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fork of vscode-xml, provides support for creating and editing XML documents, based on the LemMinX XML Language Server, running with Java.

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:CocInstall coc-xml


  • Java JDK (or JRE) 8 or more recent
  • Ensure Java path is set in either:
    • or java.home in coc-settings.json
    • Environment variable JAVA_HOME or JDK_HOME

Supported settings

The following settings are supported:

  • Set the Java path required to run the XML Language Server. If not set, falls back to either the java.home preference or the JAVA_HOME or JDK_HOME environment variables.
  • xml.trace.server: Trace the communication between coc and the XML Language Server in the Output view.
  • xml.catalogs: Register XML catalog files.
  • xml.codeLens.enabled: Enable/disable XML CodeLens. Defaults to true.
  • xml.logs.client : Enable/disable logging to the Output view.
  • xml.fileAssociations : Associate XML Schemas to XML file patterns.
  • xml.format.splitAttributes : Set to true to split node attributes onto multiple lines during formatting. Defaults to false.
  • xml.format.joinCDATALines : Set to true to join lines in CDATA content during formatting. Defaults to false.
  • xml.format.joinContentLines : Set to true to join lines in node content during formatting. Defaults to false.
  • xml.format.joinCommentLines : Set to true to join lines in comments during formatting. Defaults to false.
  • xml.format.preservedNewLines: Set the maximum amount of newlines between elements. Defaults to 2.
  • xml.format.preserveEmptyContent: Set to true to preserve standalone whitespace content in an element. Defaults to false.
  • xml.format.spaceBeforeEmptyCloseTag: Set to true to insert space before the end of a self closing tag. Defaults to true.
  • xml.format.quotations: Set to doubleQuotes to format and only use ", or singleQuotes to format and only use '. Defaults to doubleQuotes.
  • xml.format.enabled : Enable/disable formatting. Defaults to true.
  • xml.autoCloseTags.enabled : Enable/disable automatic tag closing. Defaults to true.
  • xml.server.vmargs: Extra VM arguments used to launch the XML Language Server. Requires coc restart.
  • xml.validation.enabled: Set to false to disable all validation. Defaults to true.
  • xml.validation.schema: Set to false to disable schema validation. Defaults to true.
  • xml.validation.noGrammar: The message severity when a document has no associated grammar. Defaults to hint.
  • xml.validation.disallowDocTypeDecl: Enable/disable if a fatal error is thrown if the incoming document contains a DOCTYPE declaration. Default is false.
  • xml.validation.resolveExternalEntities: Enable/disable resolve of external entities. Default is false.
  • xml.server.workDir: Set an absolute path for all cached schemas to be stored. Defaults to ~/.lemminx.
  • xml.symbols.enabled: Enable/disable document symbols (Outline). Default to true.
  • xml.symbols.excluded: Disable document symbols (Outline) for the given file name patterns. Defaults to [].

More detailed info in the vscode-xml Wiki.

Available commands

  • xml.updateLanguageServer: download latest version of LemMinX from
  • Show XML references
