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Projects: fieldtrip/fieldtrip

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Improve support for OPM data

Updated Feb 8, 2024

This project organizes the various code improvements for dealing with optically pumped magnetometer MEG data, including data from the FieldLine and Cerca systems.

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This includes various projects in the following areas of FieldTrip development :

  • Code refactoring and optimization
  • EEG and MEG data visualization
  • Continuous integration and testing

A recent independent review of the FieldTrip toolbox code revealed a number of suboptimal patterns in the code base that can be addressed to improve the quality, efficiency and maintainability of one of the most widely used EEG/MEG analysis tools. This project aims at refactoring parts of the algorithmic or visualization code. The goals are to reduce code duplication, make the use of private functions more consistent, improve consistency of the code behind the data visualisation functions. An alternative project is to make the existing regression testing more efficient and more accessible to all developers and contributors.

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Improve support for SimNIBS

Updated Jun 30, 2023

SimNIBS is a pipeline for segmenting, meshing and FEM forward model computations.

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This project serves to organize the various pieces of code (and documentation on the website) that we should clean up.

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FieldTrip performance improvements

Updated Jan 11, 2023

This project aims to provide structure in the efforts to improve the performance of FieldTrip analyses. To achieve these improvements, the bottlenecks need to be identified, priorities to certain pieces of code need to be established, and strategies for speeding up computations need to be explored and implemented.

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This project is for the MATLAB for Neuroscience Summer Project with the aim to implement test scripts for all module functions (preprocessing, plotting, connectivity, etc), to review, improve and document the interface with EEGLAB and to improve handling of artifacts for EEG data.

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This project is for the MATLAB for Neuroscience Summer Project with the aim to implement test scripts for all main functions (those that take a cfg), to review the integration with SPM, to implement and document the interface with LIMO for more powerful statistics.

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source modeling

Updated Aug 15, 2022

Work on issues related to improving the source modeling and reconstruction code.