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flkeysgeek committed May 24, 2017
1 parent d99dc14 commit 755cb46
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Showing 138 changed files with 186,175 additions and 0 deletions.
604 changes: 604 additions & 0 deletions js/EASY.dom.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

7,326 changes: 7,326 additions & 0 deletions js/EZadvanced.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

5,879 changes: 5,879 additions & 0 deletions js/EZbase.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

6,442 changes: 6,442 additions & 0 deletions js/EZbase_min.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

12,701 changes: 12,701 additions & 0 deletions js/EZbasic.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

393 changes: 393 additions & 0 deletions js/EZbasicUtils.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
checkOptions(pOptions, pChoices)
Look for specific option choice(s) in the options string. Both options and choices
use commas to seperate multiple individual options.
options valid options (e.g. "filter,editsingle,alt")
choices check if any?? or all?? of choices in options (e.g. alt,url,image)
True if at least one choice is contained in options
False if none of the choice(s) are found
EZcheckOptions('filter,editsingle,alt','alt,url,image') returns true ???
EZcheckOptions('pam,tom,sandy,larry','pam') returns true
function EZcheckOptions(pOptions, pChoices)
if (!pOptions || !pChoices) return false;
var inputOpts = "," + pOptions + ",";
inputOpts = inputOpts.toLowerCase();

var searchOpts = pChoices.toLowerCase();
var str;
var pos;

//----- For each desired choice ...
while ( !searchOpts == "" )
str = searchOpts;
pos = str.indexOf(",");
if (pos == 0)
searchOpts = str.substring(pos+1); //strip comma
} else if (pos > 0)
searchOpts = str.substring(pos+1);
str = str.substring(0,pos);
} else
{// no commaa
searchOpts = "";
// check for this choice
if (inputOpts.indexOf("," + str + ",") >= 0) return true;
if (inputOpts.indexOf("," + str + "=") >= 0) return true;
return false;
Return specified option value from the snippet (or null if option not found)
function EZgetOptionValue(optionName, snippet)
var optStr = unescape(snippet);
var optStrBeg = "<%-- Option:" + optionName + "="; // EZ.const.begLine;
var optStrEnd = "--%>"; // EZ.const.endComment;
var optPosBeg = optStr.indexOf(optStrBeg);
var optPosEnd = optStr.indexOf(optStrEnd, optPosBeg);

if(optPosBeg == -1 || optPosEnd == -1)
return null;

optStr = optStr.substring(optPosBeg + optStrBeg.length, optPosEnd);
return EZtrim(optStr);

EZGetOptionValue = EZgetOptionValue;
Looks for a key=value in the options string and returns the value portion.
(clone of getValue in EZTagSupport)
options - String searched for key=value
key - Key to find in options string
Associated value when key is found, otherwise returns blank string
function EZgetOption(pOptions, pKey, defaultValue)
var pos, str, keyEqual;
if (!pOptions) pOptions = '';
if (typeof defaultValue == 'undefined') defaultValue = '';

//----- Search for key=
keyEqual = pKey + "=";
str = "," + pOptions;
pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf( keyEqual.toLowerCase() );

if (pos == -1) // key not found
str = defaultValue;
//----- Keep everything after = up to ,
str = pOptions.substring(pos + keyEqual.length - 1);
pos = str.indexOf(",");
if (pos >= 0) str = str.substring( 0, pos ); // value
//----- For backward compatibility: only map to true or false
// if defaultValue specified as boolean type
if (typeof defaultValue == 'boolean')
str = EZistrue(str)
return str;
EZgetoption = EZgetOption;
Looks for a key = value string in the input string and returns the value portion.
options String to be searched
key Key searching for in options
If key is found, the associated value is returned, otherwise return blank string.
function EZgetKeyValue( pOptions, pKey)
var pos;
var str;
var keyEqual;

//----- Search for key=
keyEqual = pKey + "=";
str = "," + pOptions;
pos = str.toLowerCase().indexOf( keyEqual.toLowerCase() );

if (pos == -1) // key not found
str = "";
//----- Keep everything after =
str = pOptions.substring(pos + keyEqual.length - 1);
pos = str.indexOf(",");
if (pos >= 0) str = str.substring( 0, pos ); // value
return str;
Fast select options builder: initialize
function EZselectInit(selectElement,options)
var name = EZselectValidate(selectElement);
if (!name) return false;

// Create initial html for menu/list (i.e. <select...> tag
var html = '<select';
if (!options) options = {};

// get all attributes defined in surrent html tag
for (var i=0;i<selectElement.attributes.length;i++)
var attrName = selectElement.attributes[i].name;
var attrValue = selectElement.attributes[i].value;
if (options[attrName] != undefined)
attrValue = options[attrName];
if (attrName == 'type') continue;
html += ' ' + attrName + '="' + attrValue + '"';
html += '>\n';

// Mark this menu/list active
if (EZ.selectList == null)
EZ.selectList = {};

