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Frigate card example

Frigate Lovelace Card

A full-featured Frigate Lovelace card:

  • Live viewing of multiple cameras.
  • Clips and snapshot browsing via mini-gallery.
  • Automatic updating to continually show latest clip / snapshot.
  • Support for filtering events by zone and label.
  • Arbitrary entity access via menu (e.g. motion sensor access).
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Carousel/Swipeable media, thumbnails and cameras.
  • Direct media downloads.
  • Lovelace visual editing support.
  • Full Picture Elements support.
  • Theme friendly.

Screenshots Below!

See more screenshots below.

Supported Browsers

Modern Safari, Firefox and Chrome-based browsers are supported, as well as the Home Assistant App on Android and iOS. Other/older browsers may work, but are unsupported.


  • HACS is highly recommended to install the card -- it works for all Home Assistant variants. If you don't have HACS installed, start there -- then come back to these instructions.

  • Find the card in HACS:

Home Assistant > HACS > Frontend > "Explore & Add Integrations" > Frigate Card
  • Click Download this repository with HACS.

Lovelace YAML users

If Lovelace is in YAML mode then there's an additional step required to load the resource into your browser. (This mode is not the default -- you would seemode: yaml under lovelace: in your configuration.yaml if this applies to you),

  • Add the following to configuration.yaml (note that /hacsfiles/ is just an optimized equivalent of /local/community/ that HACS natively supports):
    - url: /hacsfiles/frigate-hass-card/frigate-hass-card.js
      type: module
  • Restart Home Assistant.
  • Add the new card to the Lovelace configuration!

Advanced Users: Manual Installation

Note: This is very rarely needed -- please consider HACS (above)!

  • Download the attachment of the desired release to a location accessible by Home Assistant. Note that the release will have a series of .js files (for HACS users) and a for the convenience of manual installers.
  • Unzip the file and move the contents of the dist/ folder to any subfolder name you'd like, e.g. frigate-card is used in the below example.
  • Add the location as a Lovelace resource via the UI, or via YAML configuration such as:
  mode: yaml
   - url: /local/frigate-card/frigate-hass-card.js
     type: module

Advanced Users: Installing Unreleased Versions

You can install any unreleased version of the card by leveraging the GitHub Actions artifacts that are generated on every revision. Here is a video walkthrough installing the latest revision of the release-4.1.0 branch:

Click here to show


At least 1 camera must be configured in the cameras section, but otherwise all configuration parameters are optional.

Camera Options

The cameras block configures a list of cameras the card should support. The first listed camera is the default. Camera configuration is under:

  - [ 0 (default camera)...]
  - [ 1...]
  - [ 2...]

See the fully expanded cameras configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
camera_entity âś… The Home Assistant camera entity to use with the frigate live provider view. Also used to automatically detect the name of the underlying Frigate camera, and the title/icon of the camera.
live_provider auto âś… The choice of live stream provider. See Live Providers below.
title Autodetected from camera_entity if that is specified. âś… A friendly name for this camera to use in the card.
icon Autodetected from camera_entity if that is specified. âś… The icon to use for this camera in the camera menu and in the next & previous controls when using the icon style.
hide false âś… Whether or not to hide this as an independent camera (e.g. hidden on the live carousel, media filter, camera menu, and triggers cannot trigger this camera). This may be useful if this camera is exclusively used as a dependency of another camera.
id camera_entity, webrtc_card.entity or frigate.camera_name if set (in that preference order). âś… An optional identifier to use throughout the card configuration to refer unambiguously to this camera. See camera IDs.
engine auto âś… Which camera engine to use for this camera. If auto the card will attempt to choose the correct engine from the specified options. See engines below for valid options.
frigate âś… Options for a Frigate camera. See Frigate configuration below.
dependencies âś… Other cameras that this camera should depend upon. See camera dependencies below.
triggers âś… Define what should cause this camera to update/trigger. See camera triggers below.
webrtc_card âś… The WebRTC entity/URL to use for this camera with the webrtc-card live provider. See below.

Available Live Providers

Live Provider Latency Frame Rate Loading Time Installation Description
ha (default HA configuration) Poor High Better Builtin Use the built-in Home Assistant camera stream. The camera doesn't even need to be a Frigate camera!
ha (when configured with LL-HLS) Better High Better Builtin Use the built-in Home Assistant camera streams -- can be configured to use an LL-HLS feed for lower latency.
ha (Native WebRTC) Best High Better Builtin Use the built-in Home Assistant camera streams -- can be configured to use native WebRTC offering a very low-latency feed direct to your browser.
image Poor Poor Best Builtin Use refreshing snapshots of the built-in Home Assistant camera streams.
jsmpeg Better Low Poor Builtin Use a the JSMPEG stream.
go2rtc Best High Better Builtin Uses go2rtc to stream live feeds. This is supported by Frigate >= 0.12.
webrtc-card Best High Better Separate installation required Embed's AlexxIT's WebRTC Card to stream live feed, requires manual extra setup, see below. Not to be confused with native Home Assistant WebRTC (use ha provider above).

Available Camera Engines

Engine Capabilities
Engine Live Supports clips Supports Snapshots Supports Recordings Supports Timeline Favorite events Favorite recordings
frigate ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✖️
generic ✅ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️
motioneye ✅ ✅ ✅ ✖️ ✅ ✖️ ✖️
Live providers supported per Engine
Engine / Live Provider ha image jsmpeg go2rtc webrtc-card
frigate âś… âś… âś… âś… âś…
generic ✅ ✅ ✖️ ✖️ ✅
motioneye ✅ ✅ ✖️ ✖️ ✖️

Camera Frigate configuration

The frigate block configures options for a Frigate camera. This configuration is included as part of a camera entry in the cameras array.

 - frigate:
Option Default Overridable Description
camera_name Autodetected from camera_entity if that is specified. âś… The Frigate camera name to use when communicating with the Frigate server, e.g. for viewing clips/snapshots or the JSMPEG live view.
url âś… The URL of the frigate server. If set, this value will be (exclusively) used for a Camera UI menu button. All other communication with Frigate goes via Home Assistant.
labels âś… An array of Frigate labels used to filter events (clips & snapshots), e.g. [person, car].
zones âś… An array of Frigates zones used to filter events (clips & snapshots), e.g. [front_door, front_steps].
client_id frigate âś… The Frigate client id to use. If this Home Assistant server has multiple Frigate server backends configured, this selects which server should be used. It should be set to the MQTT client id configured for this server, see Frigate Integration Multiple Instance Support.

Camera MotionEye configuration

The motioneye block configures options for a MotionEye camera. This configuration is included as part of a camera entry in the cameras array.

 - motioneye:
Option Default Overridable Description
url âś… The URL of the MotionEye server. If set, this value will be (exclusively) used for a Camera UI menu button.
images âś… Configure how MotionEye images are consumed. See below.
movies âś… Configure how MotionEye movies are consumed. See below.

Camera MotionEye images and movies configuration

The images and movies block configures options for a MotionEye camera. All options for images and movies are under their respective blocks. The options for both are the same.

 - motioneye:
 - motioneye:
Option Default Overridable Description
directory_pattern %Y-%m-%d âś… The directory that motionEye is configured to store media into. May contain multiple sub-directories separated by /. Path must encode the date of the media using MotionEye patterns such as %Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %S (at least one pattern is required). Consult MotionEye help text for information on these substitutions.
file_pattern %H-%M-%S âś… Within a directory (as matched by directory_pattern) the media items must exist and match this pattern. file_pattern must encode the time of the media using MotionEye patterns such as %Y, %m, %d, %H, %M, %S (at least one pattern is required). Consult MotionEye help text for information on these substitutions.

Live Provider: Camera go2rtc configuration

The go2rtc block configures use of the go2rtc live provider. This configuration is included as part of a camera entry in the cameras array.

 - go2rtc:
Option Default Overridable Description
modes [webrtc, mse, mp4, mjpeg] âś… An ordered array of go2rtc modes to use. Valid values are webrtc, mse, mp4 or mjpeg values.
stream Determind by camera engine (e.g. frigate camera name). âś… A valid go2rtc stream name.

Live Provider: Camera WebRTC Card configuration

Configures the webrtc_card live provider:

 - webrtc_card:
Option Default Overridable Description
entity âś… The RTSP entity to pass to the WebRTC Card for this camera.
url Depends on the camera engine (e.g. Frigate will use the camera name by default since this is the recommended setup) âś… The RTSP url to pass to the WebRTC Card.
* âś… Any options specified in the webrtc_card: YAML dictionary are silently passed through to the AlexxIT's WebRTC Card. See WebRTC Configuration for full details this external card provides.

See Using the WebRTC Card below for more details on how to use the WebRTC Card live provider.

Live Provider: Image Configuration

All configuration is under:

  - image:
Option Default Overridable Description
refresh_seconds 1 âś… The image will be refreshed at least every refresh_seconds. 0 implies no refreshing.
url âś… Advanced: A static image URL to be fetched in lieu of the Home Assistant image for the given camera. This may be useful for advanced configurations where the camera image is being provided by some non-Home Assistant system. This will also set the temporary loading image used when show_image_during_load is set to true under the live configuration.

Live Provider: JSMPEG Configuration

All configuration is under:

  - jsmpeg:
Option Default Overridable Description
options âś… Advanced users only: Control the underlying JSMPEG library options. Supports setting these JSMPEG options {audio, video, pauseWhenHidden, disableGl, disableWebAssembly, preserveDrawingBuffer, progressive, throttled, chunkSize, maxAudioLag, videoBufferSize, audioBufferSize}. This is not necessary for the vast majority of users: only set these flags if you know what you're doing, as you may entirely break video rendering in the card.

Camera Dependency Configuration

The dependencies block configures other cameras as dependents of this camera. Dependent cameras have their media fetched and merged with this camera by default, and offer their respective live views as 'substreams' of the main (depended upon) camera. Configuration is under:

 - dependencies:
Option Default Overridable Description
cameras âś… An optional array of other camera identifiers (see camera IDs). If specified the card will fetch media for this camera and also recursively for the named cameras by default. Live views for the involved cameras will be available as 'substreams' of the main (depended upon) camera. All dependent cameras must themselves be a configured camera in the card. This can be useful to group events for cameras that are close together, to show multiple related live views, to always have clips/snapshots show fully merged events across all cameras or to show events for the birdseye camera that otherwise would not have events itself.
all_cameras false âś… Shortcut to specify all other cameras as dependent cameras.

Camera Trigger Configuration

The triggers block configures what triggers a camera. Triggering can be used to either reset to the default view / update the card, or active the camera in scan mode.

 - triggers:
Option Default Overridable Description
motion false âś… Whether to not to trigger the camera by automatically detecting and using the motion binary_sensor for this camera. This autodetection only works for Frigate cameras, and only when the motion binary_sensor entity has been enabled in Home Assistant.
occupancy true âś… Whether to not to trigger the camera by automatically detecting and using the occupancy binary_sensor for this camera and its configured zones and labels. This autodetection only works for Frigate cameras, and only when the occupancy binary_sensor entity has been enabled in Home Assistant. If this camera has configured zones, only occupancy sensors for those zones are used -- if the overall camera occupancy sensor is also required, it can be manually added to entities. If this camera has configured labels, only occupancy sensors for those labels are used.
entities âś… Whether to not to trigger the camera when the state of any Home Assistant entity becomes active (i.e. state becomes on or open). This works for Frigate or non-Frigate cameras.

Camera IDs: Referring to cameras in card configuration

Each camera configured in the card has a single identifier (id). For a given camera, this will be one of the camera {id, camera_entity, webrtc_card.entity or frigate.camera_name} parameters for that camera -- in that order of precedence. These ids may be used in conditions, dependencies or custom actions to refer to a given camera unambiguously.


See the basic cameras configuration example below.

Camera Global Options

Advanced: The optional cameras_global block configures global options that apply to all cameras from the cameras section. For large configs, this can avoid significant repetition across cameras. The configuration is under:


The configuration options are identical to a single camera entry.

