I have experience and expertise in several technology areas, including:
- Programming Languages: I'm proficient in several programming languages such as Python, C++ Arduino, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, etc
- Front-end Development: I have experience in Front-end web application development using technologies like, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node-Red Dashboard, Grafana, Python with GUI PYQT5 and Flutter, etc
- Back-end Development: I'm also skilled in developing Back-end applications using several programming languages like Python, PHP, Node JS, etc
- Framework and Library: Flask, Django, Laravel, NodeJS, ExpressJS, HapiJS, Flutter, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap CSS, DaisyUI, ChakraUI, JQuery, Axios, Scikit-Learn, Tensoflow, etc
- Hardware Development: I have experience in developing hardware using programming languages like Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), SCADA Control Systems, HMI, And Microcontroller and Microprocessor Interface for IoT, and have knowledge about Machine Learning and arious communication protocols MQTT, RabbitMQ, HTTP, Modbus, SPI, UART, I2C, etc.
- Database: I have skills in designing and developing databases using SQL as like MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, InfluxDB etc and NoSQL as like MongoDB and Firebase Database.
- Deployment: I have knowledge about Google Cloud Platrform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Vercel, Netflify, etc.
- Server: I'm an experienced Apache and NGINX server administrator. I have extensive experience in forwarding local IPs, installing and maintaining server, and managing company domains.
- System Weather Prediction IoT using Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Development of an Integrated Community Health Center Service System (Community Service Program/CSP)
- Smart class using PLC and SCADA Control Systems
- Smart home web and android
- Machine Learning to Biometric Systems Security
- Electrical Management
- And others