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Improve progress report calculation
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Now that we have access to the total extra-data download size,
we can have much more precise progress reports by summing up
all the download sizes from OSTree and extra-data.

This patch makes the progress report callback use the extra-data
sizes, as well as calculate the average size (in bytes) of the

  • Loading branch information
GeorgesStavracas authored and alexlarsson committed May 18, 2017
1 parent e7ad74c commit 6924658
Showing 1 changed file with 187 additions and 103 deletions.
290 changes: 187 additions & 103 deletions common/flatpak-utils.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5781,170 +5781,254 @@ get_metadata_progress (guint metadata_fetched,
if (total_metadata < 5)
return 1;

return (guint) 10 * (metadata_fetched / (gdouble) total_metadata);
return (guint) 5 * (metadata_fetched / (gdouble) total_metadata);

static inline guint
get_write_progress (guint outstanding_writes)
return (guint) (3 / (gdouble) outstanding_writes);
return outstanding_writes > 0 ? (guint) (3 / (gdouble) outstanding_writes) : 3;

static void
get_average_bytes_per_content_object (OstreeAsyncProgress *progress,
guint64 *fetched_content_bytes,
guint64 *total_content_bytes)
gint64 bytes_transferred, metadata_bytes, content_bytes;
gint fetched_metadata, outstanding_metadata, total_metadata;
gint total_deltas, fetched_deltas_size;
gint fetched_content = 0, total_content = 0;
gint fetched, total_fetches;

/* It would've been so much easier of OSTree just exposed all
* the progress report fields. All the following math is just
* the preparation for us to be able to do:
* average_bytes_per_object = downloaded content bytes / downloaded content objects

/* All objects */
fetched = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "fetched");
total_fetches = fetched + ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-fetches");

/* Metadata objects */
fetched_metadata = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "metadata-fetched");
outstanding_metadata = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-metadata-fetches");
total_metadata = fetched_metadata + outstanding_metadata;

/* Static deltas */
total_deltas = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "total-delta-parts")
+ ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "total-delta-fallbacks");
fetched_deltas_size = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "fetched-delta-part-size");

/* All the downloaded bytes, without the downloaded deltas */
metadata_bytes = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "last-metadata-bytes");
bytes_transferred = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "bytes-transferred");
bytes_transferred -= fetched_deltas_size;

/* While downloading metadata, store the currently downloaded size
* and don't report anything */
if (outstanding_metadata > 0 || metadata_bytes == 0)
/* Keep track of when OSTree started to download content objects */
ostree_async_progress_set_uint64 (progress, "last-metadata-bytes", bytes_transferred);

/* Finally, the content-related stuff */
content_bytes = bytes_transferred - metadata_bytes;
total_content = total_fetches - total_metadata - total_deltas;
fetched_content = fetched - fetched_metadata;

/* Only report content progress when there was content */
if (total_content > 0 && fetched_content > 0)
gdouble average_bytes;

average_bytes = content_bytes / (gdouble) fetched_content;

if (fetched_content_bytes)
*fetched_content_bytes = (guint64) content_bytes;

if (total_content_bytes)
*total_content_bytes = (guint64) total_content * average_bytes;

static void
format_downloaded_bytes (OstreeAsyncProgress *progress,
guint64 current_time,
gchar **out_transferred,
gchar **out_bytes_per_sec)
guint64 bytes_transferred = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "bytes-transferred");
guint64 elapsed_time =
(current_time - ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "start-time")) / G_USEC_PER_SEC;
guint64 bytes_sec = (elapsed_time > 0) ? bytes_transferred / elapsed_time : 0;
gchar *formatted_bytes_transferred =
g_format_size_full (bytes_transferred, 0);
gchar *formatted_bytes_sec = NULL;

if (!bytes_sec) // Ignore first second
formatted_bytes_sec = g_strdup ("-");
formatted_bytes_sec = g_format_size (bytes_sec);

*out_transferred = formatted_bytes_transferred;
*out_bytes_per_sec = formatted_bytes_sec;

static void
progress_cb (OstreeAsyncProgress *progress, gpointer user_data)
FlatpakProgressCallback progress_cb = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (progress), "callback");
guint last_progress = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (progress), "last_progress"));
g_autofree gchar *formatted_bytes_sec;
g_autofree gchar *formatted_bytes_transferred;
GString *buf;
g_autofree char *status = NULL;
guint outstanding_fetches;
guint outstanding_delta_fetches;
guint outstanding_metadata_fetches;
guint outstanding_writes;
guint n_scanned_metadata;
guint fetched_delta_parts;
guint total_delta_parts;
guint64 bytes_transferred;
guint64 fetched_delta_part_size;
guint64 total_delta_part_size;
guint outstanding_extra_data;
guint64 total_extra_data_bytes;
guint64 transferred_extra_data_bytes;
guint fetched;
guint64 total;
guint64 total_transferred;
guint metadata_fetched;
guint requested;
guint64 current_time;
guint64 fetched_content_bytes;
guint64 total_content_bytes;
guint new_progress = 0;
gboolean estimating = FALSE;
gboolean downloading_extra_data;

buf = g_string_new ("");