View Options

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded view configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
default live âś… The view to show in the card by default. The default camera is the first one listed. See views below.
camera_select current âś… The view to show when a new camera is selected (e.g. in the camera menu). If current the view is unchanged when a new camera is selected. Other acceptable values may be seen at views below.
dark_mode off âś… Whether or not to turn dark mode on, off or auto to automatically turn on if the card timeout_seconds has expired (i.e. card has been left unattended for that period of time) or if dark mode is enabled in the HA profile theme setting. Dark mode dims the brightness by 25%.
timeout_seconds 300 âś… A numbers of seconds of inactivity after user interaction, after which the card will reset to the default configured view (i.e. 'screensaver' functionality). Inactivity is defined as lack of mouse/touch interaction with the Frigate card. If the default view occurs sooner (e.g. via update_seconds or manually) the timer will be stopped. 0 means disable this functionality.
update_seconds 0 âś… A number of seconds after which to automatically update/refresh the default view. See card updates below for behavior and usecases. If the default view occurs sooner (e.g. manually) the timer will start over. 0 disables this functionality.
update_force false âś… Whether automated card updates/refreshes should ignore user interaction. See card updates below for behavior and usecases.
update_entities âś… YAML only: A card-wide list of entities that should cause the view to reset to the default (if the entity only pertains to a particular camera use triggers for the selected camera instead, see Trigger Configuration). See card updates below for behavior and usecases.
update_cycle_camera false âś… When set to true the selected camera is cycled on each default view change.
render_entities âś… YAML only: A list of entity ids that should cause the card to re-render 'in-place'. The view/camera is not changed. update_* flags do not pertain/relate to the behavior of this flag. This should very rarely be needed, but could be useful if the card is both setting and changing HA state of the same object as could be the case for some complex card_mod scenarios (example).
scan âś… Configuration for scan mode.
actions âś… Actions to use for all views, individual actions may be overriden by view-specific actions. See actions below.

View: Scan Mode configuration

All configuration is under:


Scan mode allows the card to automatically "follow the action". In this mode the card will automatically select a camera in the live view when an entity changes to an active state (specifically on or open). The entities considered are defined by your camera configuration (see triggers parameters). An untrigger is defined as the state for all the configured entities returning to inactive (i.e. not on or open), with an optional number of seconds to wait prior to the untriggering (see untrigger_seconds).

When the camera untriggers, the view will either remain as-is (if untrigger_reset is false) and the card return to normal operation, or reset to the default view (if untrigger_reset is true -- the default).

Triggering is only allowed when there is no ongoing human interaction with the card -- interaction will automatically untrigger and further triggering will not occur until after the card has been unattended for view.timeout_seconds.

Scan mode tracks Home Assistant state changes -- when the card is first started, it takes an active change in state to trigger (i.e. an already occupied room will not trigger it, but a newly occupied room will).

Option Default Overridable Description
enabled false âś… Whether to enable scan mode.
show_trigger_status true âś… Whether or not the card should show a visual indication that it is triggered (a pulsing border around the card edge).
untrigger_reset true âś… Whether or not to reset the view to the default after untriggering.
untrigger_seconds 0 âś… The number of seconds to wait after all entities are inactive before untriggering.

Menu Options

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded menu configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
style hidden âś… The menu style to show by default, one of none, hidden, hover, hover-card, overlay, or outside. See menu styles below.
position top âś… Whether to show the menu on the left, right, top or bottom side of the card. Note that for the outside style only the top and bottom positions have an effect.
alignment left âś… Whether to align the menu buttons to the left, right, top or bottom of the menu. Some selections may have no effect depending on the value of position (e.g. it doesn't make sense to left align icons on a menu with position to the left).
button_size 40 âś… The size of the menu buttons in pixels. Must be >= 20.
buttons âś… Whether to show or hide built-in buttons. See below.

Menu Options: Buttons

All configuration is under:

Option Overridable Description
frigate âś… The Frigate menu button: brings the user to the default configured view (view.default), or collapses/expands the menu if the is hidden .
cameras âś… The camera selection submenu. Will only appear if multiple cameras are configured.
live âś… The live view menu button: brings the user to the live view. See views below.
clips âś… The clips view menu button: brings the user to the clips view on tap and the most-recent clip view on hold. See views below. This button will never be shown if the frigate.camera_name for the selected camera is not auto-detected/specified (e.g. non-Frigate cameras), or if the frigate.camera_name is birdseye.
snapshots âś… The snapshots view menu button: brings the user to the clips view on tap and the most-recent snapshot view on hold. See views below. This button will never be shown if the frigate.camera_name for the selected camera is not auto-detected/specified (e.g. non-Frigate cameras), or if the frigate.camera_name is birdseye.
recordings âś… The recordings view menu button: brings the user to the recordings view on tap and the most-recent recording view on hold. See views below. This button will never be shown if the frigate.camera_name for the selected camera is not auto-detected/specified (e.g. non-Frigate cameras), or if the frigate.camera_name is birdseye.
image âś… The image view menu button: brings the user to the static image view. See views below.
download âś… The download menu button: allow direct download of the media being displayed.
camera_ui âś… The camera_ui menu button: brings the user to a context-appropriate page on the UI of their camera engine (e.g. the Frigate camera homepage). Will only appear if the camera engine supports a camera UI (e.g. if frigate.url option is set for frigate engine users).
fullscreen âś… The fullscreen menu button: expand the card to consume the fullscreen.
expand âś… The expand menu button: expand the card into a popup/dialog.
screenshot âś… The screenshot menu button: take a screenshot of the loaded media (e.g. a still from a video).
timeline âś… The timeline menu button: show the event timeline.
media_player âś… The media_player menu button: sends the visible media to a remote media player. Supports Frigate clips, snapshots and live camera (only for cameras that specify a camera_entity and only using the default HA stream (equivalent to the ha live provider). jsmpeg or webrtc-card are not supported, although live can still be played as long as camera_entity is specified. In the player list, a tap will send the media to the player, a hold will stop the media on the player.
microphone âś… The microphone button allows usage of 2-way audio in certain configurations. See Using 2-way audio.
Configuration on each button
Option Default Overridable Description
enabled true for all buttons except image âś… Whether or not to show the button.
priority 50 âś… The button priority. Higher priority buttons are ordered closer to the start of the menu alignment (i.e. a button with priority 70 will order further to the left than a button with priority 60, when the menu alignment is left). Minimum 0, maximum 100.
icon âś… An icon to overriding the default for that button, e.g. mdi:camera-front.
alignment matching âś… Whether this button should have an alignment that is matching the menu alignment or opposing the menu. Can be used to create two separate groups of buttons on the menu. priority orders buttons within a given alignment.

Live Options

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded live configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
preload false ✖️ Whether or not to preload the live view. Preloading causes the live view to render in the background regardless of what view is actually shown, so it's instantly available when requested. This consumes additional network/CPU resources continually.
auto_play all ✖️ Whether to automatically play live camera feeds. never will never automatically play, selected will automatically play when a camera is selected in the carousel, visible will automatically play when the browser/tab becomes visible or all on any opportunity to automatically play (i.e. either case). Some live providers (e.g. webrtc-card, jsmpeg) do not support the prevention of automatic play on initial load, but should still respect the value of this flag on play-after-pause.
auto_pause never ✖️ Whether to automatically pause live camera feeds. never will never automatically pause, unselected will automatically pause when a camera is unselected in the carousel, hidden will automatically pause when the browser/tab becomes hidden or all on any opportunity to automatically pause (i.e. either case). Caution: Some live providers (e.g. jsmpeg) may not offer human-accessible means to resume play if it is paused, unless the auto_play option (above) is used.
auto_mute all ✖️ Whether to automatically mute live camera feeds. never will never automatically mute, unselected will automatically mute when a camera is unselected in the carousel, hidden will automatically mute when the browser/tab becomes hidden or all on any opportunity to automatically mute (i.e. either case). Note that if auto_play is enabled, the stream may mute itself automatically in order to honor the auto_play setting, as some browsers will not auto play media that is unmuted -- that is to say, where necessary, the auto_play parameter will take priority over the auto_mute parameter.
auto_unmute never ✖️ Whether to automatically unmute live camera feeds. never will never automatically unmute, selected will automatically unmute when a camera is unselected in the carousel, visible will automatically unmute when the browser/tab becomes visible or all on any opportunity to automatically unmute (i.e. either case).
lazy_load true ✖️ Whether or not to lazily load cameras in the camera carousel. Setting this will false will cause all cameras to load simultaneously when the live carousel is opened (or cause all cameras to load continually if both lazy_load and preload are true). This will result in a smoother carousel experience at a cost of (potentially) a substantial amount of continually streamed data.
lazy_unload never ✖️ When to lazily unload lazyily-loaded cameras. never will never lazily-unload, unselected will lazy-unload a camera when it is unselected in the carousel, hidden will lazy-unload all cameras when the browser/tab becomes hidden or all on any opportunity to lazily unload (i.e. either case). This will cause a reloading delay on revisiting that camera in the carousel but will save the streaming network resources that are otherwise consumed. This option has no effect if lazy_load is false. Some live providers (e.g. webrtc-card) implement their own lazy unloading independently which may occur regardless of the value of this setting.
draggable true ✖️ Whether or not the live carousel can be dragged left or right, via touch/swipe and mouse dragging.
zoomable true âś… Whether or not the live carousel can be zoomed and panned, via touch/pinch and mouse scroll wheel with ctrl held.
transition_effect slide ✖️ Effect to apply as a transition between live cameras. Accepted values: slide or none.
show_image_during_load true âś… If true, during the initial stream load, the image live provider will be shown instead of the loading video stream. This still image will auto-refresh and is replaced with the live stream once loaded.
actions âś… Actions to use for the live view. See actions below.
controls âś… Configuration for the live view controls. See below.
layout âś… See media layout below.
microphone âś… See microphone below.

Live Controls

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
builtin true âś… Whether to show the built in (browser) video controls on live video.

Live Controls: Thumbnails

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode none âś… Whether to show the thumbnail carousel below the media, above the media, in a drawer to the left or right of the media or to hide it entirely (none).
size 100 âś… The size of the thumbnails in the thumbnail carousel in pixels. Must be >= 75 and <= 175.
show_details false âś… Whether to show event details (e.g. duration, start time, object detected, etc) alongside the thumbnail.
show_download_control true âś… Whether to show the download control on each thumbnail.
show_favorite_control true âś… Whether to show the favorite ('star') control on each thumbnail.
show_timeline_control true âś… Whether to show the timeline ('target') control on each thumbnail.
media all âś… Whether to show clips, snapshots or all in the thumbnail carousel in the live view.

Live Controls: Next / Previous

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
style chevrons âś… When viewing live cameras, what kind of controls to show to move to the previous/next camera. Acceptable values: chevrons, icons, none .
size 48 âś… The size of the next/previous controls in pixels. Must be >= 20.

Live Controls: Mini Timeline

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode none âś… Whether to show the thumbnail carousel below the media, above the media, in a drawer to the left or right of the media or to hide it entirely (none).
style ribbon âś… Whether the timeline should show events as a single flat ribbon or a stack of events that are clustered using the clustering_threshold (below).
window_seconds 3600 âś… The length of the default timeline in seconds. By default, 1 hour (3600 seconds) is shown in the timeline.
clustering_threshold 3 âś… The minimum number of overlapping events to allow prior to clustering/grouping them. Higher numbers cause clustering to happen less frequently. Depending on the timescale/zoom of the timeline, the underlying timeline library may still allow overlaps for low values of this parameter -- for a fully "flat" timeline use the ribbon style. 0 disables clustering entirely. Only used in the stack style of timeline.
media all âś… Whether to show only events with clips, events with snapshots or all events. When all is used, clips are favored for events that have both a clip and a snapshot.
show_recordings true âś… Whether to show recordings on the timeline (specifically: which hours have any recorded content).

Caution: đźš© For optimal UX, keep the settings for the mini-timeline in the live and media_viewer identical. Dragging the timeline may cause the card to change between the live view and media_viewer based views as the user pans between the past and present -- if the settings are different the timeline must "reset".

Live Controls: Title

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode popup-bottom-right âś… How to display the live camera title. Acceptable values: none, popup-top-left, popup-top-right, popup-bottom-left, popup-bottom-right .
duration_seconds 2 âś… The number of seconds to display the title popup. 0 implies forever.

Live: Microphone

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
always_connected false âś… Whether or not to keep the microphone stream continually connected while the card is running, or only when microphone is used (default). In the latter case there'll be a connection reset when the microphone is first used -- using this option can avoid that reset.
disconnect_seconds 60 âś… The number of seconds after microphone usage to disconnect the microphone from the stream. 0 implies never. Not relevant if always_connected is true.

