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Releases: fastenhealth/fasten-sources


31 Jan 01:35
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Timestamp SHA Message Author
2024-01-31T01:35Z d481cfc (v0.5.9) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-31T01:33Z 3e51359 update catalog lookup to be more efficient. Jason Kulatunga


30 Jan 01:48
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2024-01-30T01:48Z c768ab8 (v0.5.8) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-30T01:47Z 8ac5065 disable cors relay required for providers that no longer need it Jason Kulatunga


30 Jan 01:23
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2024-01-30T01:23Z a7bf6bb (v0.5.7) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-30T01:22Z 71fe467 athena requires CORS proxy during token exhcange. enabling flag Jason Kulatunga


27 Jan 05:59
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2024-01-27T05:59Z 3c4054b (v0.5.6) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-27T05:48Z 8bdaa5d make sure we don't silently ignore errors during manual record creation (in wizard) Jason Kulatunga


25 Jan 02:36
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2024-01-25T02:36Z ca8382d (v0.5.5) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-25T02:35Z d609a7f make sure we only set the "sandbox" scope for Kaiser in the sandbox environment. Jason Kulatunga


25 Jan 00:29
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2024-01-25T00:28Z 7bf5b71 (v0.5.4) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-25T00:27Z 90f9d3e updates Jason Kulatunga


19 Jan 04:09
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2024-01-19T04:09Z f23766d (v0.5.3) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-19T04:08Z ff6e0a4 adding missing epic legacy source types Jason Kulatunga


18 Jan 02:25
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2024-01-18T02:25Z 5cc98ec (v0.5.2) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-18T02:24Z 2c84d50 make sure we return the envionrment type when migrating from legacy source type. Jason Kulatunga


18 Jan 00:29
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2024-01-18T00:29Z 17f52da (v0.5.1) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-18T00:27Z 3b2d777 Merge pull request #23 from fastenhealth/fasten_sources_embedded_json fixes for careevolution and anthem Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-18T00:26Z 08df929 fixes for careevolution and anthem Jason Kulatunga


17 Jan 00:35
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Timestamp SHA Message Author
2024-01-17T00:35Z c0822ee (v0.5.0) Automated packaging of release by Packagr packagrio-bot
2024-01-17T00:34Z 65e6980 Merge pull request #22 from fastenhealth/fasten_sources_embedded_json using updated brands, portals and endpoints catalog Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-16T23:39Z 606081b adding env and client ids into the SourceConfigOptions struct. Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-15T16:52Z 11f1135 adding GetPatientAccessInfoForLegacySourceType method to easily translate between legacy and updated ids. Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-13T19:54Z 3c613ec working client instantiation. update SourceCredential interaface with additional GetEndpoint/Brand/Portal methods. Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-13T18:39Z dc575b5 define platforms inline. Adding tests to ensure all catalog endpoints have a valid/known platform. Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-13T03:06Z 9b69e8d created a catalog folder, containing accessors for Brands, Portals, Endpoints that are generated by fasten-sources-gen. Jason Kulatunga
2024-01-11T00:22Z 0c13582 started working on brands, portals, and endpoints. Jason Kulatunga
2023-12-15T02:50Z 28e9ddc updates to nextech and va health Jason Kulatunga
2023-12-15T02:38Z 2d77d6a requested Nextech account. Jason Kulatunga