/* The heuristic here goes as follows:
* - If we have delta files, grow up to 45%
* - Else:
* - While fetching metadata, grow up to 10%
* - Then, while fetch the file objects, grow up to:
* - 45% if we have extra data to download
* - 90% otherwise
* - Writing the objects goes from 52% to 55%, or 97% to 100%
* - Extra data, if present, will go from 55% to 100%
* - While fetching metadata, grow up to 5%
* - Download goes up to 97%
* - Writing objects adds the last 3%
* Meaning of each variable:
* Status:
* - status: only sent by OSTree when the pull ends (with or without an error)
* Fetches:
* - fetched: sum of content + metadata fetches
* - requested: sum of requested content and metadata fetches
* - bytes_transferred: every and all tranferred data (in bytes)
* - metadata_fetched: the number of fetched metadata objects
* - outstanding_fetches: missing fetches (metadata + content + deltas)
* - outstanding_delta_fetches: missing delta-only fetches
* - outstanding_metadata_fetches: missing metadata-only fetches
* - fetched_content_bytes: the estimated downloaded size of content (in bytes)
* - total_content_bytes: the estimated total size of content, based on average bytes per object (in bytes)
* Writes:
* - outstanding_writes: all missing writes (sum of outstanding content, metadata and delta writes)
* Static deltas:
* - total_delta_part_size: the total size (in bytes) of static deltas
* - fetched_delta_part_size: the size (in bytes) of already fetched static deltas
* Extra data:
* - total_extra_data_bytes: the sum of all extra data file sizes (in bytes)
* - downloading_extra_data: whether extra-data files are being downloaded or not

buf = g_string_new ("");

status = ostree_async_progress_get_status (progress);
outstanding_fetches = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-fetches");
outstanding_delta_fetches = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "total-delta-parts")
+ ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "total-delta-fallbacks")
- ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "fetched-delta-parts")
- ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "fetched-delta-fallbacks");
outstanding_metadata_fetches = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-metadata-fetches");
outstanding_writes = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-writes");
n_scanned_metadata = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "scanned-metadata");
fetched_delta_parts = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "fetched-delta-parts");
total_delta_parts = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "total-delta-parts");
fetched_delta_part_size = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "fetched-delta-part-size");
total_delta_part_size = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "total-delta-part-size");
bytes_transferred = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "bytes-transferred");
outstanding_extra_data = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "outstanding-extra-data");
total_extra_data_bytes = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "total-extra-data-bytes");
transferred_extra_data_bytes = ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "transferred-extra-data-bytes");
downloading_extra_data = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "downloading-extra-data");
fetched = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "fetched");
metadata_fetched = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "metadata-fetched");
requested = ostree_async_progress_get_uint (progress, "requested");
current_time = g_get_monotonic_time ();
fetched_content_bytes = 0;
total_content_bytes = 0;

if (status && !downloading_extra_data)
g_string_append (buf, status);

/* The status is sent on error or when the pull is finished */
new_progress = outstanding_extra_data ? 55 : 100;
else if (outstanding_fetches && !downloading_extra_data)
guint64 elapsed_time =
(current_time - ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "start-time")) / G_USEC_PER_SEC;
guint64 bytes_sec = (elapsed_time > 0) ? bytes_transferred / elapsed_time : 0;
g_autofree char *formatted_bytes_transferred =
g_format_size_full (bytes_transferred, 0);
g_autofree char *formatted_bytes_sec = NULL;

if (!bytes_sec) // Ignore first second
formatted_bytes_sec = g_strdup ("-");
formatted_bytes_sec = g_format_size (bytes_sec);

if (total_delta_parts > 0)
g_autofree char *formatted_total =
g_format_size (total_delta_part_size);
g_string_append_printf (buf, "Receiving delta parts: %u/%u %s/s %s/%s",
fetched_delta_parts, total_delta_parts,
formatted_bytes_sec, formatted_bytes_transferred,
/* Estimate the downloaded content size through average */
get_average_bytes_per_content_object (progress, &fetched_content_bytes, &total_content_bytes);

total = total_extra_data_bytes + total_delta_part_size + total_content_bytes;
total_transferred = transferred_extra_data_bytes + fetched_delta_part_size + fetched_content_bytes;

