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Releases: floodnet-nyc/flood-sensor

Zenodo release

11 Mar 20:56
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Release for our publication in Water Resources Research. Same codebase as v4.4 but required a new release for inclusion in the Zenodo platform to receive a DOI number


14 Dec 03:36
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Added new modes - EASY_DEP_MODE, ADV_DEP_MODE


  • All the advanced features are disabled - refer next section for specifics
  • No app change or cfg modes
  • Turning on the sensor starts the sensor in sensing mode, and goes live immediately


  • Application change can be triggered over the air from the TTN console
  • By default the sensor is staged in the testing/lab application and is moved over to the live application up on deployment.
  • Default mode is config mode when not deployed
  • Default mode is sensing mode after deployed
  • To deploy switch to live app and start sensing

Previously, it has been observed the ADV_DEP_MODE struggles with weak network coverage, expired sessions, and/or join failures.
Strongly advised to use EASY_DEP_MODE, unless excellent LoRaWAN network coverage.


06 May 22:40
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Tested and Production-Ready

Sensor saves its sensing state after being moved from floodnet-test to floodnet-live and started sensing, in other words, the sensor remembers that it has been deployed and started sensing and upon any further unforeseen resets, it no more goes back to CFG state

Fixed minor Bugs:

  1. RESET state removed from LoRaWAN loop to prevent unwanted behavior while the device is in the DEVICE_STATE_CYCLE state. It has been moved to the ProcessDownlik function.
  2. Delay after WDT changed from 5 sec to 10 sec.


21 Apr 19:38
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  1. CFG bug fixed
  2. Maxbotix resolution bug fixed

Flood Sensor Firmware for CubeCell Dev-board plus - First Release

15 Nov 20:49
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Tested the beta release, and patched duty-cycle update bugs.

New Features:

  1. fw_ver is added to the CFG update. The firmware version set using this variable is a constant and can be modified only on a flash.
  2. sensor_statedefines the state of the sensor operation. Three possible states are:
  • Start Sensing
  • Stop Sensing, CFG packets are uplinks
  • Reset, uses the watchdog timer to soft reset the MCU
  1. CFG state has a duty cycle of 10s, for convenience in the field during deployments
  2. After every state change, the uplink packet is the new CFG and is updated after every state change including reset (doesn't work with resets due to brownouts).


  1. TX_INTERVAL is the sensor_sleep, and units are seconds
  2. appTxDutyCycle is the current duty cycle - varies based on state, and is in milliseconds.

Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.0.1

Flood Sensor - CubeCell Dev Board Plus

15 Nov 18:44
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The latest sensor uses the CubeCell HTCC-AB02 development board as its MCU. The previous main branch is moved to Feather-M0_LoRa-Radio and the CubeCell branch is now the new main.


09 Jun 19:31
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This is the updated library for the sensor to run on The Things Network v3


09 Jun 19:31
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This is the update library where serial mode is used for communication between sensor and the mcu

Maxbotix sensor serial mode - better accuracy

05 Apr 15:52
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Added Sensor CFG via uplink

11 Nov 22:42
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Merge pull request #10 from floodsense/sensor_cfg

Sensor cfg