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ttpnav is a Python library that simplifies navigating MITRE ATT&CK data, enabling users to effortlessly retrieve comprehensive information about specific techniques with a single query. It provides details on mitigations, detections, procedure examples, groups, and related software/tools, streamlining cybersecurity analysis.


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A package to navigate MITRE ATT&CK data easily.

The inspiration of this Python library is to give users the ability to effortlessly comb through associated items with 1 query, instead of having to make the associations manually.

If a user wants to get information regarding a specific technique, then the user simply needs to use the MITRE Attack ID of the desired technique and all available MITRE CTI information will be available regarding that technique. This includes mitigations, detections, procedure examples, groups using the technique and software/tools using the technique.

Note: Some queries can take 1-2 minutes to complete.


To use this package, install the ttpnav Python library with pip:

pip install ttpnav

Data Models

Shared Keys

All objects should have the below shared data structure.

Type                            :       type
Spec Version                    :       spec_version
STIX ID                         :       id
Created by Reference            :       created_by_ref
Created                         :       created
Modified                        :       modified
Revoked                         :       revoked
External References             :       external_references
Object Marking References       :       object_marking_refs
Name                            :       name
Description                     :       description
MITRE Attack Spec Version       :       x_mitre_attack_spec_version
MITRE Domains                   :       x_mitre_domains
MITRE Modified by References    :       x_mitre_modified_by_ref
MITRE Shortname                 :       x_mitre_shortname
MITRE Version                   :       x_mitre_version
MITRE Attack ID                 :       external_id

Some objects have additional items that can be referenced. These will be outlined below. The structure of the data allows users to get all associated entities to the item(s) they queried for. The associated data will be extended via additional dictionaries.

Parent Technique(s)

Mitigations                     :       mitigations (dict)
Detections                      :       detections (dict)
Procedure Examples              :       procedureExamples (dict)
Created by Reference            :       created_by_ref
Groups                          :       groups (dict)
Software                        :       softwares (dict)
Kill Chain Phases               :       kill_chain_phases
Is Subtechnique                 :       x_mitre_is_subtechnique
MITRE Platforms                 :       x_mitre_platforms
MITRE Remote Support            :       x_mitre_remote_support
Parent MITRE ATtack             :       parent_external_id (will be None)


Mitigations                     :       mitigations (dict)
Detections                      :       detections (dict)
Procedure Examples              :       procedureExamples (dict)
Created by Reference            :       created_by_ref
Groups                          :       groups (dict)
Software                        :       softwares (dict)
Kill Chain Phases               :       kill_chain_phases
Is Subtechnique                 :       x_mitre_is_subtechnique
MITRE Platforms                 :       x_mitre_platforms
MITRE Remote Support            :       x_mitre_remote_support
Parent MITRE ATtack             :       parent_external_id (will be None)


Uses Shared Keys


Uses Shared Keys

Procedure Example(s)

Relationship Type               :       relationship_type
Source Reference                :       source_ref
Target Reference                :       target_ref


Relationship Type               :       relationship_type
Source Reference                :       source_ref
Target Reference                :       target_ref

Tool(s) / Software

Techniques                      :       technuiques
Groups                          :       groups
Labels                          :       labels

Usage / Examples

Get Tactics (All)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    tactics = mitre_data.get_tactics()
    for tactic in tactics:
            print(f"Tactic Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {tactic.description}\n")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"External ID: {tactic.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Tactic Keys: {tactic.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Parent Techniques (All Parent Techniques)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    techniques = mitre_data.get_parent_techniques()
    for technique in techniques:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
        print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
        print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
        print(f"Associated Groups (dictionary): {technique.groups}")
        print(f"Associated Tools (dictionary): {technique.softwares}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
        print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        # To access the dictionaries of the technique
        # I only wrote examples of how to access the common dictionary items
        # Please explore the rest of the keys in "All Available Keys" to understand the available data
        for mitigation in technique.mitigations:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {mitigation.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {mitigation.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Mitigation Keys: {mitigation.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for detection in technique.detections:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {detection.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {detection.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Detection Keys: {detection.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for example in technique.procedureExamples:
            print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
            print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
            print(f"Description: {example.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for group in technique.groups:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Aliases: {group.aliases}")
            print(f"Description: {group.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {group.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Group Keys: {group.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for tool in technique.softwares:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {tool.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {tool.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Software Keys: {tool.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Subtechniques (All)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    subtechniques = mitre_data.get_subtechniques()
    for subtechnique in subtechniques:
        print(f"External ID: {subtechnique.external_id}")
        print(f"Subtechnique Keys: {subtechnique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        print(f"Parent ID: {subtechnique.parent_external_id}")
        # To access the dictionaries of the technique
        # I only wrote examples of how to access the common dictionary items
        # Please explore the rest of the keys in "All Available Keys" to understand the available data
        for mitigation in subtechnique.mitigations:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {mitigation.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {mitigation.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Mitigation Keys: {mitigation.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for detection in subtechnique.detections:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {detection.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {detection.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Detection Keys: {detection.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for example in subtechnique.procedureExamples:
            print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
            print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
            print(f"Description: {example.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for group in subtechnique.groups:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Aliases: {group.aliases}")
            print(f"Description: {group.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {group.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Group Keys: {group.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for tool in subtechnique.softwares:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {tool.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {tool.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Software Keys: {tool.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Technique (Singular)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    technique_id = "T1134" # Add in your own MITRE Attack ID Here
    technique = mitre_data.get_technique(technique_id)
    if technique:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
        print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
        print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
        print(f"Associated Groups (dictionary): {technique.groups}")
        print(f"Associated Tools (dictionary): {technique.softwares}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
        print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")