See Using 2-way audio for more information about the very particular requirements that must be followed for 2-way audio to work.

Media Viewer Options

The media_viewer is used for viewing all clip, snapshot or recording media, in a media carousel.

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded Media viewer configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
auto_play all ✖️ Whether to automatically play events. never will never automatically play, selected will automatically play when an event is selected in the carousel, visible will automatically play when the browser/tab becomes visible or all on any opportunity to automatically play (i.e. either case).
auto_pause all ✖️ Whether to automatically pause events. never will never automatically pause, unselected will automatically pause when an event is unselected in the carousel, hidden will automatically pause when the browser/tab becomes hidden or all on any opportunity to automatically pause (i.e. either case).
auto_mute all ✖️ Whether to automatically mute events. never will never automatically mute, unselected will automatically mute when an event is unselected in the carousel, hidden will automatically mute when the browser/tab becomes hidden or all on any opportunity to automatically mute (i.e. either case).
auto_unmute never ✖️ Whether to automatically unmute events. never will never automatically unmute, selected will automatically unmute when an event is selected in the carousel, visible will automatically unmute when the browser/tab becomes visible or all on any opportunity to automatically unmute (i.e. either case). Note that some browsers will not allow automated unmute until the user has interacted with the page in some way -- if the user has not then the browser may pause the media instead.
lazy_load true ✖️ Whether or not to lazily load media in the Media viewer carousel. Setting this will false will fetch all media immediately which may make the carousel experience smoother at a cost of (potentially) a substantial number of simultaneous media fetches on load.
draggable true ✖️ Whether or not the Media viewer carousel can be dragged left or right, via touch/swipe and mouse dragging.
zoomable true ✖️ Whether or not the Media Viewer can be zoomed and panned, via touch/pinch and mouse scroll wheel with ctrl held.
snapshot_click_plays_clip true ✖️ Whether clicking on a snapshot in the media viewer should play a related clip.
transition_effect slide ✖️ Effect to apply as a transition between event media. Accepted values: slide or none.
controls ✖️ Configuration for the Media viewer controls. See below.
actions ✖️ Actions to use for all views that use the media_viewer (e.g. clip, snapshot). See actions below.
layout âś… See media layout below.

Media Viewer Controls

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
builtin true âś… Whether to show the built in (browser) video controls on media viewer video.

Media Viewer Controls: Next / Previous

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
style thumbnails ✖️ When viewing media, what kind of controls to show to move to the previous/next media item. Acceptable values: thumbnails, chevrons, none .
size 48 ✖️ The size of the next/previous controls in pixels. Must be >= 20.

Media Viewer Controls: Thumbnails

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode none ✖️ Whether to show the thumbnail carousel below the media, above the media, in a drawer to the left or right of the media or to hide it entirely (none).
size 100 ✖️ The size of the thumbnails in the thumbnail carousel pixels. Must be >= 75 and <= 175.
show_details false ✖️ Whether to show event details (e.g. duration, start time, object detected, etc) alongside the thumbnail.
show_download_control true ✖️ Whether to show the download control on each thumbnail.
show_favorite_control true ✖️ Whether to show the favorite ('star') control on each thumbnail.
show_timeline_control true ✖️ Whether to show the timeline ('target') control on each thumbnail.

Media Viewer Controls: Mini Timeline

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode none ✖️ Whether to show the thumbnail carousel below the media, above the media, in a drawer to the left or right of the media or to hide it entirely (none).
style ribbon ✖️ Whether the timeline should show events as a single flat ribbon or a stack of events that are clustered using the clustering_threshold (below).
window_seconds 3600 ✖️ The length of the default timeline in seconds. By default, 1 hour (3600 seconds) is shown in the timeline.
clustering_threshold 3 ✖️ The minimum number of overlapping events to allow prior to clustering/grouping them. Higher numbers cause clustering to happen less frequently. Depending on the timescale/zoom of the timeline, the underlying timeline library may still allow overlaps for low values of this parameter -- for a fully "flat" timeline use the ribbon style. 0 disables clustering entirely. Only used in the stack style of timeline.
media all ✖️ Whether to show only events with clips, events with snapshots or all events. When all is used, clips are favored for events that have both a clip and a snapshot.
show_recordings true ✖️ Whether to show recordings on the timeline (specifically: which hours have any recorded content).

Caution: đźš© For optimal UX, keep the settings for the mini-timeline in the live and media_viewer identical. Dragging the timeline may cause the card to change between the live view and media_viewer based views as the user pans between the past and present -- if the settings are different the timeline must "reset".

Media Viewer Controls: Title

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode popup-bottom-right ✖️ How to display the Media viewer media title. Acceptable values: none, popup-top-left, popup-top-right, popup-bottom-left, popup-bottom-right .
duration_seconds 2 ✖️ The number of seconds to display the title popup. 0 implies forever.

Media Gallery Options

The media_gallery is used for providing an overview of all clips, snapshots and recordings in a thumbnail gallery.

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded media gallery configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
controls ✖️ Configuration for the Media viewer controls. See below.
actions ✖️ Actions to use for all views that use the media_gallery (e.g. clips, snapshots, recordings). See actions below.

Media Gallery Controls: Filter

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode right ✖️ Whether to show the gallery media filter to the left, to the right or none for no media filter.

Media Gallery Controls: Thumbnails

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
size 100 ✖️ The size of the thumbnails in the gallery. Must be >= 75 and <= 175.
show_details false ✖️ Whether to show media details (e.g. duration, start time, object detected, etc) alongside the thumbnail.
show_download_control true ✖️ Whether to show the download control on each thumbnail.
show_favorite_control true ✖️ Whether to show the favorite ('star') control on each thumbnail.
show_timeline_control true ✖️ Whether to show the timeline ('target') control on each thumbnail.

Image Options

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded image configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
mode url âś… Mode of the the image view. Value must be one of url (to fetch an arbitrary image URL), camera (to show a still of the currently selected camera using either camera_entity or webrtc_card.entity in that order of precedence), or screensaver (to show an embedded stock Frigate card logo). In either url or camera mode, the screensaver content is used as a fallback if a URL is not specified or cannot be derived.
url âś… A static image URL to be used when the mode is set to url or when a temporary image is required (e.g. may appear momentarily prior to load of a camera snapshot in the camera mode). Note that a _t=[timestsamp] query parameter will be automatically added to all URLs such that the image will not be cached by the browser.
refresh_seconds 0 âś… The image will be refreshed at least every refresh_seconds (it may refresh more frequently, e.g. whenever Home Assistant updates its camera security token). 0 implies no refreshing.
zoomable true âś… Whether or not the image can be zoomed and panned, via touch/pinch and mouse scroll wheel with ctrl held.
actions âś… Actions to use for the image view. See actions below.

Note: When mode is set to camera this is effectively providing the same image as the image live provider would show in the live camera carousel.

Timeline Options

The timeline is used to show the timing sequence of events and recordings across cameras. You can interact with the timeline in a number of ways:

  • Clicking on an event will take you to the media viewer for that event.
  • Clicking on the "background", or a camera title, will take you to the recordings for that camera (seeking to the clicked time).
  • Clicking on the time axis will take you to recordings for all cameras (seeking to the clicked time).

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded timeline configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
style stack ✖️ Whether the timeline should show events as a single flat ribbon or a stack of events that are clustered using the clustering_threshold (below).
window_seconds 3600 ✖️ The length of the default timeline in seconds. By default, 1 hour (3600 seconds) is shown in the timeline.
clustering_threshold 3 ✖️ The minimum number of overlapping events to allow prior to clustering/grouping them. Higher numbers cause clustering to happen less frequently. Depending on the timescale/zoom of the timeline, the underlying timeline library may still allow overlaps for low values of this parameter -- for a fully "flat" timeline use the ribbon style. 0 disables clustering entirely. Only used in the stack style of timeline.
media all ✖️ Whether to show only events with clips, events with snapshots or all events. When all is used, clips are favored for events that have both a clip and a snapshot.
show_recordings true ✖️ Whether to show recordings on the timeline (specifically: which hours have any recorded content).
controls ✖️ Configuration for the timeline controls. See below.

Timeline Controls: Thumbnails

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
mode none ✖️ Whether to show the thumbnail carousel below the media, above the media, in a drawer to the left or right of the media or to hide it entirely (none).
size 100 ✖️ The size of the thumbnails in the thumbnail carousel in pixels. Must be >= 75 and <= 175.
show_details false ✖️ Whether to show event details (e.g. duration, start time, object detected, etc) alongside the thumbnail.
show_download_control true ✖️ Whether to show the download control on each thumbnail.
show_favorite_control true ✖️ Whether to show the favorite ('star') control on each thumbnail.
show_timeline_control true ✖️ Whether to show the timeline ('target') control on each thumbnail.

Dimensions Options

These options control the aspect-ratio of the entire card to make placement in Home Assistant dashboards more stable. Aspect ratio configuration applies once to the entire card (including the menu, thumbnails, etc), not just to displayed media. This only applies to the card in normal render mode -- when in fullscreen, or when in expanded (popup/dialog mode) the aspect ratio is chosen dynamically to maximize the amount of content shown.

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded dimensions configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Option Default Overridable Description
aspect_ratio_mode dynamic âś… The aspect ratio mode to use. Acceptable values: dynamic, static, unconstrained. See aspect ratios below.
aspect_ratio 16:9 âś… The aspect ratio to use. Acceptable values: <W>:<H> or <W>/<H>. See aspect ratios below.
max_height 100vh âś… The maximum allowable height for the card. Specified in CSS units. Generally users should not need to change this setting unless they have set an unconstrained aspect ratio.
min_height 100px âś… The minimum allowable height for the card. Specified in CSS units. Generally users should not need to change this setting.


Option Description
dynamic The aspect-ratio of the card will match the aspect-ratio of the last loaded media.
static A fixed aspect-ratio (as defined by dimensions.aspect_ratio) will be applied to all views.
unconstrained No aspect ratio is enforced in any view, the card will expand with the content (may be especially useful for a panel-mode dashboard).


  • 16 / 9 or 16:9: Default widescreen ratio.
  • 4 / 3 or 4:3: Default fullscreen ratio.
  • <W>/<H> or <W>:<H>: Any arbitrary aspect-ratio.

Aspect Ratio

The card can show live cameras, stored events (clip or snapshot) and an event gallery (clips or snapshots). Of these views, the gallery views have no intrinsic aspect-ratio, whereas the other views have the aspect-ratio of the media.

The card aspect ratio can be changed with the dimensions.aspect_ratio_mode and dimensions.aspect_ratio options described above.

If no aspect ratio is specified or available, but one is needed then 16:9 will be used by default.

Performance Options

These options control the card performance settings to enable the card to run (more) smoothly on lower end devices.

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
profile high ✖️ Whether the card is configured in full high performance mode, or low performance defaults for lower end devices. See low performance profile below.

Feature Options

Controls card-wide central functionality that may impact performance but which is not configurable elsewhere.

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
animated_progress_indicator true ✖️ Will show the animated progress indicator 'spinner' when true or a simple loading icon when false.
media_chunk_size 50 ✖️ How many media items to fetch and render at a time (e.g. thumbnails under a live view, or number of snapshots to load in the media viewer). This may only make partial sense in some contexts (e.g. the 'infinite gallery' is still infinite, just loads thumbnails this many items at a time) or not at all (e.g. the timeline will show the number of events dictated by the time span the user navigates to).

Style Options

Style performance options request the card minimize certain expensive CSS stylings. This does not necessarily disable these stylings entirely since that may break the basic expected visuals of the card (e.g. menu icons need curves), but rather avoids use of them in high item-count situations (e.g. avoiding shadows on timeline items, or curves in the media gallery items).

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
border_radius true ✖️ If false minimizes the usage of rounded corners.
box_shadow true ✖️ If false minimizes the usage of shadows.

Performance Profile low

In the low performance profile, the card attempts to lower the CPU and network consumption of the card by setting default option values when they have not been explicitly set by the user.

Principles used in the selection of options set by low profile mode:

  • Get 'out of the box' performance similar to the basic "Home Assistant Picture Glance" card.
  • Only change behavior that the user can case-by-case 'reset' by explicitly setting an option elsewhere.
  • Do not break the visual aesthetic of the card.

