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Bigi is a free library written in pure Rust for multi precision arithmetic over unsigned integers. It includes efficient algorithms to perform the standard arithmetic operations, modular arithmetic, some algorithms for prime numbers (Miller-Rabin primality test, Fermat primality test, Euclidean algorithm, Tonelli–Shanks algorithm), Montgomery modular multiplication. Mostly Bigi is designed for cryptography issues, but it also can be applied anywhere else. The library is developed for Rust Nightly strictly.

For high performance bigi uses static data allocation for integers.


cargo test


cargo bench


Add this line to the dependencies in your Cargo.toml:

bigi = { git = "", tag = "v1.0.0" }

Use cases

Basic example

use bigi::Bigi;

let a = Bigi::<4>::from(25);
let b = Bigi::<4>::from(40);
let c = a * &b;
println!("{}", c.to_decimal());  // 1000

In the type Bigi::<4>, 4 is the number of digits in the array of u64 for the inner integer representation, so that in Bigi::<4> you can store integers from 0 to 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 (that is 2 power 256 = 64 * 4 minus 1).


use bigi::Bigi;

let a = Bigi::<4>::from_decimal("9238475695037419187591267512");
println!("{:?}", a.to_decimal());  // "9238475695037419187591267512"
println!("{:?}", a.to_hex());  // "0x1DD9E352F361677CE18544B8"
println!("{:?}", a.to_bytes());  // [184, 68, 133, 225, 124, 103, 97, 243, 82, 227, 217, 29, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


Generating 256-bits random unsigned integer:

use bigi::Bigi;

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let a = Bigi::<4>::gen_random(&mut rng, 256, false);

Modular arithmetic

Modulo must be prime.

use bigi::{Bigi, Modulo};

let m = Modulo::new(&Bigi::<4>::from(43));

println!("{:?}", m.add(&Bigi::<4>::from(25), &Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 22
println!("{:?}", m.sub(&Bigi::<4>::from(25), &Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 28
println!("{:?}", m.mul(&Bigi::<4>::from(25), &Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 11
println!("{:?}", m.div(&Bigi::<4>::from(25), &Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 6
println!("{:?}", m.pow(&Bigi::<4>::from(25), &Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 15
println!("{:?}", m.inv(&Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // 14
println!("{:?}", m.sqrt(&Bigi::<4>::from(40)));  // Ok((13, 30))

Prime numbers

Prime number generation and Miller-Rabin primality test example:

use bigi::prime::{gen_prime, miller_rabin};

let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let x = gen_prime::<8>(&mut rng, 256);  // 256-bits prime number
let is_prime = miller_rabin(&x, 100);  // true

Euclidean algorithm

use bigi::prime::{euclidean, euclidean_extended};

// GCD calculation
let gcd = euclidean(&Bigi::<4>::from(15), &Bigi::<4>::from(9));  // 3

// GCD with coefficients
let (gcd, c1, c2) = euclidean_extended(&Bigi::<4>::from(15), &Bigi::<4>::from(9));  // (3, 8, 13): 3 = 8 * 15 - 13 * 9

Montgomery modular multiplication

use bigi::montgomery::MontgomeryAlg;

// Montgomery arithmetic for modulo 23 and r = 2^5 = 32
let mgr = MontgomeryAlg::new(5, &Bigi::<4>::from(23));

// Multiplication example
let a = Bigi::<4>::from(6);
let b = Bigi::<4>::from(2);

let a_repr = mgr.to_repr(&a);  // 8
let b_repr = mgr.to_repr(&b);  // 18

let c_repr = mgr.mul(&a_repr, &b_repr);  // 16

let c = mgr.from_repr(&c_repr);  // 12 that is a * b (mod 23)

// Power example
let d = mgr.powmod(&a, &b);  // 13 = a^b (mod 23)


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