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Stonks Challenge - Laravel version



  • ✔️ An endpoint to retrieve the history of queries made to the API service by that user;
  • ✔️ An endpoint to create a new User, storing the email and information to log in later;
  • ✔️ An endpoint to request a stock quote;


  • ✔️ Add unit tests for the endpoints;
  • ❕ Use RabbitMQ to send the email asynchronously - Instead of RabbitMQ - I've added the database queue from laravel, which allows the emails to be sent asynchronously and a docker container that runs the queue:worker;
  • ❕ Use JWT instead of basic authentication for endpoints; - Instead of JWT, I've used the official Laravel solution called Sanctum.
  • ✔️ Containerize the app.


  • ✔️ Add 30 seconds cache to api.user.history and api.stock.price endpoints;


  • Docker-compose: >= 1.25.0
  • Docker: >= 20.10.12

Setup instructions

Execute the following steps:

  • Clone the project
  • Create .env from .env.example
  • You may add Mailtrap(or other email service) to your .env using the following variables:
MAIL_USERNAME=[Your Mailtrap Username]
MAIL_PASSWORD=[Your Mailtrap Password]
  • Run docker-compose up
  • Wait the stonks-api-php-build process finishes


  • Run docker exec -it stonks-api-php bash
  • Run php artisan test

Using the APP

Once up and running you can make API calls using the following URL: https://localhost:8019/api:

When the application starts, the admin user is inserted in the database by the seeder:

These credentials must be used in the login endpoint to authenticate into the system.

After that, you can proceed using all available endpoints.

The available endpoints can be found here.