- Pro
haguezoum / LeeVenT
Forked from mdouzi/leeVent-websiteThe official website for event club at 1337MED
Minishell is a simple Unix shell designed to handle basic command-line operations. The project involves creating a functional shell with features like parsing commands, executing processes, handlin…
minitalk: 42 School project to create a client/server system for interprocess communication using signals. Implemented in C and requires UNIX-based system calls. Teaches working with low-level syst…
DevOps project linking Docker containers via docker-compose for multiple services.
yabad-codes / blanat
Forked from geeksblabla/blanatBlanat: BlaBlaConf 2024 Coding Challenge
C++ made IRC server through socket programming & OOP design.
The Dining Philosophers Problem simulates philosophers sharing forks to eat. . It demonstrates how multithreading can model concurrent processes (philosophers) requiring synchronized access to shar…
This project is about creating a simple shell, and learning about about processes and file descriptors.
The project focuses on programming a C function that efficiently reads a line from a file descriptor, making it useful for reading large files of unknown size.
This project is a very small 2D game.Its purpose is to understand and work with textures, sprites,and some other very basic gameplay elements.
This project focuses on implementing the Dining Philosophers Problem to learn about threads, processes, mutexes, and semaphores - essential concepts for managing resource allocation and concurrency.
Namespaces, classes, member functions, stdio streams, initialization lists, static, const, and some other basic stuff.