Note:: Since the performance profile changes the default value of options, setting the low profile on a pre-existing card could have no effect if there are considerable options already set by the user.

Please see the source code for an exhaustive list of options set by low profile mode. Summary:

  • The default live provider (auto) will resolve to the image live provider for cameras with a camera_entity specified. It will have a refresh period of 10 seconds (same as the stock Home Assistant Picture Glance card).
  • No event thumbnails fetched.
  • No recordings shown.
  • No automated actions (e.g. mute, play, pause) except playing in live view.
  • Always lazily unload anything that can be unloaded.
  • Carousels are not draggable and have no 'slide' effects.
  • Live image is not shown during stream loads.
  • No title popups.
  • Menu rendered outside the main body of the card, with reduced menu buttons.
  • All optional performace features and performance styles (described above) disabled.

Overrides Options

All configuration is a list under:


See the fully expanded overrides configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Various parts of this configuration may conditionally (see Frigate Card Conditions) be overridden, for example to use custom WebRTC parameters for a particular camera or to hide the menu in fullscreen mode.

Not all configuration parameters are overriddable (only those with check marks in this documentation) -- some because it doesn't make sense for that parameter to vary, and many because of the extra complexity of supporting overriding given the lack of compelling usecases (please request new overridable parameters here!).

Each entry under the top-level overrides configuration block should be a list item, that has both of the following parameters set:

Option Default Overridable Description
conditions ✖️ A set of conditions that must evaluate to true in order for the overrides to be applied. See Frigate Card Conditions.
overrides ✖️ Configuration overrides to be applied. Any configuration parameter described in this documentation as 'Overridable' is supported.

Automation Options

All configuration is a list under:

  - [conditions:]
Option Default Overridable Description
conditions ✖️ A set of conditions that will trigger the automation. See Frigate Card Conditions.
actions ✖️ An optional list of actions that will be run when the conditions evaluate true. Actions can be stock Home Assistant actions or Frigate card actions.
actions_not ✖️ An optional list of actions that will be run when the conditions evaluate false. Actions can be stock Home Assistant actions or Frigate card actions.

Media Layout

The live, media_viewer and image sections all support layout option which is used to control the fit and position of the media within the card dimensions (in order to control the card dimensions themselves see the dimensions parameter ).

As the default card behavior is for the card to always expand to fit the media, these options only make sense if dimensions.aspect_ratio_mode is set to static.

All configuration is under:

Option Default Overridable Description
fit contain âś… If contain, the media is contained within the card and letterboxed if necessary. If cover, the media is expanded proportionally (i.e. maintaining the media aspect ratio) until the card is fully covered. If fill, the media is stretched to fill the card (i.e. ignoring the media aspect ratio). See CSS object-fit for technical details and a visualization.
position âś… A dictionary that contains an x and y percentage (0 - 100) to control the position of the media when the fit is cover. This can be effectively used to "pan" the media around. At any given time, only one of x and y will have an effect, depending on whether media width is larger than the card width (in which case x controls the position) or the media height is larger than the card height (in which case y controls the position). A value of 0 means maximally to the left or top of the media, a value of 100 means maximally to the right or bottom of the media. See CSS object-position for technical details and a visualization.

If multiple cameras are configured in the card, use overrides to configure different values per camera.

See media layout examples.

Other Options

All listed configuration options are under the top level, e.g.:

type: custom:frigate-card
Option Default Overridable Description
card_id ✖️ Advanced users only: An optional ID to uniquely identify this card. For use when actions are being sent to card(s) via the query string. Must exclusively consist of these characters: [a-zA-Z0-9_].

Using AlexxIT's WebRTC Card

WebRTC Card support blends the use of the ultra-realtime WebRTC card live view with convenient access to Frigate events/snapshots/UI. A perfect combination!

Live viewing

Note: AlexxIT's WebRTC Integration/Card must be installed and configured separately (see details) before it can be used with this card.

Specifying The WebRTC Card Camera

Frigate v0.12 and onwards

If you have used the recommended go2rtc setup for Frigate, no additional webrtc_card configuration is necessary.

Frigate v0.11 and earlier

The WebRTC Card live provider does not support use of Frigate-provided camera entities, as it requires an RTSP stream which Frigate does not currently provide. There are two ways to specify the WebRTC Card source camera:

  • Manual setup of separate RTSP camera entities in Home Assistant (see example). These entities will then be available for selection in the GUI card editor for the camera, or can be manually specified with a webrtc_card.entity option under that particular cameras configuration:
 - webrtc_card:
     entity: 'camera.front_door_rstp`
  • OR manually entering the WebRTC Card camera URL parameter in the GUI card editor, or configuring the url parameter as part of a manual Frigate card configuration, as illustrated in the following example:
 - webrtc_card:
     url: 'rtsp:https://USERNAME:PASSWORD@CAMERA:554/RTSP_PATH'

Other WebRTC Card options may be specified under the webrtc_card section, like so:

  - webrtc_card:
      ui: true

See the WebRTC Card live configuration above, and the external WebRTC Card configuration documentation for full configuration options that can be used here.

Using 2-Way Audio

This card supports 2-way audio (e.g. transmitting audio from a microphone to a suitably equipped camera). Requirements for 2-way audio to work:

Environmental requirements:

  • Must have a camera that supports audio out (otherwise what's the point!)
  • Camera must be supported by go2rtc for 2-way audio (see supported cameras).
  • Must be accessing your Home Assistant instance over https. The browser will enforce this.

Card requirements:

  • Only Frigate cameras are supported.
  • Only the go2rtc live provider is supported.
  • Only the webrtc mode supports 2-way audio:
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
    live_provider: go2rtc
        - webrtc
  • Must have microphone menu button enabled:
      enabled: true


  • The camera will always load without the microphone connected.
  • To speak, hold-down the microphone menu button.
    • On first press, this will reset the webrtc connection to include 2-way audio (unless the always_connected microphone option is set to true).
    • Thereafter hold the microphone button down to unmute/speak, let go to mute.
  • The video will automatically reset to remove the microphone after the number of seconds specified by disconnect_seconds in the microphone configuration have elapsed since the last mute/unmute press.

Frigate Card Conditions

Conditions are used to apply certain configuration depending on runtime evaluations. Conditions may be used in elements configuration (as part of a custom:frigate-card-conditional element) or the overrides configuration (see below for both).

All variables listed are under a conditions: section.

Condition Description
view A list of views in which this condition is satified (e.g. clips)
camera A list of camera ids in which this condition is satisfied. See camera IDs.
fullscreen If true the condition is satisfied if the card is in fullscreen mode. If false the condition is satisfied if the card is NOT in fullscreen mode.
expand If true the condition is satisfied if the card is in expanded mode (in a dialog/popup). If false the condition is satisfied if the card is NOT in expanded mode (in a dialog/popup).
state A list of state conditions to compare with Home Assistant state. See below.
media_loaded If true the condition is satisfied if there is media loadED (not loadING) in the card (e.g. a clip, snapshot or live view). This may be used to hide controls during media loading or when a message (not media) is being displayed. Note that if true this condition will never be satisfied for views that do not themselves load media directly (e.g. gallery).
media_query Any valid media query string. Media queries must start and end with parentheses. This may be used to alter card configuration based on device/media properties (e.g. viewport width, orientation). Please note that width and height refer to the entire viewport not just the card. See the media query example.

See the example below for a real-world example of how these conditions can be used.

State Conditions

- conditions:
      - [entries]

The Frigate Card Condition can compare HA state against fixed string values. This is the same as the Home Assistant Conditional Element condition, but can be used outside of a Picture Element context (e.g. card configuration overrides).

If multiple entries are provided, the results are ANDed.

Parameter Description
entity The entity ID to check the state for
state Condition will be met if state is equal to this optional string.
state_not Condition will be met if state is unequal to this optional string.

See the Menu override example below for an illustration.

Picture Elements / Menu Customizations

This card supports the Picture Elements configuration syntax to seamlessly allow the user to add custom elements to the card, which may be configured to perform a variety of actions on interaction (see actions below). The configuration is fairly versatile and can be simple, or very complex depending on the desires of the user.

All configuration is under:


See the fully expanded elements configuration example for how these parameters are structured.

Note: The Frigate Card allows either a single action (as in stock Home Assistant) or list of actions to be defined for each class of user interaction (e.g. tap, double_tap, hold, etc). See an example of multiple actions.

Special Elements

This card supports all Picture Elements using compatible syntax. The card also supports a handful of custom special elements to add special Frigate card functionality.

Element name Description
custom:frigate-card-menu-icon Add an arbitrary icon to the Frigate Card menu. Configuration is ~identical to that of the Picture Elements Icon except with a type name of custom:frigate-card-menu-icon.
custom:frigate-card-menu-state-icon Add a state icon to the Frigate Card menu that represents the state of a Home Assistant entity. Configuration is ~identical to that of the Picture Elements State Icon except with a type name of custom:frigate-card-menu-state-icon.
custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu Add a configurable submenu dropdown. See configuration below.
custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select Add a submenu based on a select or input_select. See configuration below.
custom:frigate-card-conditional Restrict a set of elements to only render when the card is showing particular a particular view. See configuration below.
custom:frigate-card-ptz Add a PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom) controller overlay. See configuration below.

Note: ℹ️ Manual positioning of custom menu icons or submenus via the style parameter is not supported as the menu buttons displayed are context sensitive so manual positioning by the user is not feasible.


Parameters for the custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu element are identical to the parameters of the stock Home Assistant Icon Element with the exception of these parameters which differ:

Parameter Description
type Must be custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu.
items A list of menu items, as described below.

Submenu Items
Parameter Default Description
title An optional title to display.
icon An optional item icon to display, e.g. mdi:car
entity An optional Home Assistant entity from which title, icon and style can be automatically computed.
state_color true Whether or not the title and icon should be stylized based on state.
selected false Whether or not to show this item as selected.
enabled true Whether or not to show this item as enabled / selectable.
style Position and style the element using CSS.
tap_action, double_tap_action, hold_action, start_tap, end_tap Home Assistant action configuration including the extended functionality described under actions.

See the Configuring a Submenu example.


This element allows you to easily convert a Home Assistant Select Entity or Home Assistant Input Select Entity (an entity either starting with select or input_select) into an overridable submenu. This could be done by hand using a regular submenu (above) -- this element is a convenience.

Parameters for the custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select element are identical to the parameters of the stock Home Assistant State Icon Element with the exception of these parameters which differ:

Parameter Description
type Must be custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select.
options An optional dictionary of overrides keyed by the option name that the given select entity supports. These options can be used to set or override submenu item parameters on a per-option basis. The format is as described in Submenu Items above.

See the Configuring a Select Submenu example.


Parameters for the custom:frigate-card-conditional element:

Parameter Description
type Must be custom:frigate-card-conditional.
elements The elements to render. Can be any supported element, include additional condition or custom elements.
conditions A set of conditions that must evaluate to true in order for the elements to be rendered. See Frigate Card Conditions.


Parameters for the custom:frigate-card-ptz element:

Parameter Default Description
type Must be custom:frigate-card-ptz.
style translate(-50%, -50%) Position and style the element using CSS. See Picture Element styling.
orientation vertical Whether to show a vertical or horizontal PTZ control.
actions_left, actions_right, actions_up, actions_down, actions_zoom_in, actions_zoom_out, actions_home The Home Assistant actions to call when this icon is interacted with.
data_left, data_right, data_up, data_down, data_zoom_in, data_zoom_out, data_home Shorthand for a tap_action that calls the service with the data provided in this argument. Internally, this is just translated into the longer-form actions_[button]. If both actions_X and data_X are specified, actions_X takes priority. This is compatible with AlexxIT's WebRTC Card PTZ configuration.
service An optional Home Assistant service to call when the data_ parameters are used.

