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Releases: flawiddsouza/Restfox


22 Apr 12:02
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What's New

  • Electron: Allow native wayland options to support HiDPI screens that are using fractional scaling (snap builds) (#116)
  • CodeMirror 6 components > show selection highlighting when ctrl+d is used to select the next match for the selected text
  • Plugin > adds atob
  • Plugin > changes quickjs from sync to asyncify build for improved async support
  • Plugin > adds helper methods for base64 & arraybuffer
  • Plugin > ability to import esm module using urls
  • Plugin > adds fetchSync to make http requests from a plugin
  • Adds a references button that shows all the docs related to Plugins in a context menu for easy access, at the top right of Request Panel > Script & Plugin Edit Modal
  • Plugin editors > adds auto completion for rf.arraybuffer.*, rf.base64.*, fetchSync & readFile (if desktop)


  • Alert confirm prompt dialog > long unbroken text causes overflow
  • DNS resolution fails for localhost domains ending with .test
  • Plugin > now query params can be pushed to and set, as raised in issue #110
  • CodeMirrorEditor > basic language autocompletion was not working

New Contributors


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.10.1...v0.11.0


08 Apr 06:33
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  • vite build changed the string process.env to {} breaking .env support for file workspace


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.10.1


07 Apr 19:57
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What's New

  • Tab Bar > Tab > Right Click > Move to New Window
  • add support for portable package for Windows
  • File Workspace > .env support for secrets


  • Added path parameter parser for Open API spec file imports (#115)


  • Saving plugin after changing scope of an existing plugin from current workspace to global or vice versa does not refresh the ui + other related issues (fixes #111)

New Contributors


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.9.1...v0.10.0


02 Apr 13:56
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  • Folder Properties > valid env vars don't resolve in auth and header inputs
  • Folder > Headers > disabled headers are included in the request
  • Folder > Headers > env vars don't get substituted in the request


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1


02 Apr 06:33
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What's New

  • Request Panel > Script tab for pre request and post request script
  • Improved plugin syntax
  • Request Panel > Renamed "Description" to "Docs" and added markdown preview (closes #33)
  • Plugin > alert(message)
  • Plugin > adds readFile(path) for reading a given file path to string
  • Auto complete for plugin methods in Plugin Edit Modal & Request Panel > Script > Pre Request + Post Request
  • 1.3 MB bundle size reduction thanks to the new version of quickjs-emscripten-core
  • Folder Properties > option to set headers & auth for all requests under that folder


  • Request Panel > Address Bar > Multiple equal signs in url query params don't sync correctly to parameters - all data after equal sign is missing if there is more than one equal sign
  • Plugin > setEnvironmentVariable doesn't update the environment object used by the request
  • Response Panel > Request > long text overflows container and causes horizontal scroll - now it gets wrapped


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0


29 Mar 12:07
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What's New

  • Add toggle for iframe sandbox (#107)


  • File Workspace > deleteResponsesByIds was erroring out as it wasn't receiving the collectionId for the responses it was supposed to delete + getResponsesByCollectionId responses order was incorrect and wasn't ordered by createdAt desc
  • File Workspace > Socket > client.messages for one client is undefined (not sure how this can happen but if it happens, this will take care of it)
  • Request Panel > syncing url query params between the Address Bar + Query tab

New Contributors


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.8.0

v0.7.1 (File Workspaces Hotfix)

27 Mar 07:38
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  • Duplicate Workspace > Include Response History > reading body of undefined error - when duplicating response history into a file workspace + also handle error when duplicate a workspace fails - ui shouldn't get stuck showing "Duplicating..." when a workspace duplication fails + createCollections was missing file serialization for file workspace causing all File objects to become {}
  • Sidebar > Duplicate Collection Item > Any binary bodies present in the collection item are lost after duplication
  • File Workspace > Duplicate Workspace fails with "Error occurred in handler for 'getResponsesByCollectionId': Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read" - this is due to us trying to get responses for all collection ids, which means we're also including collection ids that are folders - this won't cause an issue on indexeddb but here we need to handle it
  • File Workspace > renamed socket name, but the messages file is not renamed (fixes #103)


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1

v0.7.0 (Introducing File Workspaces)

26 Mar 13:17
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This release marks the introduction of file workspaces, which allows you to now have your workspaces in your filesystem without having to keep the data in Restfox. This way you can add your restfox workspaces into git or sync them using a syncing solution of your choice like dropbox or google drive.

