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EasyTransferPP Arduino Library

EasyTransfer allows easy transfer of a C data structure using any stream class.

It is based on EasyTransfer protocol by Mathieu Alorent and Bill Porter <>.



You can define a struct to send complex data structures:

struct mystruct_t {
 int a;
 long b;

Define a ETPP object, initialized with your stream object. For example, to use TWI, define

EasyTransferPP<TwoWire> easyWire(Wire);

The first argument, TwoWire, is the type of TWI Wire.

Another example is using the UART:

EasyTransferPP<Stream> easySerial(Serial);

If you always expect to receive the same data type, you can define it as a part your object. For example, here the easyWire expects to receive a mystruct_t:

EasyTransferPP<TwoWire, mystruct_t> easyWire(Wire);

This is further covered in section Receive buffers.

Sending data

To send data, you have the following options available:

void send(const T  &data_struct);
void send(uint8_t const * const data_pointer, uint8_t size);

void sendTo(uint8_t address, const T  &data_struct);
void sendTo(uint8_t address, uint8_t const * const data_pointer, uint8_t size) ;


  • send is used for Serial, while sendTo is used for Wire.
  • address is the receiver's address in TWI.
  • data_pointer and size can be used to send any buffer.
  • T is automatically converted to your data type using C++ templates.

For example, to send

mystruct_t sample_data;

you only have to call


Receive buffers

As explained above, the send function can use any data structure. But to receive data correctly, its type has to be set.

EasyTransferPP allows setting an internal buffer, using the object Constructor (e.g., EasyTransferPP<TwoWire, mystruct_t> easyWire(Wire)).

Alternatively, you can set your own receive buffers:

void setReceiveBuffer(T &data_struct);
void setReceiveBuffer(uint8_t * data_pointer, uint8_t size);

To get a pointer to this buffer, you can use receiveBuffer():

const mystruct_t & x = easyWire.receiveBuffer();

You can drop the const and & if you don't care about const correctness.

Or if your compiler supports auto variable type definition:

auto x = easyWire.receiveBuffer();

Receive operation

To receive data, call receive(). It automatically reads available bytes from the Serial or TWI object, and returns TRUE if the receive operation is complete.

For example,

#include <Wire.h>
#include "ETPP.h"

struct mystruct_t {
 int a;
 long b;

EasyTransferPP<TwoWire, mystruct_t> easyWire(Wire);

void setup() {

  Serial.begin(9600); // this is used for debugging

  Wire.begin(64); // begin as slave 64

// Callback function for when data is received
void onreceive(int numbytes) {
  bool frameCompleted = easyWire.receive();
  if (frameCompleted) {
    // get the results from internal buffer
    auto request = easyWire.receiveBuffer();
    Serial.println("data received");
    Serial.print("a: ");
    Serial.print("b: ");
  }  else {
    Serial.println("Error while receiving the ET frame.");

void loop() {


To request data

In TWI, you can request data from a slave:

bool requestFrom(uint8_t address);
bool requestFrom(uint8_t address, T &data_struct);
bool requestFrom(uint8_t address, uint8_t *data_pointer, uint8_t data_size);


  • address is the receivers address in TWI.
  • data_pointer and size can be used to send any buffer.
  • T is automatically converted to your datatype using templates.

It returns TRUE if the EasyTransfer frame has been received correctly, and FALSE if there has been an error (e.g., CRC error).


Examples for TWI are included with this package.

  • TWI_Master: A TWI master implementation. It send two numbers to a slave.
  • TWI_Slave: A TWI slaves implementation. It resend the two numbers to the master to create a Fibonachi series.
  • TWI_Slave_External_Buffer: A TWI slaves implementation, with alternative syntax.


The EasyTransfer protocol is:

  • 0x06, 0x85, size of payload (as uint8_t), Payload, Checksum (as uint8_t)

The checksum is computed by xoring "size of payload" with each byte of the payload.

Authors and Contact


This is a complete and clean rewrite of the EasyTransfer protocol using advanced C++ techniques to facilitate easy porting to different communication peripherals, and is distributed under Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


EasyTransfer++ for Arduino







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