Project details can be found here.
As an overview, ProjectMetis seeks to host the following functionality:
- Ability to create arbitrary tasks with defined inputs and outputs using Python
- Ability to chain tasks into a queue, handling dependencies transparently
- Failure handling (where appropriate)
Concrete things that ProjectMetis can do:
- Submission of arbitrary CMSSW jobs on a dataset (or list of files) to condor
- A dataset could be a published DBS dataset, a directory (containing files), or a dataset published on DIS
- Arbitrary CMSSW jobs include CMS4
- Submit arbitrary "bash" jobs to condor
- Coupled with the above, this facilitates babymaking
- By chaining a set of CMSSW tasks, can go from LHE to MINIAOD quite elegantly
In the process of fulfilling the above, ProjetMetis exposes some nice standalone API for:
, etc.- CRAB job submission/monitoring
- DIS integration (i.e., queries to internal SNT database, MCM, PhEDEx, DBS)
- Checkout this repository
- Set up environment via
. Note that this doesn't overwrite an existing CMSSW environment if you already have one
- SNTSample in principle allows anyone to update the sample on DIS. We don't want this for "central" samples, so rework this
- We have all the ingredients to replicate CRAB submission/status functionality, so do it
- Add more TODOs
Unit tests will be written in test/
following the convention of appending
to the class which it tests.
Workflow tests will also be written in test/
following the convention of prepending test_
to the name, e.g.,
To run all unit tests, execute the following from this project directory:
python -m unittest discover -p "*"
To run all workflow tests, execute:
python -m unittest discover -p "test_*.py"
To run all tests, execute:
python -m unittest discover -s test -p "*.py"
To submit CMS4 jobs on a dataset, literally just need the dataset name, a pset, and a tarred up CMSSW environment.
Here's a quick preview, but there are more use case examples in examples/
import time
from Sample import DBSSample
from CMSSWTask import CMSSWTask
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Do stuff, sleep, do stuff, sleep, etc.
for i in range(100):
task = CMSSWTask(
sample = DBSSample(
open_dataset = False,
events_per_output = 450e3,
output_name = "merged_ntuple.root",
tag = "CMS4_V00-00-03",
global_tag = "",
pset = "",
pset_args = "data=True prompt=True",
cmssw_version = "CMSSW_9_2_1",
tarfile = "/nfs-7/userdata/libCMS3/lib_CMS4_V00-00-03_workaround.tar.gz",
is_data = True,
# Do pretty much everything
# - get list of files (or new files that have appeared)
# - chunk inputs to construct outputs
# - submit jobs to condor
# - resubmit jobs that fail
# Get a nice json summary of files, event counts,
# condor job resubmissions, log file locations, etc.
# and push it to a web area (with dashboard goodies)
StatsParser(data=total_summary, webdir="~/public_html/dump/metis_test/").do()
# 1 hr power nap so we wake up refreshed
# and ready to process some more data
# Since everything is backed up, totally OK to Ctrl+C and pick up later