EZ.selectList[name] = {};
EZ.selectList[name].html = html;

// Add current options unless noclear specified (e.g. --select--, etc.)
// Sample noclear usage: EZrefreshModules()
if (EZcheckOptions(options,'noclear'))
for (var opt=0;opt<selectElement.options.length;opt++)
Fast select options builder: add option
function EZselectOption(selectElement, text, value, isSelected)
var name = EZselectValidate(selectElement, text, value);
if (!name) return false;

// add option to this active menu/list
var selected = '';
if (isSelected)
selected = ' selected';
EZ.selectList[name].selected = true;
var html = '<option value="' + value + '"' + selected + '>' + text + '</option>\n';

EZ.selectList[name].html += html;
return true;
Fast select options builder: save into selectElement
function EZselectSave(selectElement)
var name = EZselectValidate(selectElement);
if (!name) return false;

// add </select> if not already added
var html = EZ.selectList[name].html;
if (html.indexOf('selected>') == -1)
html = html.replace(/>/,' selected>');
html += '</select>'

//dw.log('name', html);
selectElement.outerHTML = html;

// Mark this menu/list complete
delete EZ.selectList[name];
return true;
function EZselectValidate(selectElement,text,value)
var prefix = 'EZselect: menu/list HTML element ';
if (!selectElement)
return EZwarn(prefix + 'not specified.');

var name = ||;
if (!name)
return EZwarn(prefix + 'does not have name or id.');

if (!EZ.selectList || !EZ.selectList[name])
var msg = prefix + ' name('+name+') unknown;\n';
if (text) msg += '(text=' + text + ')\n';
if (value) msg += '(value=' + value + ')\n';
msg += '\n'
+ 'EZselectInit() may not be called properly OR\n'
+ 'EZselectSave() called before this option added';
return EZwarn(msg);
return name;
Clear a list by setting all options to null. Setting length does not do the job.
function EZclearList(theList,options)
theList = EZgetEl(theList);
if (theList == null)
return EZwarn(theList,'EZclearList: Invalid menu/list');

if (EZcheckOptions(options,'fastclear'))
el.innerHTML = '';
return true;

// clear current list
if (!EZcheckOptions(options,'noclear'))
for(var i=theList.options.length-1;i>-1;i--)
theList.options[i] = null;
theList.options.length = 0

// setup html if fastselect
if (EZcheckOptions(options,'fastselect'))
return true;
Remove a drop down or list option
Input Parameters
listObject Down down or list object
opt Index of select option to be removed
function EZselectOptionRemove(listObject, opt)
if (typeof listObject != 'object') return

var selectedIndex = listObject.selectedIndex;

var len = listObject.options.length
if (opt < 0 || opt >= len) return

if (opt < len-1)
for(var i=opt;i<len-1;i++)
listObject.options[i].text = listObject.options[i+1].text
listObject.options[i].value = listObject.options[i+1].value
listObject.options[len-1] = null
if (listObject.options.length == len)
listObject.options.length --

if (selectedIndex >= listObject.options.length)
if (listObject.options.length)
listObject.selectedIndex = listObject.options.length-1;
listObject.options[listObject.selectedIndex].selected = true;
else if (selectedIndex == opt)
listObject.options[selectedIndex].selected = false;
else if (selectedIndex > opt)
listObject.options[selectedIndex-1].selected = true;
Set dropdown or list option
Input Parameters
listObject Down down or list object
text Text displayed for option
value option value
selected =true always select new option; =false never select
='noselection' select if nothing yet selected
function EZselectOptionAdd(listObject, text, value, selected, options)
if (typeof listObject != 'object') return
if (!options) options = '';
if (EZcheckOptions(options,'fastselect'))
EZselectOption(listObject, text, value, selected);

var opt = listObject.options.length //add and select record id

//----- Don't know why but setting value at same time as defining option causes
// dropdown box to be hidden therefore DO NOT use the following form
// listObject.options[opt] = new Option(text,value);
listObject.options[opt] = new Option(text);
listObject.options[opt].value = value;

if (selected == 'true' || selected == true)
listObject.options[opt].selected = true;

if (selected == 'noselection' && listObject.selectedIndex == -1)
listObject.options[opt].selected = true;
populate dropdown list using fastselect strategy
selectElement object of element list to populate;
items array of options added to selectElement
defaultSelection value of selected item
TODO: fix to preserve select properties
function EZdisplayDropdown(selectElement, items, defaultSelection)
var fastselect = 'window.dw.isNotDW'.ov(true) ? '' : 'fastselect';

selectElement = EZgetEl(selectElement);
if (selectElement == null) return;

items = items || [];
EZclearList(selectElement, fastselect);
if (items.length > 0)
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++)
var text = items[i];
var value = text;
var selected = (text == defaultSelection);
EZselectOptionAdd(selectElement, text, value, selected,fastselect);
if (fastselect) EZselectSave(selectElement);
return selectElement;

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