📍 Get to know the weather anywhere in the world 🌎
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This project has as its main goal to show weather conditions from anywhere in the world. The app uses colors, images and animations to make visualization of the information easier. The colors of the interfaces and icons change in accordance with local time and weather.
The app communicates with OpenWeather's API to gather climate information. The search for other geolocations is achieved with GCP's Geocoding API
- Shows weather conditions of the user's location.
- Shows weather conditions of a searched location.
- Shows information of: temperature, wind speed and humidity.
- React Native (Expo Managed Workflow)
- Expo Location
- Lottie
- Axios
- Reanimated V2
- React Navigation
- Context API
- Jest
- Testing Library
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/fhugoduarte/myWeather.git
- Install packages
yarn install
- Create a new .env file on the root project and copy the .env.example file content.
Generate a Google Cloud Platform key.
Add the key on .env file.
SignUp in OpenWeather and generate an API key.
Add the key on .env file.
Run the expo project and generate a QrCode.
yarn start
- Download ExpoGo app on your device
- Scan the QrCode on your phone.
- iOS: Scan the QrCode with the device camera.
- Android: Scan the QrCode with the ExpoGo app.