Special Actions


Parameter Description
action Must be custom:frigate-card-action.
frigate_card_action Call a Frigate Card action. Acceptable values are default, clip, clips, image, live, recording, recordings, snapshot, snapshots, download, timeline, camera_ui, fullscreen, camera_select, menu_toggle, media_player, live_substream_on, live_substream_off, live_substream_select, expand, microphone_mute, microphone_unmute, mute, unmute, play, pause, screenshot

Action descriptions
Value Description
default Trigger the default view.
clip, clips, image, live, recording, recordings, snapshot, snapshots Trigger the named view.
download Download the displayed media.
camera_ui Open the Frigate UI at the configured URL.
fullscreen Toggle fullscreen.
camera_select Select a given camera. Takes a single additional camera parameter with the camera ID of the camera to select. Respects the value of view.camera_select to choose the appropriate view on the new camera.
menu_toggle Show/hide the menu (for the hidden mode style).
media_player Perform a media player action. Takes a media_player parameter with the entity ID of the media_player on which to perform the action, and a media_player_action parameter which should be either play or stop to play or stop the media in question.
live_substream_select Perform a media player action. Takes a camera parameter with the camera ID of the substream camera.
expand Expand the card into a dialog/popup.
microphone_mute, microphone_unmute Mute or unmute the microphone. See Using 2-way audio.
mute, unmute Mute or unmute the loaded media.
play, pause Play or pause the loaded media.
screenshot Take a screenshot of the loaded media (e.g. a still from a video).


This card supports several different views:

Key Description
live (default) Shows the live camera view with the configured live provider.
snapshots Shows a gallery of snapshots for this camera.
snapshot Shows a viewer for the most recent snapshot for this camera. Can also be accessed by holding down the snapshots menu icon.
clips Shows a gallery of clips for this camera.
clip Shows a viewer for the most recent clip for this camera. Can also be accessed by holding down the clips menu icon.
recordings Shows a gallery of recent (last day) recordings for this camera and its dependents.
recording Shows a viewer for the most recent recording for this camera. Can also be accessed by holding down the recordings menu icon.
image Shows a static image specified by the image parameter, can be used as a discrete default view or a screensaver (via view.timeout_seconds).

Navigating From A Snapshot To A Clip

Clicking on a snapshot will take the user to a clip that was taken at the ~same time as the snapshot (if any).


Introduction to Actions

Actions are pre-configured activities that can be triggered in response to a variety of circumstances (e.g. tapping on a menu icon, double tapping on a picture element or holding the mouse/tap down on a particular view).

Configuring Actions

The format for actions is the standard Home Assistant action format, with the exception of differences called out below.

Differences in actions between Frigate Card and Home Assistant

Both the Home Assistant frontend and the Frigate card cooperate to provide action functionality. In general, the Frigate Card functionality is a superset of that offered by stock Home Assistant.

Stock action functionality is used for Stock Home Assistant picture elements. Extended Frigate card behavior covers all other interactions on the Frigate card (e.g. menu icon elements, submenus and actions on the card or views).

Custom action types: start_tap and end_tap

The card has partial support for two special action types start_tap and end_tap which occur when a tap is started (e.g. mouse is pressed down / touch begins), and ended (e.g. mouse released / touch ends) respectively. This might be useful for PTZ cameras cameras to start/stop movement on touch. Network latency may introduce unavoidable imprecision between end_tap and action actually occurring.

Multiple actions

Extended Frigate card behavior supports a list of actions which will be handled, in addition to using a singular action. See an example of multiple actions below.

Card & View Actions

Actions may be attached to the card itself, to trigger action when the card experiences a tap, double_tap, hold, start_tap or end_tap event. These actions can be specified both for the overall card and for individual groups of view.

Configuration path Views to which it refers
view.actions All (may be overriden by the below)
media_gallery.actions clips, snapshots, recordings
media_viewer.actions clip, snapshot, recording
live.actions live
image.actions image

If an action is configured for both the whole card (view.actions) and a more specific view (e.g. live.actions) then the actions are merged, with the more specific overriding the less specific (see example below).

Note: The card itself relies on user interactions to function (e.g. tap on the menu should activate that button, tap on a gallery thumbnail should open that piece of media, etc). Efforts are taken to de-duplicate interactions (e.g. card-wide actions will not be activated through interaction with menu buttons, next/previous controls, thumbnails, etc), but in some cases this is not possible (e.g. embedded WebRTC card controls) -- in these cases duplicate actions may occur with certain configurations (e.g. tap).

Note: Card-wide actions are not supported on the timeline view, nor when a info/error message is being displayed.

Menu Styles

This card supports several menu styles.

Key Description Screenshot
hidden Hide the menu by default, expandable upon clicking the Frigate button. Menu hidden
overlay Overlay the menu over the card contents. The Frigate button shows the default view. Menu overlaid
hover Overlay the menu over the card contents when the mouse is over the menu, otherwise it is not shown. The Frigate button shows the default view. Menu overlaid
hover-card Overlay the menu over the card contents when the mouse is over the card, otherwise it is not shown. The Frigate button shows the default view. Menu overlaid
outside Render the menu outside the card (i.e. above it if position is top, or below it if position is bottom). The Frigate button shows the default view. Menu above
none No menu is shown. No Menu


Live Viewing of Multiple Cameras

Scroll through your live cameras, or choose from a menu. Seamlessly supports cameras of different dimensions, and custom submenus per camera.


Full Viewing Of Events


Live Viewing With Thumbnail Carousel

Live view with event thumbnails

Clip Viewing With Thumbnail Carousel

Viewer with event thumbnails

Hover Menu / Thumbnail Next & Previous Controls

Viewer with event thumbnails

Card Editing

This card supports full editing via the Lovelace card editor. Additional arbitrary configuration for WebRTC Card may be specified in YAML mode.

Live viewing

Configurable Submenus

This card supports fully configurable submenus.

Configurable submenus

Select Entity Submenus

Automatically generate submenus from select entities.

Select based submenus

Cast media from the card

Cast media from the card to a local player.

Cast media

Scan Mode

Automatically choose the camera with the action!

Cast media

Thumbnail Drawers

View thumbnails in side-drawers.

Thumbnail drawers

Event Timeline

View events in the timeline.

Event Timeline

Single Camera Recordings

View recordings for a camera across time:

Recording for single camera

Multiple Camera Recordings

View recordings for multiple cameras at a given time:

Recording for multiple cameras

Dark Mode

Dim the card when not used.

Card dark mode

Card Casting

A dashboard with the card can be cast onto a suitable device (such as the Nest Hub shown below).

Card on Nest Hub

Event starring

Retain interesting Frigate events forever:

Retain events

PTZ Control

Control a PTZ camera:

PTZ Control

Media Layout

Pan around a large camera view to only show part of the video feed in the card at a different aspect ratio:


Media Layout A


Media Layout B

Video Scrubbing

Video Scrubbing

Media filtering

Media Filtering

Seamless integration of different camera sources/engines

MotionEye Support

Expanded mode

Expanded Mode

Substream Support

Substream Support

Timeline Date Picking

Timeline Date Picking

Low performance mode

Low Performance Mode

Ribbon timeline

Ribbon Timeline

In-menu media / mute control

In-Menu Media Control

2-way Audio Support

2-way Audio

Zoom Support

Zoom Support

Taking card actions via the URL

Taking card actions via the URL


Illustrative Expanded Configuration Reference

Caution: đźš© Just copying this full reference into your configuration will cause you a significant maintenance burden. Don't do it! Please only specify what you need as defaults can / do change continually as this card develops. Almost all the values shown here are the defaults (except in cases where is no default, parameters are added here for illustrative purposes).

Expand: Cameras section

Reference: Camera Options.

  - camera_entity: camera.front_Door
    live_provider: ha
    engine: auto
    hide: false
      url: https://my.frigate.local
      client_id: frigate
      camera_name: front_door
       - person
       - steps
    # Show events for camera-2 when this camera is viewed.
      all_cameras: false
        - camera-2
      motion: false
      occupancy: true
        - binary_sensor.front_door_sensor
  - camera_entity: camera.entrance
    live_provider: webrtc-card
    engine: auto
      url: https://my-other.frigate.local
      client_id: frigate-other
      camera_name: entrance
       - car
       - driveway
    icon: 'mdi:car'
    title: 'Front entrance'
    # Custom identifier for the camera to refer to it above.
    id: 'camera-2'
    # Don't show this camera on the UI (will only be available as a dependent substream).
    hide: true
      entity: camera.entrance_rtsp
      url: 'rtsp:https://username:password@camera:554/av_stream/ch0'
      motion: false
      occupancy: true
        - binary_sensor.entrance_sensor
      all_cameras: false
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    live_provider: go2rtc
        - webrtc
        - mse
        - mp4
        - mjpeg
      stream: sitting_room
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room_webrtc_card
    live_provider: webrtc_card
      # Arbitrary WebRTC Card options, see .
      entity: camera.sitting_room_rtsp
      ui: true
  - camera_entity:
    live_provider: jsmpeg
        audio: false
        video: true
        pauseWhenHidden: false
        disableGl: false
        disableWebAssembly: false
        preserveDrawingBuffer: false
        progressive: true
        throttled: true
        chunkSize: 1048576
        maxAudioLag: 10
        videoBufferSize: 524288
        audioBufferSize: 131072
  - camera_entity: camera.back_yard
    live_provider: image
      refresh_seconds: 1
  - camera_entity: camera.office_motioneye
        directory_pattern: '%Y-%m-%d'
        file_pattern: '%H-%M-%S'
        directory_pattern: '%Y-%m-%d'
        file_pattern: '%H-%M-%S'
Expand: Cameras Global section

Reference: Cameras Global Options.

  live_provider: ha
  engine: auto
  hide: false
    url: https://my.frigate.local
    client_id: frigate
    camera_name: front_door
     - person
     - steps
    all_cameras: false
      - camera-2
    motion: false
    occupancy: true
      - binary_sensor.front_door_sensor
      - webrtc
      - mse
      - mp4
      - mjpeg
    stream: sitting_room
    # Arbitrary WebRTC Card options, see .
    entity: camera.sitting_room_rtsp
    ui: true
      audio: false
      video: true
      pauseWhenHidden: false
      disableGl: false
      disableWebAssembly: false
      preserveDrawingBuffer: false
      progressive: true
      throttled: true
      chunkSize: 1048576
      maxAudioLag: 10
      videoBufferSize: 524288
      audioBufferSize: 131072
    refresh_seconds: 1

Expand: View section

Reference: View Options.

  default: live
  camera_select: current
  timeout_seconds: 300
  update_seconds: 0
  update_force: false
  update_cycle_camera: false
    - binary_sensor.my_motion_sensor
    - switch.render_card
  dark_mode: 'off'
    enabled: false
    show_trigger_status: true
    untrigger_reset: true
    untrigger_seconds: 0
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none

Expand: Menu section

Reference: Menu Options.

  style: hidden
  position: top
  alignment: left
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      # Default icon is an internal coded Frigate icon. Note
      # absence of 'mdi' here (mdi has no Frigate icon).
      icon: frigate
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:video-switch
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      icon: mdi:video-input-component
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:cctv
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:filmstrip
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:camera
      priority: 50
      enabled: false
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:image
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:chart-gantt
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:download
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:web
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:fullscreen
      priority: 50
      enabled: true
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:arrow-expand-all
      priority: 50
      enabled: false
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:cast
      priority: 50
      enabled: false
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:microphone
      type: momentary
      priority: 50
      enabled: false
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:volume-off
      priority: 50
      enabled: false
      alignment: matching
      icon: mdi:play
  button_size: 40

Expand: Live section

Reference: Live Options.

  auto_play: all
  auto_pause: never
  auto_mute: all
  auto_unmute: never
  preload: false
  lazy_load: true
  lazy_unload: never
  draggable: true
  zoomable: true
  transition_effect: slide
    builtin: true
      style: chevrons
      size: 48
      media: clips
      size: 100
      show_details: false
      show_download_control: true
      show_favorite_control: true
      show_timeline_control: true
      mode: none
      style: ribbon
      mode: none
      clustering_threshold: 3
      media: all
      show_recordings: true
      window_seconds: 3600
      mode: popup-bottom-right
      duration_seconds: 2
    fit: contain
      x: 50
      y: 50
    always_connected: false
    disconnect_seconds: 60
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none

Expand: Media Viewer section

Reference: Media Viewer Options.

  auto_play: all
  auto_pause: all
  auto_mute: all
  auto_unmute: never
  lazy_load: true
  draggable: true
  zoomable: true
  snapshot_click_plays_clip: true
  transition_effect: slide
    builtin: true
      size: 48
      style: thumbnails
      size: 100
      mode: none
      show_details: false
      show_download_control: true
      show_favorite_control: true
      show_timeline_control: true
      style: ribbon
      mode: none
      clustering_threshold: 3
      media: all
      show_recordings: true
      window_seconds: 3600
      mode: popup-bottom-right
      duration_seconds: 2
    fit: contain
      x: 50
      y: 50
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none

Expand: Media Gallery section

Reference: Media Gallery Options.

      mode: 'right'
      size: 100
      show_details: false
      show_download_control: true
      show_favorite_control: true
      show_timeline_control: true
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none

Expand: Image section

Reference: Image Options.

  mode: url
  refresh_seconds: 0
  zoomable: true
    fit: contain
      x: 50
      y: 50
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none
      action: none

Expand: Elements section (stock Home Assistant elements)

Reference: Home Assistant Picture Elements

Actions are omitted for simplicity, see the next section for action examples.

