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Finite Element Multiphysics PARallel solvers

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FEMPAR is a scientific software for the simulation of problems governed by partial differential equations (PDEs). It provides a set of state-of-the-art numerical discretizations, including finite element methods, discontinuous Galerkin methods, XFEM, and spline-based functional spaces. The library was originally designed to efficiently exploit distributed-memory supercomputers and easily handle multiphysics problems. It also provides a set of highly scalable numerical linear algebra solvers based on multilevel domain decomposition for the systems of equations that arise from PDE discretizations. Some applications of FEMPAR include the simulation of metal additive manufacturing processes, superconductor devices, breeding blankets in fusion reactors, and nuclear waste repositories.

Software design

For those who are interested on the design and rationale behind the mathematically-supported software abstractions in FEMPAR, a very through presentation is available at the following reference:

Santiago Badia, Alberto F. Martín and Javier Principe.
FEMPAR: An object-oriented parallel finite element framework.
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 25, 2 (2018), 195–271.
[ArXiv link] [DOI]

Tutorial-Driven Introduction

A very nice tutorial-driven introduction to the software library (v1.0.0) can be found at the following reference:

Santiago Badia, and Alberto F. Martín.
A tutorial-driven introduction to the parallel finite element library FEMPAR v1.0.0
Computer Physics Communications Volume 248, March 2020, 107059.
[ArXiv link] [DOI]


Quick Start

The quickest and easiest way to start with FEMPAR is using Docker. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers.

FEMPAR provides a Docker container with the required environment to compile the project source code and to run tutorials and tests. Click on this link for additional details.

Please, follow the steps below to compile FEMPAR using the Docker container:

# You must Sing up at to get your_username_at_dockerhub
$ sudo docker login --username=your_username_at_dockerhub
$ sudo docker pull fempar/fempar-env:gnu-debug_p4est-serial          # Get Docker image from Docker Hub
$ sudo docker run -ti fempar/fempar-env:gnu-debug_p4est-serial
$ WORKDIR=/data
$ git clone --recursive $SOURCES_DIR
# invokes CMake while setting up appropriate values for CMake variables
# run $SOURCES_DIR/Tools/configure -h to get an informative message on screen
$ $SOURCES_DIR/Tools/configure -s $SOURCES_DIR/SuperBuild -c GNU --without-tests 
$ make

If you are new to FEMPAR, the very first point to start with are the tutorial programs available at the official FEMPAR repository. After completing the previous compilation steps, you can compile and run FEMPAR tutorials with the following steps:

$ cmake -DFEMPAR_DIR=$FEMPAR_DIR -DFEMPAR_TUTORIAL=tutorial_01_poisson_sharp_circular_wave $SOURCES_DIR/Tutorials
$ make -j 4
$ bin/tutorial_01_poisson_sharp_circular_wave --help                              # get informative message on screen
$ bin/tutorial_01_poisson_sharp_circular_wave [optional command line arguments]   # execute the tutorial

This particular set of commands compiles the tutorial program named tutorial_01_poisson_sharp_circular_wave. You may use any of the tutorial names at $SOURCES_DIR/Tutorials as well. The main source code folder of each tutorial is supplied with the tutorial_invokation_examples file. This file contains command-line invokation examples of the corresponding tutorial, and thus is a good starting point to start playing with the tutorial.

At present, we only offer a reduced set of tutorial programs which show the usage of the most simple FEMPAR features. However, we plan in the near future to extend the current tutorial suite towards demonstration of the various aspects of the library.

In the meantime, you can also take a look at the serial and MPI-parallel test programs available at the official FEMPAR repository. While these programs go far beyond the current tutorial programs in exploiting many of the most advanced FEMPAR features, they are, though, not fully documented, so they are only recommended for advanced users. Test programs are compiled as a final stage of the compilation of FEMPAR. In order to activate the compilation of tests, you have to replace --without-tests by --with-tests in the steps above.

Native compilation

Compiler Vendor Support Notes
Compiler Full support
Compiler Full support

FEMPAR uses CMake as a portable compilation system.

Build Managgers Support Notes
Compiler Does not support fortran_tester
Compiler Full support

Native compilation is only recommended for experienced users. It requires to set up (configure, compile, install, etc) in your own all the mandatory (and optional) software dependencies required to deploy FEMPAR in your Desktop/Laptop or HPC cluster computing environment. This approach is not fully documented here yet. In the meantime, you may take a look at the Dockerfile recipes (1, 2, 3) which are used to create the fempar/fempar-env:gnu-debug_p4est-serial Docker image above in order to grasp how you may compile FEMPAR's dependencies on your Desktop/Laptop or HPC infrastructure.

We strongly recommend to use the configure script in $FEMPARDIR/Tools, where we assume hereafter that FEMPARDIR is an environment variable pointing to the path of the root directory of FEMPAR's git repository. Information of the script can be obtained by typing configure --help.