Note: This feature is only available to users that use the desktop builds and will not be available on docker or due to limitations of the web technology at the moment.

What's New

  • Workspace > In Filesystem (Git Friendly)
  • Workspace > Tab Bar > Ability to scroll through the overflowing tabs using your mouse wheel
  • If a 2nd instance of Restfox is opened > show error message "Another instance of the app is already running" and then maximize & refocus the 1st instance
  • Sidebar > Collection Item > Properties > option to change parent folder (completes #97)
  • Response Panel > Show the sent body in the request tab for multipart/form-data using the saved request data
  • Pressing enter in collection item properties > name now saves the item and closes the modal
  • Import Modal > While importing a large collection, block the import modal buttons & inputs + block closing the modal until the whole export has been imported
  • Duplicate collection item will now also duplicate plugins attached to the collection items
  • Duplicate workspace will now also duplicate plugins attached to the collection items & the workspace
  • Sidebar > button to collapse all open folders
  • Duplicate Workspace > Provide checkbox to duplicate response history as well (checked by default)


  • Environment Modal > long workspace title makes the after-title contents of the modal wrap down - which does not look good - this makes it so the h3 wraps instead + also center (vertical) aligns the modal title - generally it seems the title remains centered (vertical) in other modals as there's no after-title content - only environment modal seems to be affected
  • Only disable hardware acceleration for linux snap instead of the whole of linux - as colors rendered with disableHardwareAcceleration are very dull compared to the colors rendered without it (the bright coloring when hardware acceleration is enabled matches how the app looks on chrome on linux)
  • Request Panel > Body > Binary File + Multipart Form > can't easily clear selected file/s after restore from saved data - so adding a clear button (otherwise there's no way to clear the file, without selecting another file, then opening choose file again and cancelling it)
  • fetch fails with "Error: terminated" (issue seems to already be resolved at nodejs/undici#2603) - undici is what node's fetch uses behind the scenes - updating to the latest version of undici fixes the issue
  • Url query params get messed up due to incorrect conversion of url search params (url request goes through fine after pasting the url with query params but on reloading app, the url's query params are different from what were initially there - this also effects the conversion in Query tab)
  • Duplicate workspace doesn't duplicate the workspace environments + environment + currentEnvironment
  • Sidebar > When double click renaming a request / socket item, you cannot drag select text - it will just drag the whole item, so we block the dragging when an item is being double click renamed


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0


12 Mar 03:19
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  • Duplicating a folder errors out with "TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting '...')"


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1


10 Mar 06:25
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What's New

  • Sidebar > on active tab, auto expand parent folder in sidebar if collapsed before scrolling the active tab's collection item into view
  • Replace all browser native confirm('Are you sure?') calls with in ui confirm dialog to avoid cross platform design changes + fixes #96
  • Replace all browser native alert calls with approriate toasts to avoid cross platform design changes + fixes #96
  • Electron > add a right-click context menu to the app, includes options to copy, paste, select all etc


  • Import > Insomnium export fails to import because of the new unit_test_suite type
  • Remove clear collection button from workspace nav, as it takes too much space + it's not very useful + it's not correctly implemented (currently it doesn't delete all related resources) - it was originally added during development to quickly clear a workspace for testing - unless someone asks for it, it's not required
  • "Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: undefined is not valid JSON" when opening workspace environment modal
  • Electron > open links with target="_blank" in an external browser instead of in the app
  • Electron > blacked out select dropdowns + freezes, mostly when running the snap on ubuntu


For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:

sudo snap install restfox

For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:

brew install restfox

For Windows, the app can be installed using:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox

NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.

Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0