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Blog Project

This Project is a Blog Project.

Technologies to be used in this project:

  • Developing a Project With N Layered Architecture -

  • Entity Framework Core 5.0 Code First -

  • Database Configurations With Fluent API -

  • Generic Repository Pattern -

  • Unit of Work Pattern -

  • Async Programming -

  • OOP -

  • Polymorphism -

  • Front-End Validations With Data Annotations -

  • Dependency Injection In N Layered Architecture -

  • Extension Methods -

  • Custom Result Structure -

  • DTO (Data Transfer Object) -

  • AutoMapper Library -

  • MD5 Password Hashing -

  • SHA512 Password Hashing -

  • LINQ -

  • Paging, Sorting, Filtering -

  • File & Image Upload -

  • User Management System with Identity -

  • ASP.NET Core Identity -

  • Authentication & Authorization -

  • Social Login

  • Ajax -

  • jQuery -

  • jQuery UI -

  • Sweet Alert2 -

  • Toastr -

  • DataTables -

  • Trumbowyg -

  • Select2 -

  • Bootstrap 4.5 -

  • Email (SMTP) Operations -

  • With NLog Logging (File and Database) -

  • Dynamic appSettings File -

  • Smidge Library -





    DataAccessLayer(DAL - Logic)



    UI Layer (Presentation) -1

    UI Layer (Presentation) -2

    UI Layer (Presentation) -3

    UI Layer (Presentation) -4

    UI Layer (Presentation) -5

    UI Layer (Presentation) -6

    UI Layer (Presentation) -7

    UI Layer (Presentation) -8


Admin Panel

Coming Soon

Home Page - ComingSoon Page


Admin Panel - Login


Admin Panel - Dashboard

Admin Panel - Dashboard 2

Admin Panel - User Information Change

Admin Panel - Users - User Profil Change

Admin Panel - Password Change

Admin Panel - Password Change Requirements


Admin Panel - Categories

Admin Panel - Add Category

Admin Panel - Add Category (AJAX)

Admin Panel - Add Category (AJAX + TOASTR)

Admin Panel - Edit Category

Admin Panel - Category Soft Delete (Passive)

Blogs (Articles)

Admin Panel - Blogs

Admin Panel - Blogs - Add - RequirementControls

Admin Panel - Blogs - Add Blog


Admin Panel - Comments

Admin Panel - Comments - Detail

Admin Panel - Comments - Edit

Admin Panel - Comment - Activation

Admin Panel - Comment - Activation - Successfull

Admin Panel - Comment - Delete


Admin Panel - Roles

Users & Role Assignment

Admin Panel - Users

Admin Panel - Add New User

Admin Panel - Add New User Requirements

Admin Panel - User - Details

Admin Panel - User - Roles

Admin Panel - User - Role Assignment

Admin Panel - User - Edit

Admin Panel - Users - User Soft Delete (Passive)


Admin Panel - Access Denied - 403


Dynamic General Settings Page Control

Admin Panel - Dynamic General Settings Page Control

Dynamic E-mail Settings Page Control

Admin Panel - Dynamic E-mail Settings Page. Control

Dynamic Right Side Bar Widget Settings Control

Admin Panel - Dynamic Right Side Bar Widget Settings Control

Dynamic Right Side Bar Widget Settings on the Page

Dynamic AboutUs Page & Control

Admin Panel -Dynamic AboutUs Page Control

Admin Panel -Dynamic AboutUs Page

Home Page

Home Page -1

Home Page -2

Home Page -3 - Listed Blogs Count and Sorting Date

Home Page -4

Blog Page (Articles)

Blog Detail

Blog Detail - Comments & Most Readed Blogs

Contact Page

Contact Form

Contact Form -2

Contact Form & Mail

Global Exception Handling & Logging

Global Exception Handling

DB Log With NLog

File Log with NLog

File Log with NLog - 2 - Details