We also strongly recommend to use the module functionality, in order to easily switch between different compilers and compiler versions, and to automatically have a well-defined environment. Instructions to set up this functionality can be found here. For instance, the compilation of FEMPAR using the previous two functionalities using GNU compilers would read:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ module load gcc/8.2.0
$ $FEMPARDIR/Tools/configure -c GNU -s $FEMPARDIR/SuperBuild
$ make

Instead, for INTEL compilers, the last part would read:

$ module load ifc/19.0.0
$ $FEMPARDIR/Tools/configure -s $FEMPARDIR/SuperBuild
$ make

The compiler by default is the INTEL compiler. The tests are compiled unless otherwise stated with --without-tests. One driver can be included in the compilation by adding -d drivername.

For stubborn users that want not to take profit from the previous tools, a manual way to compile FEMPAR under Linux is (with compilation of tests included):

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ../fempar/SuperBuild -DFEMPAR_ENABLE_TESTS=ON
$ make

assuming that the right environment configuration is in place through, e.g., .bashrc. But this approach is prone to error when switching environments. Another approach is to directly include in the cmake call the right compilation flags and values (see one of the notes below).

In order to configure the compilation of a driver (right after the previous steps):

$ cd build
$ cmake . -DFEMPAR_DRIVER=driver_folder_name
$ make

In order to compile FEMPAR library and tests if the first block of commands has been executed:

$ cd build/FEMPAR
$ make -jP

with P being the number of parallel processes involved in the compilation

FEMPAR compiles with GNU Fortran compiler 5.3.0 (and newer versions) and Intel Fortran compiler 16.0.0 (and newer versions).

Run tests

In order to run the tests, we need the right environment. If we are relying on module functionalities, we must be sure that the required modules are load in the terminal in which we want to run the tests. It seems that the only module that has to be loaded is mkl, whereas the path to other dynamic libraries is hard-coded, e.g., openmpi. In any case, one can use the initialization suggested in the module manual and pre-load some modules in modulerc. Assuming the right environment is in place, to run all tests in fast mode, we just do:

$ cd build/FEMPAR
$ ctest -R fast -VV


$ cd build/FEMPAR
$ ctest -R test_name

to run a particular test.

Run drivers

Given a driver driver_name, to run it (assuming it has been compiled, see above), we do:

$ cd build/DRIVERS/driver_name/bin
$ mpirun -np P ./driver_name [options]

where P is the number of MPI processes to be used. Clearly, mpirun -np P must be eliminated to run serial drivers.

To see the different options and default values we can do

$ ./driver_name --help

Testing dashboard (CDash)

This project offers to its users/developers a testing dashboard service. This service is powered by CDash on a server hosted by CIMNE. Click here in order to access to the web interface of the service. The CDash server gathers and displays rich information regarding the execution of tests which are performed each time you push into a branch of the fempar repository, and thus, lets you know, e.g., which tests failed, with which compiler, amount of code, and code covered by the tests, memory defects (e.g., leaks), etc. If you want to access to this (highly recommended) service, then you have to follow the instructions available here. Once you are provided with a new user account, then e-mail us, so that we can add you to the fempar project at the CDash server.

Known issues

NOTE: we have detected that some tests (e.g., test_poisson_unffited) do NOT pass with GNU Fortran compiler 5.5.0, 6.3.0, & 7.3.0 for experimental commit f7b4199e due to what it seems to be a compiler BUG. See issue #259 for more details. Please also note that we do not actually know since which commit in experimental this is happening, but only that it happens at this one. Thus, avoid using these GNU Fortran compiler versions. We neither know whether this also happens for GNU compiler version different from the ones above. It does NOT happen with 5.4.0. UPDATE: As pointed out by @principe, the issue disappears with gfortran v8.1.0. This version can easily be installed in Ubuntu as:

$ sudo apt-get install gfortran-8
$ sudo apt-get install g++-8

If you do not currently use or do not plan to install the modules environment, then one can use this compiler version when configuring FEMPAR as:

cmake -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER=gfortran-8 -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-8 \

NOTE: there is also an open issue with gfortran 6.4.1 and gfortran 7.3.1 ( An internal compiler error raises when compiling FoX, a third party library of XH5For. UPDATE: This issue has been already by-passed in FEMPAR's experimental branch from commit 47b947f2. See for more details

NOTE: we also detected a BUG with Intel Fortran compiler 18.0.0 related to missing initialization of member variables to default values in the case of polymorphic allocatable variables. For example, test_transient_poisson do not pass with Intel Fortran compiler 18.0.0 for commit 5176d2976659c64f45e35022bfea5dcb1e72045e. due to a compiler BUG (see issue #250). Thus, avoid using this Intel Fortran compiler version. With Intel compiler 18.0.1 this issue disappears

NOTE: if you plan to use Intel Parallel Studio XE 2019 in order to compile FEMPAR with the Intel compilers in your machine (this is indeed the only version currently supported by Ubuntu 18.04), please note the following. The most annoying issue is related to the compilation of SISL. If you use the icc compiler, the icpc C++ compiler must be used as well. This is already achieved by fempar's configure script in Tools whenever you specify -c Intel, but it won't be if you call cmake directly. In the latter case, you must specify -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=icpc explicitly when invoking cmake.