  - type: state-badge
    entity: sensor.kitchen_dining_multisensor_air_temperature
      left: 100px
      top: 50px
    title: "Temperature"
  - type: state-icon
    entity: light.office_main_lights
    icon: mdi:lamp
    state_color: true
      left: 100px
      top: 100px
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.kitchen_motion_sensor_battery
    attribute: battery_voltage
    prefix: Volts
    title: Battery Voltage
      left: 100px
      top: 150px
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.kitchen_motion_sensor_battery
    attribute: battery_voltage
    prefix: 'Volts: '
    title: Battery Voltage
      background-color: black
      left: 100px
      top: 200px
  - type: service-button
    title: Light on
    service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity: light.office_main_lights
      left: 100px
      top: 250px
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:cow
    title: Moo
      left: 100px
      top: 300px
  - type: image
    entity: light.office_main_lights
    title: Image
      on: ""
      off: ""
      "on": brightness(110%) saturate(1.2)
      "off": brightness(50%) hue-rotate(45deg)
      left: 100px
      top: 350px
      height: 50px
      width: 100px
  - type: conditional
      - entity: light.office_main_lights
        state: on
        state_not: off
    - type: icon
      icon: mdi:dog
      title: Woof
        left: 100px
        top: 400px
Expand: Elements section (stock Home Assistant actions)

Reference: Home Assistant Actions, Frigate Card Actions.

  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-1-box
    title: More info action
      left: 200px
      top: 50px
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: more-info
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-2-box
    title: Toggle action
      left: 200px
      top: 100px
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: toggle
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-3-box
    title: Call Service action
      left: 200px
      top: 150px
      action: call-service
      service: homeassistant.toggle
        entity_id: light.office_main_lights
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-4-box
    title: Navigate action
      left: 200px
      top: 200px
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/2
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-5-box
    title: URL action
      left: 200px
      top: 250px
      action: url
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-6-box
    title: None action
      left: 200px
      top: 300px
      action: none
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:numeric-7-box
    title: Custom action
      left: 200px
      top: 350px
      action: fire-dom-event
      key: value
Expand: Elements section (custom elements)

Reference: Custom Frigate Card Elements

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:car
    title: Vroom
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-state-icon
    entity: light.office_main_lights
    title: Office lights
    icon: mdi:chair-rolling
    state_color: true
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu
    icon: mdi:menu
      - title: Lights
        icon: mdi:lightbulb
        entity: light.office_main_lights
          action: toggle
      - title: Google
        icon: mdi:google
        enabled: false
          action: url
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select
    icon: mdi:lamps
    entity: input_select.kitchen_scene
        icon: mdi:chef-hat
        title: Cooking time!
        icon: mdi:television
        title: TV!
    # Show a pig icon if the card is in the live view, in fullscreen mode, light.office_main_lights is on and the media has been loaded.
  - type: custom:frigate-card-conditional
      - type: icon
        icon: mdi:pig
        title: Oink
          left: 300px
          top: 100px
        - live
      fullscreen: true
        - camera.front_door
        - entity: light.office_main_lights
          state: on
          state_not: off
      media_loaded: true
    # Full form PTZ actions (only left button shown).
  - type: custom:frigate-card-ptz
    orientation: vertical
      transform: none
      right: 5%
      top: 50%
        action: call-service
        service: sonoff.send_command
          device: '048123'
          cmd: left 
    # Equivalent short form PTZ actions (only left button shown)
  - type: custom:frigate-card-ptz
    orientation: vertical
      transform: none
      right: 20px
      top: 180px
    service: sonoff.send_command
      device: '048123'
      cmd: left
Expand: Elements section (custom actions)

Reference: Custom Frigate Card Actions

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-a-circle
    title: Show default view
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: default
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-b-circle
    title: Show most recent clip
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: clip
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-c-circle
    title: Show clips
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: clips
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-d-circle
    title: Show image view
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: image
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-e-circle
    title: Show live view
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: live
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-f-circle
    title: Show most recent snapshot
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: snapshot
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-g-circle
    title: Show snapshots
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: snapshots
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-h-circle
    title: Download media
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: download
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-i-circle
    title: Open Frigate UI
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: camera_ui
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-j-circle
    title: Change to fullscreen
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: fullscreen
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-k-circle
    title: Toggle hidden menu
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: menu_toggle
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-l-circle
    title: Select Front Door
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: camera_select
      camera: camera.front_door
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-m-circle
    title: Media player play
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: media_player
      media_player: media_player.nesthub50be
      media_player_action: play
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-n-circle
    title: Media player stop
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: media_player
      media_player: media_player.nesthub
      media_player_action: stop
  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:alpha-o-circle
    title: Screenshot
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: screenshot

Expand: Dimensions section

Reference: Dimension Options.

  aspect_ratio_mode: dynamic
  aspect_ratio: 16:9
  max_height: 100vh
  min_height: 100px

Expand: Timeline section

Reference: Timeline Options.

  style: stack
  clustering_threshold: 3
  media: all
  show_recordings: true
  window_seconds: 3600
      mode: left
      size: 100
      show_details: true
      show_download_control: true
      show_favorite_control: true
      show_timeline_control: true

Expand: Overrides section

Reference: Override Options.

Overrides allow overriding certain (many) configuration parameters when a given condition is met. The below is a fully expanded set of those overridable parameters. This is really just repeating the above expansions of the relevant sections, rather than indicating new or different parameters, i.e. this repetition is included for illustrative purposes of what is overridable.

  - conditions:
        - live
      fullscreen: true
        - camera.front_door
        - entity: light.office_main_lights
          state: on
          state_not: off
        # As this is an array, we need to carefully ensure we are
        # overridding the correct index. We do this by specifying
        # earlier indicies as being overridden with an empty object
        # (in YAML this is `{}`). In this example, overriddes will
        # only apply to the 2nd camera:
        - {}                       # No overrides for camera index 0.
        - live_provider: 'ha'      # Overrides for camera index 1.
          engine: auto
          hide: false
            url: https://my.frigate.local
            client_id: frigate
            camera_name: front_door
             - person
             - steps
            all_cameras: false
              - camera-2
            motion: false
            occupancy: true
              - binary_sensor.front_door_sensor
              - webrtc
              - mse
              - mp4
              - mjpeg
            stream: sitting_room
            # Arbitrary WebRTC Card options, see .
            entity: camera.sitting_room_rtsp
            ui: true
              audio: false
              video: true
              pauseWhenHidden: false
              disableGl: false
              disableWebAssembly: false
              preserveDrawingBuffer: false
              progressive: true
              throttled: true
              chunkSize: 1048576
              maxAudioLag: 10
              videoBufferSize: 524288
              audioBufferSize: 131072
    refresh_seconds: 1
          ui: true
            audio: false
            video: true
            pauseWhenHidden: false
            disableGl: false
            disableWebAssembly: false
            preserveDrawingBuffer: false
            progressive: true
            throttled: true
            chunkSize: 1048576
            maxAudioLag: 10
            videoBufferSize: 524288
            audioBufferSize: 131072
            style: chevrons
            size: 48
            media: clips
            size: 100
            show_details: false
            show_download_control: true
            show_favorite_control: true
            show_timeline_control: true
            mode: none
            mode: popup-bottom-right
            duration_seconds: 2
          entity: light.office_main_lights
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
        style: hidden
        position: top
        alignment: left
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            # Default icon is an internal coded Frigate icon. Note
            # absence of 'mdi' here (mdi has no Frigate icon).
            icon: frigate
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:video-switch
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:cctv
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:filmstrip
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:camera
            priority: 50
            enabled: false
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:album
            priority: 50
            # Disable the image button.
            enabled: false
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:image
            # Ensure the timeline button is ordered earlier.
            priority: 100
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:chart-gantt
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:download
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:web
            priority: 50
            enabled: true
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:fullscreen
            priority: 50
            enabled: false
            alignment: matching
            icon: mdi:cast
        button_size: 40
        mode: url
        refresh_seconds: 0
          entity: light.office_main_lights
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
        default: live
        camera_select: current
        timeout_seconds: 300
        update_seconds: 0
        update_force: false
        update_cycle_camera: false
          - binary_sensor.my_motion_sensor
          - switch.render_card
        dark_mode: 'off'
          entity: light.office_main_lights
            action: none
            action: toggle
            action: none
            action: none
            action: none
Expand: Performance section

Reference: Performance Options.

  profile: high
    animated_progress_indicator: true
    media_chunk_size: 50
    border_radius: true
    box_shadow: true
Expand: Automation section

Reference: Automation Options.

  - conditions:
      fullscreen: true
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: live_substream_on
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: live_substream_off
Expand: Other options

Reference: Other Options.

card_id: main

Basic cameras configuration

Expand: Basic cameras configuration
type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
Expand: Different providers for a single camera

Cameras can be repeated with different providers (note the required use of id to provide a separate unambiguous way of referring to that camera, since the camera_entity is shared between the two cameras).

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
    live_provider: jsmpeg
    title: Front Door (JSMPEG)
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
    live_provider: webrtc-card
    title: Front Door (WebRTC)
      entity: camera.front_door_rtsp
    id: front-door-webrtc

WebRTC Card Provider

Expand: Basic WebRTC Card configuration with UI enabled
type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
    live_provider: webrtc-card
    title: Front Door
      entity: camera.front_door_rtsp
    ui: true

Static Aspect Ratios

You can set a static aspect ratio.

Expand: Static 4:3 aspect ratios
  aspect_ratio_mode: static
  aspect_ratio: '4:3'

Adding Menu Icons

You can add custom icons to the menu with arbitrary actions.

Expand: Custom menu icon

This example adds an icon that navigates the browser to the releases page for this card:

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:book
      action: url

Adding Menu State Icons

You can add custom state icons to the menu to show the state of an entity and complete arbitrary actions.

Expand: Custom menu state icon

This example adds an icon that represents the state of the light.office_main_lights entity, that toggles the light on double click.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-state-icon
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: toggle

Adding State Badges

You can add a state badge to the card showing arbitrary entity states.

Expand: State badge

This example adds a state badge showing the temperature and hides the label text:

  - type: state-badge
    entity: sensor.kitchen_temperature
      right: '-20px'
      top: 100px
      color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
      opacity: 0.5
Picture elements temperature example

Adding State Badges

You can have icons conditionally added to the menu based on entity state.

Expand: Conditional menu icons

This example only adds the light entity to the menu if a light is on.

  - type: conditional
      - entity:
        state: 'on'
      - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-state-icon
          action: toggle

Restricting Icons To Certain Views

You can restrict icons to only show for certain views using a custom:frigate-card-conditional element

Expand: View-based conditions

This example shows a car icon that calls a service but only in the live view.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-conditional
        - live
      - type: icon
        icon: mdi:car
          background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25)
          border-radius: 5px
          right: 25px
          bottom: 50px
          action: call-service
          service: amcrest.ptz_control
            movement: up

Triggering Card Actions

You can control the card itself with the custom:frigate-card-action action.

Expand: Custom fullscreen button

This example shows an icon that toggles the card fullscreen mode.

  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:fullscreen
      left: 40px
      top: 40px
      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: fullscreen

Adding Card-wide Actions

You can add actions to the card to be trigger on tap, double_tap, hold, start_tap or end_tap. See actions above.

Expand: Adding a card-wide action

In this example double clicking the card in any view will cause the card to go into fullscreen mode, except when the view is live in which case the office lights are toggled.