        # To access the dictionaries of the technique
        # I only wrote examples of how to access the common dictionary items
        # Please explore the rest of the keys in "All Available Keys" to understand the available data
        for mitigation in technique.mitigations:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {mitigation.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {mitigation.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Mitigation Keys: {mitigation.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for detection in technique.detections:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {detection.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {detection.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Detection Keys: {detection.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for example in technique.procedureExamples:
            print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
            print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
            print(f"Description: {example.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for group in technique.groups:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Aliases: {group.aliases}")
            print(f"Description: {group.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {group.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Group Keys: {group.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for tool in technique.softwares:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {tool.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {tool.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Software Keys: {tool.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Tools/Software (All)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    tools = mitre_data.get_tools()
    for tool in tools:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Description: {tool.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {tool.external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Tool Keys: {tool.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for group in tool.groups:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Aliases: {group.aliases}")
            print(f"Description: {group.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {group.external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Group Keys: {group.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        for technique in tool.techniques:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
            print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
            print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
            print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
            # Example of getting Procedure Examples from technique
            # The same method should be used for other dictionaries
            for example in technique.procedureExamples:
                print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
                print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
                print(f"Description: {example.description}")
                print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Tool/Software (Singular)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    tool_id = "S0039" # Add in your own MITRE Attack ID Here
    tool = mitre_data.get_tool(tool_id)  
    print(f"Name: {}")
    print(f"Description: {tool.description}")
    print(f"STIX ID: {}")
    print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {tool.external_id}")
    print(f"All Available Tool Keys: {tool.__dict__.keys()}\n")
    for group in tool.groups:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Aliases: {group.aliases}")
        print(f"Description: {group.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {group.external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Group Keys: {group.__dict__.keys()}\n")
    for technique in tool.techniques:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
        print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
        print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
        print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        # Example of getting Procedure Examples from technique
        # The same method should be used for other dictionaries
        for example in technique.procedureExamples:
            print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
            print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
            print(f"Description: {example.description}")
            print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Groups (All)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    groups = mitre_data.get_groups()
    for group in groups:
        print(f"Group: {}")
        print(f"Description: {group.description}")
        for technique in group.techniques:
            print(f"Name: {}")
            print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
            print(f"STIX ID: {}")
            print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
            print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
            print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
            print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
            print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
            print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
            # Example of getting Procedure Examples from technique
            # The same method should be used for other dictionaries
            for example in technique.procedureExamples:
                print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
                print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
                print(f"Description: {example.description}")
                print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Get Group (Singular)

from ttpnav import MitreData

def main():
    mitre_data = MitreData()
    group_id = "G0018" # Add in your own MITRE Attack ID Here
    group = mitre_data.get_group(group_id)
    print(f"Group: {}")
    print(f"Description: {group.description}")
    for technique in group.techniques:
        print(f"Name: {}")
        print(f"Description: {technique.description}")
        print(f"STIX ID: {}")
        print(f"Associated Mitigations (dictionary): {technique.mitigations}")
        print(f"Associated Detections (dictionary): {technique.detections}")
        print(f"Associated Procedure Examples (dictionary): {technique.procedureExamples}")
        print(f"MITRE Attack ID: {technique.external_id}")
        print(f"Parent Technique MITRE Attack ID: {technique.parent_external_id}")
        print(f"All Available Technique Keys: {technique.__dict__.keys()}\n")
        # Example of getting Procedure Examples from technique
        # The same method should be used for other dictionaries
        for example in technique.procedureExamples:
            print(f"Related Group/Tool MITRE Attack ID: {example.source_attack_id}")
            print(f"Relationship Type: {example.relationship_type}")
            print(f"Description: {example.description}")
            print(f"All Available Procedure Example Keys: {example.__dict__.keys()}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":


ttpnav is a Python library that simplifies navigating MITRE ATT&CK data, enabling users to effortlessly retrieve comprehensive information about specific techniques with a single query. It provides details on mitigations, detections, procedure examples, groups, and related software/tools, streamlining cybersecurity analysis.








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