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My personal quirks quantified in text form

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This is only public so I can easily share it across machines. There is probably nothing of interest for you here ... or is there?

My usage is mostly terminal-based, via Crostini on Chromebook, WSL2 on Windows, and (rarely) MacOS terminal. Making heavy use of:

  • Bash / Tmux
  • FZF
  • Neovim
  • cmus

Graphical sections are Linux-only, and use:

  • i3wm & picom & dunst & rofi
  • Alacritty
  • Firefox

Letting me own your machine

git clone --branch debian-bookworm


Once you've run setup, you'll still have to do the following manual steps:

  1. Generate this machine's SSH keys:

    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "$(hostname)"

    Then add the key into GitHub and wherever else

  2. Add any additional ssh keys into ~/.ssh

    Might need to extract out of 1Password, once downloaded will have the password removed. To restore, do

    ssh-keygen -p -f KEY_FILE

    Alternatively, try using the command line op to get the keys:

    op item get SSH_KEY_ITEM_ID --fields "private key" > ~/.ssh/xxx &&
    op item get SSH_KEY_ITEM_ID --fields "public key" > ~/.ssh/
    chmod 400 ~/.ssh/xxx*
  3. Authorize your public keys on the new machine:

    ssh-import-id gh:fortes
  4. Add your favorite servers into .ssh/config.local

  5. Setup .gitconfig.local:

      name = Your Name
      email = [email protected]

Ignoring changes to a file

git update-index --skip-worktree ./symlinks/npmrc

To make changes in the future:

git update-index --no-skip-worktree ./symlinks/npmrc

Additional Settings

TODO: Automate these steps.

  • (Optional) Enable GitHub copilot via ~/.profile.local, then run :Copilot setup in NeoVim to authenticate
  • Install kindlegen from Amazon (TODO: See if possible to script this)

Firefox / Chrome

  • Log into sync accounts, extensions should automatically install
  • Configure uBlock
    • Enable in private mode
    • Enable cloud storage mode. Should do the following, but doesn't always work:


  • Run browser setup above

  • Can install some optional apps via scripts:

    • dotfiles/scripts/setup_kvm
    • dotfiles/scripts/setup_signal
    • dotfiles/scripts/setup_zerotier
    • dotfiles/scripts/setup_zoom
  • Depending on the machine, you may need pavucontrol in order to unmute your audio output via GUI. ** Alternatively, find the name of the desired output via pacmd list-sinks then run pacmd set-default-sink $SINK_NAME and make sure to unmute via pacmd set-sink-mute [name] 0

  • If running multiple monitors, need to configure Wacom tablet to only use a specific monitor:

    xsetwacom --list | grep stylus # get id, e.g. "21"
    xrandr --listactivemonitors # get id, e.g. DP-2
    xsetwacom --set "21" MapToOutput DP-2
  • For High DPI displays, create a ~/.Xresources.local file with the proper Xft.dpi (see .Xresources for example)

  • To mount SMB shares on boot, add something like the following to /etc/fstab:

    //machine-name/share /media/share cifs nofail,user=,password=,ro	0	0


  • Must start Neovim in order to install plugin manager

Bookworm Upgrade

The Bullseye to Bookworm upgrade requires a few manual steps that I'm too lazy to automate:

  • Must call apt-key delete on keys for et, signal, etc repos that were added via the now deprecated apt-key. Find the key id by taking the last eight digits of the hex displayed (no space). E.g. apt-key del 57F6FB06 for Signal. Need to then delete the relevant fiels in /etc/apt/sources.list.d as well
  • pip user packages no longer work, everything got moved to pipx/venv and there may be some strays left in ~/.local/bin that need to be manually removed
    • pip freeze --user | xargs pip uninstall should work here
  • Remove /etc/apt/sources.list.d/bullseye-backports.list and let the script add the new one


  • Setup Phone Smart Lock & PIN unlock
  • Enable Linux, run setup_machine
  • Share Downloads folder with Linux