      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: fullscreen
    entity: light.office_main_lights
      action: toggle

Configuring a submenu

You can add submenus to the menu -- buttons that when pressed reveal a dropdown submenu of configurable options.

Expand: Adding a submenu

This example shows a submenu that illustrates a variety of actions.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu
    icon: mdi:menu
      - title: Lights
        icon: mdi:lightbulb
        entity: light.office_main_lights
          action: toggle
      - title: Google
        icon: mdi:google
          action: url
      - title: Fullscreen
        icon: mdi:fullscreen
          action: custom:frigate-card-action
          frigate_card_action: fullscreen
Expand: Custom submenus per camera

This example shows submenus conditional on the camera selected.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-conditional
        - camera.front_door
      - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu
        icon: mdi:door
          - title: Front Door Lights
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            entity: light.front_door_lights
              action: toggle
  - type: custom:frigate-card-conditional
        - camera.living_room
      - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu
        icon: mdi:sofa
          - title: Living Room Lights
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            entity: light.living_room_lights
              action: toggle
          - title: Living Room Lamp
            icon: mdi:lightbulb
            entity: light.living_room_lamp
              action: toggle

Configuring a select submenu

You can easily add a submenu to the menu based on a select or input_select entity.

Expand: Adding a select submenu

This example imagines the user has an input_select entity configured in their Home Assistant configuration like so:

    name: Kitchen Scene Select
      - scene.kitchen_cooking_scene
      - scene.kitchen_tv_scene
    icon: mdi:lightbulb

The following will convert this entity into a submenu:

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select
    entity: input_select.kitchen_scene

To override 1 or more individual options (e.g. to set custom icons and titles)

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-submenu-select
    icon: mdi:lamps
    entity: input_select.kitchen_scene
        icon: mdi:chef-hat
        title: Cooking time!
        icon: mdi:television
        title: TV!

Overriding card behavior

You can override card configuration when certain conditions are met.

Expand: Hiding the menu in fullscreen mode

This example disables the menu unless the card is in fullscreen mode, and uses a card-wide action to enable fullscreen mode on double_tap:

      action: custom:frigate-card-action
      frigate_card_action: fullscreen
  - conditions:
      fullscreen: true
        style: none
Expand: Enable WebRTC Card UI only for a selected camera

This example enables WebRTC Card UI mode for a particular camera.

 - camera_entity:
   live_provider: webrtc-card
 - camera_entity: camera.a-different-camera
  - conditions:
          ui: true
Expand: Change the menu position based on HA state
  - conditions:
        - entity: light.office_lights
          state: 'on'
        position: bottom
Expand: Change the default view based on HA state

This example changes the default card view from live to image depending on the value of the binary_sensor.alarm_armed sensor. Note that the override alone will only change the default when the card next is requested to change to the default view. By also including the update_entities parameter, we ask the card to trigger a card update based on that entity -- which causes it to use the new overriden default immediately. Alternatives to trigger the card to change view but without update_entities would just be having an update_seconds parameter which reloads the default view that many seconds after user interaction stops or through the use of the triggers option for a given camera (see Trigger Configuration).

  default: live
    - binary_sensor.alarm_armed
  - conditions:
        - entity: binary_sensor.alarm_armed
          state: 'off'
        default: image
Expand: Change the menu style in expanded mode

This example changes the menu style to overlay in expanded mode in order to take advantage of the extra horizontal space of the dialog/popup.

  style: hidden
  - conditions:
      expand: true
        style: overlay

Refreshing a static image

Expand: Auto-refreshing a static image

This example fetches a static image every 10 seconds (in this case the latest image saved on the Frigate server for a given camera).

  default: image
  src: https://my-friage-server/api/living_room/latest.jpg
  refresh_seconds: 10

Defining multiple actions for Elements

Expand: Changing camera and view simultaneously

This example shows how to configure multiple actions for a single Frigate card user interaction, in this case both selecting a different camera and changing the view on tap. Note that multiple actions are not supported on stock Picture Elements, see actions for more information.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-menu-icon
    icon: mdi:chair-rolling
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: camera_select
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: live

Using a PTZ picture element

The card supports a custom PTZ element (custom:frigate-card-ptz) to conveniently control pan, tilt and zoom for cameras.

Expand: Using the native PTZ picture element

This example shows the native PTZ element when the live or image view is displayed and the stream (media) has loaded.

  - type: custom:frigate-card-conditional
      media_loaded: true
        - live
        - image
      - type: custom:frigate-card-ptz
        orientation: horizontal
          transform: none
          right: 20px
          top: 180px
        service: sonoff.send_command
          device: '048123'
          cmd: left
          device: '048123'
          cmd: right
          device: '048123'
          cmd: up
          device: '048123'
          cmd: down

Using live substreams

The card supports configuring 'substreams' to show up for a given live camera through the use of camera dependencies.

Expand: Having an SD and HD substream

This example shows two substreams for a single live camera, and uses the 'HD' icon.

  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    live_provider: image
        - sitting_room_hd
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    title: Sitting Room HD
    live_provider: go2rtc
    id: sitting_room_hd
    # Do not show the HD camera independently on the UI.
    hide: true
      icon: mdi:high-definition
Expand: Having a substream menu with different live providers

This example shows a substream menu for three different live providers for a given camera.

  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    live_provider: image
        - sitting_room_go2rtc
        - sitting_room_ha
    icon: mdi:image
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    live_provider: go2rtc
    id: sitting_room_go2rtc
    hide: true
    title: Sitting Room go2rtc
    icon: mdi:alpha-g
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
    live_provider: ha
    id: sitting_room_ha
    hide: true
    title: Sitting Room HA
    icon: mdi:home

Using card-mod to style the card

This card allows the use of card-mod to style arbitrary card contents. card-mod can be complex to use and relies on the underlying internal DOM structure to style elements -- as such, while its use is possible it's not officially supported and no attempt is made to preserve backwards compatability of the internal DOM between any versions. It'll look good, but you're on your own!

Expand: Use card-mod to style a Picture elements label

This example changes the color and removes the padding around a Picture Elements state label.

    frigate-card-elements $:
      hui-state-label-element $: |
        div {
          padding: 0px !important;
          color: blue;

Overriding default menu behavior

Expand: Overriding default menu behavior

This example moves the fullscreen button into its own group aligned to the left, enables the image button and orders it furthest to the right.

  alignment: right
      enabled: true
      priority: 100
      alignment: opposing

Using a dependent camera

dependencies.cameras allows events/recordings for other cameras to be shown along with the currently selected camera. For example, this can be used to show events with the birdseye camera (since it will not have events of its own).

Expand: Using dependent cameras with birdseye

This example shows events for two other cameras when birdseye is selected.

  - camera_entity:
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  - camera_name: birdseye
        - camera.sitting_room
Expand: Using all dependent cameras with birdseye

This example shows events for all other cameras when birdseye is selected. This is just a shortcut for naming all other cameras.

  - camera_entity:
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  - frigate:
      camera_name: birdseye
      all_cameras: true

Using Scan Mode

Have your card follow the action with Scan Mode.

Expand: Using scan mode
type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.back_yard
    # This camera will automatically trigger by occupancy.
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
      occupancy: false
      motion: true
        - binary_sensor.door_opened
    enabled: true
    trigger_show_border: true

Changing the Media Layout

Change how the media fits and is positioned within the card dimensions.

Expand: Stretching an image

Stretch the stock Frigate card image into a 4:4 square.

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.landing
  default: image
  aspect_ratio_mode: static
  aspect_ratio: '4:4'
    fit: fill
Expand: Convert a landscape camera to a portrait live view

Take the left-hand side (position with x == 0 and use that as the basis of a 9:16 (i.e. portrait) live view.

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.landing
  aspect_ratio_mode: static
  aspect_ratio: '9:16'
    fit: cover
      x: 0
Expand: Complex example to vary the media layouts for different cameras

Configure three cameras (all natively landscape): the first uses automatic expansion of dimensions (the default), the second uses a portrait (9:16) card focused on the left side (x == 0) of the media, the third uses a portrait (9:16) card focused on the right side (x == 100) of the media.

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.landing
  - camera_entity: camera.living_room
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  - conditions:
        - camera.living_room
        - camera.sitting_room
        aspect_ratio_mode: static
        aspect_ratio: '9:16'
          fit: cover
  - conditions:
        - camera.living_room
            x: 0
  - conditions:
        - camera.sitting_room
            x: 100

Using Media Query conditions

Alter the card configuration based on device or viewport properties.

Expand: Hide menu & controls when viewport width <= 300 (e.g. PIP mode)
type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.back_yard
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  - conditions:
      media_query: '(max-width: 300px)'
        style: none
            style: none
            mode: none
Expand: Change menu position when orientation changes
type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.back_yard
  - camera_entity: camera.sitting_room
  style: overlay
  - conditions:
      media_query: '(orientation: landscape)'
        position: left

Using menu-based video controls instead of browser builtin controls

Expand: Using menu-based video controls

Disable the stock video controls and add menu button equivalents.

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.back_yard
    builtin: false
    builtin: false
      enabled: true
      enabled: true

Automatically trigger "fullscreen" mode

The card cannot automatically natively trigger fullscreen mode without the user clicking, since Javascript (understandbly) prevents random websites from triggering fullscreen mode without the user having activated it.

There is a potential workaround:

Expand: Use "browser_mod" to show a popup with a Frigate Card

This workaround uses hass-browser_mod with an automation to trigger a popup. Thanks to conorlap@ for the following example:

alias: >-
  Doorbell Pressed OR Human Detected - Firefox browser full screen video feed
  for 15 seconds
description: ""
  - platform: state
    from: "off"
    to: "on"
      - binary_sensor.frontdoor_person_occupancy
  - platform: state
      - binary_sensor.front_door_dahua_button_pressed
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: browser_mod.popup
      size: wide
      timeout: 15000
        type: custom:frigate-card
        aspect_ratio: 55%
          - camera_entity:
            live_provider: ha
          style: none
              mode: none
        - d0e93101edfg44y3yt35y5y45y54y
mode: single

Passing the card actions from the URL

The card can respond to actions in the query string (see below).

Expand: Selecting the kitchen camera and opening the expanded view

This example assumes the dashboard URL is
Expand: Choosing the clips view on a named card

This example assumes the dashboard URL is

It assumes that one card (of potentially multiple Frigate Cards on the dashboard) is configured with a card_id parameter:

type: custom:frigate-card
card_id: main
Expand: Choosing the camera from a separate picture elements card

In this example, the card will select a given camera when the user navigates from a separate Picture Elements card:

Taking card actions via the URL

Frigate Card configuration:

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.living_room
  - camera_entity: camera.landing

Picture Elements configuration (assumes the dashboard is /lovelace-frigate/map):

type: picture-elements
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:cctv
      top: 22%
      left: 30%
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-frigate/map?frigate-card-action:camera_select=camera.living_room
  - type: icon
    icon: mdi:cctv
      top: 71%
      left: 42%
      action: navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace-frigate/map?frigate-card-action:camera_select=camera.landing

Automation actions

The card can automatically execute actions when certain conditions are met.

Expand: Automatically selecting a high-definition substream in fullscreen mode

This example will automatically turn on the first configured substream when the card is put in fullscreen mode, and turn off the substream when exiting fullscreen mode.

  - conditions:
      fullscreen: true
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: live_substream_on
      - action: custom:frigate-card-action
        frigate_card_action: live_substream_off

Card Refreshes

Four sets of flags govern when the card will automatically refresh in the absence of user interaction.

The following table describes the behavior these flags have.

Card Update Truth Table

Note that no (other) automated updates are permitted when scan mode is being triggered.

In the below "Trigger Entities" refers to the combination of view.update_entities and the triggers.entities for the currently selected camera (which in turn will also include the occupancy and motion sensor entities for Frigate cameras if triggers.occupancy and triggers.motion options are enabled, see Trigger Configuration).

view . update_seconds view . timeout_seconds view . update_force Trigger Entities Behavior
0 0 (Any value) Unset Card will not automatically refresh.
0 0 (Any value) (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera when entity state changes.
0 X seconds (Any value) Unset Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops.
0 X seconds false (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops, or when entity state changes (as long as user interaction has not occurred in the last X seconds).
0 X seconds true (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops or when entity state changes.
Y seconds 0 (Any value) Unset Card will reload default view & camera every Y seconds.
Y seconds 0 (Any value) (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera every Y seconds, or whenever entity state changes.
Y seconds X seconds false Unset Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops, and every Y seconds (as long as there hasn't been user interaction in the last X seconds).
Y seconds X seconds false (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops, and every Y seconds or whenever entity state changes (in both cases -- as long as there hasn't been user interaction in the last X seconds).
Y seconds X seconds true Unset Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops, and every Y seconds.
Y seconds X seconds true (Any entity) Card will reload default view & camera X seconds after user interaction stops, and every Y seconds or whenever entity state changes.

