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Weather data collected by the Swiss authority "Agroscope" from sites around the country, which is of special interest to the agriculture.

Agrometeo enthält sowohl Informationen über die Phänologie und Reife von Kulturen, über Krankheiten und Schädlinge, über Pflanzenschutzmittel und deren Dosierung in Abhängigkeit der Laubwand als auch ein Modul zur Bewässerung im Obstbau. Alle diese Informationen werden den Schweizer Produzenten auf der Webseite kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt. Diese Webseite besteht aus vier Modulen: Meteorologie, Weinbau, Obstbau und Ackerbau. Jedes Modul enthält Links zu Modellen, Hilfsmitteln und Informationen. Einige allgemeine Informationen sind auch auf der Startseite verfügbar.

See: http:


Agroscope maintains an application on their website which can be used to look up weather data. It is publicly accessible here: http:

This allows me to select one or multiple regions, observation stations, and parameters (such as average temperature, humidity and other observed conditions), and a date range (from yearly to 10 minute basis), and obtain the resulting data in multiple formats (HTML and CSV).

It is unclear but worth researching how this data is different from that offered by MeteoSchweiz.


For this Data Package, we ran a small sample query to download a CSV file. However, it was not in UTF-8 format, and had inconvient headers, so LibreOffice Calc was used to clean up the file a little and re-encode it.


The licensing terms of this dataset have not yet been established. There is no information about the licensing or restrictions for use on the Agroscope website, which points to the standard conditions for Swiss Federal Government offices in its Disclaimer page: http:

If you intend to use these data in a public or commercial product, check with each of the data sources for any specific restrictions.

This Data Package is made available by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License v1.0, a copy of the full text of which is in