  • Run all Windows Updates
  • Install drivers, update BIOS, etc
  • Uninstall Teams, and other pre-installed unwanted things
  • Enable BitLocker
  • Adjust taskbar settings
  • Disable browser tabs from being in Alt-Tab list (Settings -> System -> Multitasking)
  • Turn on clipboard history by hitting Windows-V
  • Set Windows Terminal as default terminal application
  • Enable Hyper-V (required for WSL)
    • Search for hyper-v in start menu, will show up in obscure UI for settings
  • Enable Windows Sandbox
  • Install Windows Subsystem for Linux via MS Store (doesn't seem to work in winget)
  • Accept MS Store terms for winget, running winget list should prompt
  • Get WinGet via MS Store via App Installer
    • winget install AgileBits.1Password
    • winget install Google.Chrome.Dev
    • winget install Microsoft.MouseandKeyboardCenter
    • winget install Microsoft.PowerShell
    • winget install Microsoft.PowerToys
    • winget install Microsoft.VisualStudioCode
    • winget install Mozilla.Firefox
    • winget install Neovim.Neovim
    • winget install Plex.PlexAmp
    • winget install ShareX.ShareX
    • winget install SourceFoundry.HackFonts
    • winget install Valve.Steam (if gaming)
    • winget install VideoLAN.VLC
    • winget install Zoom.Zoom
  • Install (Optional, if gaming)
  • WSL
    • [Optional] Allocate more memory for WSL VM by creating/adding to %UserProfile%\.wslconfig:
    • [Optional] Enable systemd for VM by creating/adding to /etc/wsl.conf:
    • winget install Debian.Debian
    • sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
    • Run ~/dotfiles/setup_machine
    • Set Debian as default terminal
    • To mount network shares, do something like this in /etc/fstab (drvfs special for WSL):
      \\machine-name\share	/mnt/machine-share	drvfs	defaults,ro,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022	0	0
  • 1Password
    • Sign into account
  • VS Code
    • Sign in via GitHub to sync
    • (optional) Sign into GitHub Co-pilot
    • Install extensions (in case sync doesn't work)
      • Copilot
      • SSH
      • WSL
      • vim
  • ShareX
    • Configure output location to be Downloads
  • Steam &
    • Sign in and install games locally


  • Not fully functional, see mac-setup branch for current status

Known Issues

  • Debian bookworm does a debian.sources file instead of sources.list, need to adjust setup_machine
  • Media keys on Microsoft Ergonomic Keyboard sometimes aren't detected, disconnect/reconnect USB may be enough to fix?
  • Mouse wheel speed also sometimes goes to a better default after disconnect/reconnect
  • 1Password can't manage to save authentication, dies trying to talk to keychain via dbus (for some reason, looking for org.kde.kwalletd5 and ignores gnome keyring)
  • exa is now unmaintained, need to either go to eza or lsd
  • 1password GUI not installing correctly, something wrong w/ bash logic

Future Improvements

  • Try switching from docker to podman
  • Look into glances and btop
  • delta instead of diff-so-fancy
  • football-cli
  • (caniuse-cli)[]
  • Look into stevearc/conform.nvim
  • Add Firefox Nightly
  • Figure out why gammastep not starting up automatically in some cases, may need to re-write the systemd user entries
  • Figure out Lutris / Wine / Proton for Linux gaming
  • Auto-publish Docker images
  • Better colorschemes, coordinated everywhere
    • Easier swapping into light mode
    • Check themer for generation
  • Setup xautolock or similar to automatically lock screen on idle
  • Figure out rofi / dmenu whatever else would make sense to do more in i3
  • Check out zutty terminal
  • Migrate off of X11 to Wayland: Either use nouveau or wait until Sway has Nvidia support (or get an AMD card)
    • foot on Wayland seems to be quite good for terminal
  • Figure out how to get USB-C DP Alt devices to work, might need displaylink-debian or at the very least evdi-dkms
  • Get Nvidia Drivers drivers with a reasonable resolution for linux console
    • Install nvidia-detect and run to check support
    • Install nvidia-driver
    • Get better resolution when booted into console by adding GRUB_GFXMODE=auto in /etc/default/grub, then run sudo update-grub