p Prefix for the output. Can be a string or a file
--output -o Writes output to a file
--help -h Prints usage information
--silent -s Silent output
--debug -d Debug mode
--version -v Prints the version number and exits
--license -l Prints the license and exits
--noColor -n Disable colorized output

Example Usage

Print the contents of a file to the terminal:

thisismy path/to/file.txt 

Copy the contents of a file to the clipboard:

thisismy -c path/to/file.txt 

Write the contents of a file to a new file:

thisismy -o path/to/newfile.txt path/to/file.txt 

Specify a prefix for the output:

thisismy -p "Prefix for output" path/to/file.txt 

If you want to use a file as a prefix, you can pass the file path as an argument to the -p option. For example:

thisismy -p /path/to/prefix.txt path/to/file.txt 

This will use the contents of /path/to/prefix.txt as the prefix for the output.

Example for -t option

Suppose you have a file called example.txt with double spaces between some words. You can use the -t option to remove them and print the contents of the file:

thisismy -t example.txt

Example for using -c -t -p while multiple files, a prefix and an online resource

Suppose you have two files, file1.txt and file2.txt, an online resource http:, and you want to prefix the output with the contents of a file called prefix.txt. You also want to remove double whitespaces from the read files and copy the output to the clipboard. You can use the following command:

thisismy -c -t -p prefix.txt file1.txt file2.txt http:

This will print the contents of file1.txt, file2.txt, and the online resource with double whitespaces removed and a prefix of the contents of prefix.txt. The output will also be copied to the clipboard.

Sure, here's an example for the -b backup feature you described:

Thisismy Backup Feature

This is a new feature added to Thisismy that allows you to backup your current arguments to a JSON file and use those values as defaults whenever you run Thisismy in the same directory.

How to Use

To use this feature, simply add the -b or --backup option when running Thisismy. For example:

$ thisismy -bct file.txt

This will create a thisismy.json file in the current directory with the current arguments used for the prompt. The contents of the file will look like this:

  "copy": true,
  "tiny": true,
  "file": ["file.txt"],
  "prefix": "",
  "output": "",
  "help": false,
  "silent": false,
  "debug": false,
  "version": false,
  "license": false,
  "noColor": false

Whenever you run Thisismy in the same directory, it will look for a thisismy.json file and use the values there as the defaults. You can still override these defaults by passing in new arguments when running Thisismy.


  • If you want to update the defaults in the thisismy.json file, simply run Thisismy with the new arguments and the file will be updated with the new values.


thisismy is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


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