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Shyft is an OpenSource hydrological toolbox developed by Statkraft. It is optimized for highly efficient modeling of hydrologic processes following the paradigm of distributed, lumped parameter models -- though recent developments have introduced more physically based / process-level methods.

The code is based on an early initiative for distributed hydrological simulation , called ENKI funded by Statkraft and developed at Sintef by Sjur Kolberg with contributions from Kolbjorn Engeland and Oddbjorn Bruland.


Shyft's primary end-user documentation is at Shyft readthedocs, where you will find instructions for installing Shyft and getting up and running with the tools it provides.

We also maintain this README file with basic instructions for building Shyft from a developer perspective.

IMPORTANT: While Shyft is being developed to support Linux and Windows platforms, it should be noted that the instructions contained in this README are geared toward linux systems. Users will generally want to readthedocs first.


Shyft is developed by Statkraft, and the two main initial authors to the C++ core were Sigbjørn Helset [email protected] and Ola Skavhaug [email protected].

Orchestration and the Python wrappers were originally developed by John F. Burkhart [email protected]


Contributors and current project participants include:


Shyft is released under LGPL V.3 See LICENCE


The documentation below is maintained for the purposes of Shyft development. First time users and those are interested in learning how to use Shyft for hydrologic simulation are strongly encouraged to see Shyft at readthedocs.


Shyft is distributed in three separate code repositories. This repository, shyft provides the main code base. A second repository (required for tests) is located at shyft-data. A third repository shyft-doc is available containing example notebooks and tutorials. The three repositories assume they have been checked out in parallel into a shyft_workspace directory:

mkdir shyft_workspace && cd shyft_workspace
export SHYFT_WORKSPACE=`pwd`
git clone
git clone
git clone


For compiling and running Shyft, you will need:

  • A C++1y compiler (gcc-5 or higher)
  • The BLAS and LAPACK libraries (development packages)
  • A Python3 (3.4 or higher) interpreter
  • The NumPy package (>= 1.8.0)
  • The netCDF4 package (>= 1.2.1)
  • The CMake building tool (2.8.7 or higher)

In addition, a series of Python packages are needed mainly for running the tests. These can be easily installed via:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

or, if you are using conda (see below):

$ cat requirements.txt | xargs conda install


Please refer to our Python Installation Guide


NOTE: the build/compile instructions below have been mainly tested on Linux platforms. Shyft can also be compiled (and it is actively maintained) for Windows, but the building instructions are not covered here (yet).

NOTE: the dependency regarding a modern compiler generally means gcc-7 is required to build Shyft.

You can compile Shyft by using the typical procedure for Python packages. We use environment variables to control the build. The SHYFT_DEPENDENCIES_DIR defines where the dependencies will be built (or exist). When you call the script will call cmake. If the dependencies exist in the aforementioned directory, they will be used. Otherwise, they will be downloaded and built into that directory as part of the build process. If not set, cmake will create a directory shyft-dependencies in the shyft repository directory. A suggestion is to set the shyft-dependencies directory to your shyft-workspace. If you have set these as part of your conda environment per the instructions above, and assuming you are active in that environment, then simply:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python build_ext --inplace 

NOTE: If you haven't set env_vars as part of your conda environment, then you need to do the following:

# assumes you are still in the shyft_workspace directory containing
# the git repositories
export SHYFT_WORKSPACE=`pwd`
mkdir shyft-dependencies
cd shyft #the shyft repository
python build_ext --inplace


It is recommended to at least run a few of the tests after building. This will ensure your paths and environment variables are set correctly.

The quickest and easiest test to run is:

python -c "from shyft import api"

If this raises: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Then you don't have your LD_LIBRARY_PATH set correctly. This should point to:


To run further tests, see the TESTING section below.


If the tests above run, then you can simply install Shyft using:

python install

Just be aware of the dependency of the LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that the libboost libraries are found.

Now, you should be set to start working with the shyft documentation and ideally clone the shyft-doc repositories to work through the notebooks and learning Shyft!


Although (at least on Linux) the method above uses the CMake building tool behind the scenes, you can also compile it manually (in fact, if you plan to develop Shyft, this may be recommended because you will be able to run the integrated C++ tests). The steps are the usual ones:

$ export SHYFT_SOURCES=$SHYFT_WORKSPACE  # absolute path required!
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ export SHYFT_DEPENDENCIES_DIR=$SHYFT_SOURCES/.. # directory_to_keep_dependencies,  absolute path
$ cmake ..      # configuration step; or "ccmake .." for curses interface
$ make -j 4     # do the actual compilation of C++ sources (using 4 processes)
$ make install  # copy Python extensions somewhere in $SHYFT_SOURCES

We have the beast compiled by now. For testing:

$ make test     # run the C++ tests
$ nosetests ..  # run the Python tests

If all the tests pass, then you have an instance of Shyft that is fully functional. In case this directory is going to act as a long-term installation it is recommended to persist your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $PYTHONPATH environment variables (in ~/.bashrc or using the conda env_vars described above).


The way to test Shyft is by running:

$ nosetests

from the root shyft repository directory.

The test suite is comprehensive, and in addition to unit-tests covering c++ parts and python parts, it also covers integration tests with netcdf and geo-services.

Shyft tests are meant to be run from the sources directory. As a start, you can run the python api test suite by:

cd $SHYFT_WORKSPACE/shyft/shyft/tests/api

Comprehensive Tests

To conduct further testing and to run direct C++ tests, you need to be sure you have the shyft-data repository as a sibling of the shyft repository directory.

To run some of the C++ core tests you can try the following:

cd $SHYFT_WORKSPACE/shyft/build/test
make test


Statkraft’s Hydrologic Forecasting Toolbox







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