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Library to get components of ymaps3 via import

This library is an alternative way of getting Yandex map components: use import instead of creating script and getting components via asynchronous window.ymaps3.import

Library is written on typescript with @yandex/ymaps3-types.

Install Library

npm i ymap3-components

Usage with typescript

npm i -D @yandex/ymaps3-types@latest



  • keeps your components simple
  • this is easier than suggestions in Official documentation
  • no need to write logic of loading components and modules for them
  • no need to create script or configure externals in webpack

✅ Your code with this library

import React from "react";
import {
  // ...other components
} from "ymap3-components";
import { features, LOCATION } from './helpers'

function Map() {
  return (
    <YMapComponentsProvider apiKey={process.env.REACT_APP_YMAP_KEY}>
      <YMap location={location}>
        <YMapDefaultSchemeLayer />
        <YMapDefaultFeaturesLayer />

export default Map;

❌ Your code without this library

import React, {useEffect, useMemo} from "react";
import {features, LOCATION} from './helpers'

function Map() {
  const [data, setData] = useState(); 
  const {
    // ...other components
  } = useMemo(() => {
    if (data?.reactify) {
      return reactify.module(data.ymap);
  }, [data]);

  useEffect(() => {
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.src = `${key}&lang=${lang}`;
    script.onload = async () => {
      const ymaps = window.ymaps3
      await ymaps.ready;
      const ymaps3Reactify = await ymaps.import('@yandex/ymaps3-reactify');
      const reactify = ymaps3Reactify.reactify.bindTo(React, ReactDOM);

      and other logic which is not connected with rendering
      to load ymap modules like YMapDefaultMarker
  }, [])
  if (!YMap) {
    return null;

  return (
    <YMap location={location}>

export default Map;

Getting Stated

  1. Get api key for map js api
  2. Set domain where you will host ymap
  3. For development change your /etc/host to proxy domain on your localhost (map will work on http:https://{domain}:{port})
  4. Install and use library

Check example in codesandbox below. For more comprehensive information go to Official documentation


YMapComponentsProvider API

YMapComponentsProvider - root component which has to contain another library's components as child nodes.

interface YMapComponentsProviderProps {
  apiKey: string,
  lang?: string,
  onLoad?: (params: {
    reactify: Reactify;
    ymaps: typeof import("@yandex/ymaps3-types/index");
  }) => any
  children: ReactNode | ReactNode []

Other components has same api as provided in Official documentation

Library provides api for these components:

  • YMapComponentsProvider
  • YMap
  • YMapDefaultMarker
  • YMapHintContext
  • YMapHint
  • YMapClusterer
  • YMapZoomControl
  • YMapGeolocationControl
  • ThemeContext
  • YMapDefaultSchemeLayer
  • YMapDefaultFeaturesLayer
  • YMapLayer
  • YMapControl
  • YMapControls
  • YMapControlButton
  • YMapTileDataSource
  • YMapMarker
  • YMapListener
  • YMapFeature
  • YMapDefaultSatelliteLayer
  • YMapCollection
  • YMapContainer
  • YMapFeatureDataSource
  • YMapCustomClusterer