Usecases For Automated Refreshes

  • Refreshing the live thumbnails every 30 seconds.
  default: live
  update_seconds: 30
  • Using clip or snapshot as the default view (for the most recent clip or snapshot respectively) and having the card automatically refresh (to fetch a newer clip/snapshot) on motion.
  - entity:
      motion: true
  • Cycle the live view of the camera every 60 seconds
  update_cycle_camera: true
  update_seconds: 60
  • Return to the most recent clip of the default camera 30 seconds after user interaction with the card stops.
  default: clip
  timeout_seconds: 30

Passing the card actions from the URL

It is possible to pass the Frigate card one or more actions from the URL (e.g. select a particular camera, open the live view in expanded mode, etc).

The Frigate card will execute these actions in the following circumstances:

  • On initial card load.
  • On 'tab' change in a dashboard.
  • When a navigate action is called on the dashboard (e.g. a button click requests navigation).
  • When the user uses the back / forward browser buttons whilst viewing a dashboard.

To send an action to all Frigate cards:


To send an action to a named Frigate card:

Parameter Description
ACTION One of the supported Frigate Card custom actions (see below).
CARD_ID When specified only cards that have a card_id parameter will act.
VALUE An optional value to use with the camera_select and live_substream_select actions.

Note: If a dashboard has multiple Frigate cards on it, even if they are on different 'tabs' within that dashboard, they will all respond to the actions unless the action is targeted with a CARD_ID as shown above.


Action Supported in query string Explanation
camera_select âś…
camera_ui âś…
clip âś…
clips âś…
default âś…
download ✖️ Latest media information is not available on initial render.
expand âś…
fullscreen ✖️ Javascript does not support activating fullscreen without direct human interaction. Use expand as an alternative.
image âś…
live_substream_select âś…
live âś…
media_player ✖️ Please request if you need this.
menu_toggle âś…
microphone_mute, microphone_unmute ✖️
mute, unmute ✖️
play, pause ✖️
recording âś…
recordings âś…
screenshot ✖️ Latest media information is not available on initial render.
snapshot âś…
snapshots âś…

See custom actions for a description of what the actions do.


See query string examples for examples of usage.

Casting the Card

This card can be (Chrome) casted to a device (such as a Nest Hub) through the use of Home Assistant Cast.

Instructions to Cast

  • Visit Home Assistant Cast and click Start Casting
  • Enter your Home Assistant URL, and authorize your account.
  • Click Start Casting and choose the device to cast to from the browser menu.
  • Choose which view/dashboard to display.
  • If successful, the view will be cast to the device.


Casting Home Assistant dashboards comes with a number of caveats:

  • Home Assistant Casting does not support the HA streaming component (source). This means clips playing and the ha live provider can not work. Other live providers such as jsmpeg and webrtc-card function correctly.
  • The Javascript fullscreen API does not work (so the fullscreen button does not work, but see below for an equivalent).

Recommended configuration for a Nest Hub

Using a panel dashboard with the following base configuration will result in the card consuming the entire device screen:

type: custom:frigate-card
  - camera_entity: camera.front_door
    live_provider: jsmpeg
  aspect_ratio: 1024:600
  aspect_ratio_mode: static

See screenshot above.


v4 doesn't show recordings / clips

You must be using a version of the Frigate integration >= 3.0.0-rc.2 to see recordings. Using an older version of the integration may also show blank thumbnails in the events viewer. Please upgrade your integration accordingly.

Forbidden media source identifier

  • If you are using a custom client_id setting in your frigate.yml file (the configuration file for the Frigate backend itself), you must tell the card about it. See camera configuration.
  • You must have the Enable the media browser option enabled for the Frigate integration, in order for media fetches to work for the card. Media fetches are used to fetch events / clips / snapshots, etc. If you just wish to use live streams without media fetches, you can use the following configuration:
      mode: none

Title "Popups" are annoying / continually popping up

Title popups can be disabled for live or media viewer views with this configuration:

      mode: none
      mode: none

Microphone / 2-way audio doesn't work

There are many requirements for 2-way audio to work. See Using 2-way audio for more information about these. If your microphone still does not work and you believe you meet all the requirements try eliminating the card from the picture by going directly to the go2rtc UI, navigating to links for your given stream, then to webrtc.html with a microphone. If this does not work correctly with 2-way audio then your issue is with go2rtc not with the card. In this case, you could file an issue in that repo with debugging information as appropriate.

Microphone menu button does not appear

The microphone menu button will only appear if both enabled (see Menu Button Options) and if the media that is currently loaded supports 2-way audio. See Using 2-way audio for more information about the requirements that must be followed.

Static image URL with credentials doesn't load

Your browser will not allow a page/script (like this card) to pass credentials to a cross-origin (different host) image URL for security reasons. There is no way around this unless you could also control the webserver that is serving the image to specifically allow crossorigin requests (which is typically not the case for an image served from a camera, for example). The stock Home Assistant Picture Glance card has the same limitation, for the same reasons.

Chrome autoplays when a tab becomes visible again

Even if live.auto_play or media_viewer.auto_play is set to never, Chrome itself will still auto play a video that was previously playing prior to the tab being hidden, once that tab is visible again. This behavior cannot be influenced by the card. Other browsers (e.g. Firefox, Safari) do not exhibit this behavior.

The live view just shows a blank white image during loading

For some slowly loading cameras, for which Home Assistant stream preloading is not enabled, Home Assistant may return a blank white image when asked for a still. These stills are used during initial Frigate card load of the live view if the live.show_image_during_load option is enabled. Disabling this option should show the default media loading controls (e.g. a spinner or empty video player) instead of the blank white image.

Timeline shows error message

If the timeline shows a message such as Failed to receive response from Home Assistant for request. make sure you are running a version of the Frigate integration >= 3.0.0-rc.1.

Fullscreen Button Does Not Appear On iPhone

Unfortunately, iOS does not support the Javascript fullscreen API. As a result, card-level fullscreen support for the iPhone is not currently possible.

Large downloads don't work

Downloads are assembled by the Frigate backend out of ~10s segment files. You must have enough cache space in your Frigate instance to allow this assembly to happen -- if downloads don't work, especially for recordings, check your Frigate backend logs to see if it's running out of space. You can increase your cache size with the tmpfs size argument, see Frigate documentation.

Large downloads may take a few seconds to assemble, so there may be a delay between clicking the download button and the download starting.

Android Will Not Render >4 JSMPEG Live Views

Android Webview (as used by Android Chrome / Android Home Assistant Companion) appears to severely limit the number of simultaneous OpenGL contexts that can be opened. The JSMPEG player (that this card uses), consumes 1 OpenGL context per rendering.

This limitation may be worked around (at a performance penalty) by disabling OpenGL for JSMPEG live views:

      disableGl: true

This bug has some more discussion on this topic. New ideas to address this underlying limitation most welcome!

Carousels with video players cannot be dragged in Firefox

The Firefox video player swallows mouse interactions, so dragging is not possible in carousels that use the Firefox video player (e.g. clips carousel, or live views that use the frigate or webrtc-card provider). The next and previous buttons may be used to navigate in these instances.

Dragging works as expected for snapshots, or for the jsmpeg provider.

Progress bar cannot be dragged in Safari

Dragging the Safari video controls "progress bar" conflicts with carousel "dragging", meaning the video controls progress bar cannot be moved left or right. Turning off carousel dragging (and using next/previous controls) will return full video controls in Safari:

  draggable: false
  draggable: false

webrtc_card unloads in the background

AlexxIT's WebRTC Card which is embedded by the webrtc_card live provider internally disconnects the stream when the browser tab is changed (regardless of any Frigate card configuration settings, e.g. lazy_unload). To allow the stream to continue running in the background, pass the background argument to the webrtc_card live provider as shown below. This effectively allows the Frigate card to decide whether or not to unload the stream.

    background: true

double_tap does not work for card-wide actions on Android

The Android video player swallows double_tap interactions in order to rewind or fast-forward. Workarounds:

  • Use hold instead of double_tap for your card-wide action.
  • Use a Frigate Card Element or menu icon to trigger the action instead.

Home Assistant iOS App not updating after card version change

Try resetting the app frontend cache:

  • Configuration -> Companion App -> Debugging -> Reset frontend cache

Chrome does not update card version after upgrade

When upgrading the card it's recommended to reset the frontend cache. Sometimes clearing site data in Chrome settings isn't enough.

  • Press F12 to display Dev Console in Chrome then right click on the refresh icon and select Empty Cache and Hard Reload

Casting to a remote media player does not work

This could be for any number of reasons. Chromecast devices can be quite picky on network, DNS and certificate issues, as well as audio and video codecs. Check your Home Assistant log as there may be more information in there.

NOTE: In particular, for Frigate to support casting of clips, the default ffmpeg settings for Frigate must be modified, i.e. Frigate does not encode clips in a Chromecast compatible format out of the box (specifically: audio must be enabled in the AAC codec, whether your camera supports audio or not). See the Frigate Home Assistant documentation or this issue for more.

Javascript console shows [Violation] Added non-passive event listener to a scroll-blocking [...] event

This card uses visjs -- a timeline library -- to show camera timelines. This library currently uses non-passive event-listeners. These warnings can be safely ignored in this instance and cannot easily be fixed in the underlying library.

Custom element does not exist

This is usually a sign that the card is not correctly installed (i.e. the browser cannot find the Javascript). In cases where it works in some browsers / devices but not in others it may simply be an old browser / webview that does not support modern Javascript (this is occasionally seen on old Android hardware). In this latter case, you are out of luck.



This project uses Volta to ensure a consistent version of Node and Yarn are used during development. If you install Volta in your environment, you should not need to worry about which version of both to choose. Note: the dev container already comes with Volta installed.

However, if you are not using Volta, you can check the volta key in the package.json for a reference on which version of Node and Yarn should be used.

$ git clone
$ cd frigate-hass-card
$ yarn install
$ yarn run build

Resultant build will be at dist/frigate-hass-card.js. This could be installed via the manual installation instructions above.

Dev Container

Open in Dev Containers

You can use the VS Code Dev Containers extension to speed up the development environment creation. Simply:

  1. Clone the repository to your machine
  2. Open VS Code on it
  3. Reopen the folder in the Dev Container
  4. Once done, press F5 to start debugging

Everything should just work without any additional configuration. Under the hood, the dev container setup takes care of bringing up:

  • Home Assistant (port 8123 or the next available one)
  • Frigate (ports 5000 or the next available one)
  • MQTT (port 1883 or the next available one)

As docker-compose containers.

  • The Frigate Home Assistant Integration is registered as a git submodule at .devcontainer/frigate-hass-integration, and VS Code will initialize/clone it for you before opening the dev container.

Some environment variables are supported in a .env file:

  • FRIGATE_VERSION: The version of Frigate to use. Defaults to the latest stable version.
  • HA_VERSION: The version of Home Assistant to use. Defaults to the latest stable version.

NOTE: When not specifying any version, it's recommended that you docker-compose pull the stack from time to time to ensure you have the latest versions of the images.

The Home Assistant container will get preconfigured during first initialization, therefore, if you changed the Home Assistant configuration, you will need to remove the HA container and start another.


  1. Merge a PR that contains only a package.json and const.ts version number bump (see this example).
  2. Go to the releases page.
  3. A release draft will automatically have been created, click 'Edit'.
  4. Use the same version number for the release title and tag.
  5. Choose 'This is a pre-release' for a beta version.
  6. Hit 'Publish release'.


translation badge

To add translations, you can manually edit the JSON translation files in src/localize/languages, use the inlang online editor, or run yarn machine-translate to add missing translations using AI from Inlang.


A Lovelace card for Frigate in Home Assistant







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  • TypeScript 93.9%
  • SCSS 3.9%
  • JavaScript 2.2%