/* When we have delta files, no metadata is fetched */
if (outstanding_extra_data > 0)
new_progress = (52 * bytes_transferred) / total_delta_part_size;
new_progress = (97 * bytes_transferred) / total_delta_part_size;
else if (outstanding_metadata_fetches)
/* At this point we don't really know how much data there is, so we have to make a guess.
* Since its really hard to figure out early how much data there is we report 1% until
* all objects are scanned. */
current_time = g_get_monotonic_time ();

estimating = TRUE;
/* User-readable strings */
format_downloaded_bytes (progress, current_time, &formatted_bytes_transferred, &formatted_bytes_sec);

g_string_append_printf (buf, "Receiving metadata objects: %u/(estimating) %s/s %s",
metadata_fetched, formatted_bytes_sec, formatted_bytes_transferred);
/* When we receive the status, it means that the ostree pull operation is
* finished. We only have to be careful about the extra-data fields. */
if (status && !downloading_extra_data)
g_string_append (buf, status);

/* Go up to 10% until the metadata is all fetched */
new_progress = get_metadata_progress (metadata_fetched, outstanding_metadata_fetches);
if (outstanding_extra_data == 0)
new_progress = 100;
g_string_append_printf (buf, "Receiving objects: %u%% (%u/%u) %s/s %s",
(guint) ((((double) fetched) / requested) * 100),
fetched, requested, formatted_bytes_sec, formatted_bytes_transferred);
new_progress = 5 + ((total - total_extra_data_bytes) / (gdouble) total) * 95;

if (outstanding_extra_data)
new_progress = 10 + (42 * (double) fetched) / requested;
new_progress = 10 + (87 * (double) fetched) / requested;
goto out;
else if (outstanding_extra_data && downloading_extra_data)

if (outstanding_metadata_fetches > 0)
guint64 elapsed_time =
(current_time - ostree_async_progress_get_uint64 (progress, "start-time-extra-data")) / G_USEC_PER_SEC;
guint64 bytes_sec = (elapsed_time > 0) ? transferred_extra_data_bytes / elapsed_time : 0;
g_autofree char *formatted_bytes_transferred =
g_format_size_full (transferred_extra_data_bytes, 0);
g_autofree char *formatted_bytes_sec = NULL;
/* At this point we don't really know how much data there is, so we have to make a guess.
* Since its really hard to figure out early how much data there is we report 1% until
* all objects are scanned. */

if (!bytes_sec) // Ignore first second
formatted_bytes_sec = g_strdup ("-");
formatted_bytes_sec = g_format_size (bytes_sec);
estimating = TRUE;

g_string_append_printf (buf, "Downloading extra data: %u%% (%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "/%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ") %s/s %s",
(guint) ((((double) transferred_extra_data_bytes) / total_extra_data_bytes) * 100),
transferred_extra_data_bytes, total_extra_data_bytes, formatted_bytes_sec, formatted_bytes_transferred);
g_string_append_printf (buf, "Receiving metadata objects: %u/(estimating) %s/s %s",
metadata_fetched, formatted_bytes_sec, formatted_bytes_transferred);

/* Once we reach here, at least 55% of the data was fetched */
new_progress = 55 + (guint) (45 * ((double) transferred_extra_data_bytes) / total_extra_data_bytes);
/* Go up to 5% until the metadata is all fetched */
new_progress = get_metadata_progress (metadata_fetched, outstanding_metadata_fetches);
else if (outstanding_writes)
g_string_append_printf (buf, "Writing objects: %u", outstanding_writes);
/* This is the very specific case where we're downloading static deltas
* and nothing else. We can use bytes_transferred in this case, instead
* of fetched_delta_part_size.
* The reason for that is that fetched_delta_part_size is only updated
* after a delta object is fully downloaded, causing jumps in the progress.
if (outstanding_delta_fetches == outstanding_fetches)
total_transferred = bytes_transferred + transferred_extra_data_bytes;

/* Writing the objects advances 3% of progress */
new_progress = outstanding_extra_data ? 52 : 97;
/* The download progress goes up to 97% */
new_progress = 5 + ((total_transferred / (gdouble) total) * 92);

/* And the writing of the objects adds 3% to the progress */
new_progress += get_write_progress (outstanding_writes);
g_string_append_printf (buf, "Scanning metadata: %u", n_scanned_metadata);

g_string_append_printf (buf, "Downloading: %u%% (%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "/%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT ") %s/s %s",
(guint) new_progress,

if (new_progress < last_progress)
new_progress = last_progress;
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (progress), "last_progress", GUINT_TO_POINTER (new_progress));
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