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Reinforcement learning

a tensorflow implementation of asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) method [1] and Q-learning.


  • python 2.7.x
  • OpenCV 2
  • tensorflow ^1.0.0 (GPU version optional)
  • numpy ^1.12.0
  • gym ^0.8.0
  • tmux
  • ViZDoom (optional) ^1.1.0

For example, on Ubuntu

# for main features
apt-get install cmake libopencv-dev python-opencv tmux
# for vizdoom (optional)
apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libsdl2-dev libjpeg-dev nasm tar libbz2-dev libgtk2.0-dev git libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev libopenal-dev timidity libwildmidi-dev libboost-all-dev
pip install tensorflow
# for GPU version tensorflow, use
# pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install gym vizdoom
pip install gym[atari]


Without writing any code, you may use this project to train an RL agent (via A3C or Q-learning) for solving many environments in OpenAI gym and some standard pre-configured tasks in ViZDoom.

  • launch (or resume) asynchronous training (via tmux session):
  • test a trained agent:
  • for details on CLI arguments, use --help. For algorithm-specific CLI arguments, check parser definition in trainer source.

To illustrate with a few concrete environments:

  • classic pole-balancing task (balancing a pole on a cart by jerking left or right, input is the dynamic state)
    • to visualize the task (with a random agent): python -m envs.core CartPole-v0 1
    • to train an A3C agent: python -e gym.CartPole-v0 -a adv_ac.ff_fc -l /tmp/cartpole-0 --learning-rate 1e-2.
      • this launches a tmux session to host a parameter server, a worker and a tensorboard.
      • you may navigate to localhost:12345 in a browser to monitor training progress via tensorboard. The main metric to pay attention to is episodic/reward.
      • it takes about a 1m30s to reach optimal behavior. you may kill the tmux session to stop training.
    • to test a trained agent: python -e gym.CartPole-v0 -a adv_ac.ff_fc -l /tmp/cartpole-0/checkpoints
    • similarly, to train a Q-learning agent: python -e gym.CartPole-v0 -a q.ff_fc -l /tmp/cartpole-q-0 --learning-rate 1e-2 --behavior-policy epsilon. This takes about 2 min to reach optimal play.
  • Atari Pong (a classic console game). The agent observes the pixels on screen and controls a joystick.
    • to visualize the task: python -m envs.atari skip.Pong
    • to train an A3C agent: python -e atari.skip.quarter.Pong -a adv_ac.cnn_lstm -l /tmp/pong-0 -w 4 --advantage-eval lambda --advantage-lambda 1
      • this launches four workers processes to speed up rollouts sampling. it takes about 2 hours to converge to optimal play.
    • to test a trained agent: python -e atari.skip.quarter.Pong -a adv_ac.cnn_lstm -l /tmp/pong-0/checkpoints
    • many other Atari games are available, such as Breakout and SpaceInvaders. You can replace Pong in the above instructions with another game's name.
  • ViZDoom (a classic first person shooter Doom). The agent observes the pixels on screen and act in a 3D world. There are several pre-configured tasks available.
    • to visualize the task: python -m envs.doom simpler_basic
    • to train an A3C agent: python -e doom.simpler_basic -a adv_ac.cnn_gru -l /tmp/doom-sb-0 -w 4 --advantage-eval lambda --advantage-lambda 1
    • to test a trained agent: python -e doom.simpler_basic -a adv_ac.cnn_gru -l /tmp/doom-sb-0/checkpoints

overview of the implemented algorithms

Please consult algorithm S2 for Q-learning, S3 for A3C in the A3C paper:

overview of main implemented abstractions

  • Env, environment, the abstraction of a Markov decision process (MDP), closely models after gym.Env.
    • properties
      • spec, the specification of the observation space and action space. Currently, only finite, discrete action space is supported.
    • methods
      • reset() -> next_observation, start a new episode.
      • step(action) -> next_observation, reward, done, take action in the environment and returns the next observation, instant reward, and whether the episode has ended.
      • render(), visualize the environment.
  • Agent, the actor in the environment. In the case of recurrent models, StatefulAgent encapsulates the history state internally.
    • methods
      • act(observation) -> action, perform an action based on the input observation.
  • Trainer, the object responsible for applying a particular training algorithm to update a model with rollouts
    • methods
      • (static) parser() -> argument_parser. Returns an argument parser for parsing algorithm-specific arguments from command line.
      • train(tensorflow_session). Use the current agent to obtain a (partial) rollout from environment and update the agent.

project organization

  • / various launch scripts
    • agents/ agents, trainers and registry
    • models/ neural network model templates (recurrent, feedforward, etc)
    • envs/ environments and registry
    • visualize/ visualization utilities


Falcon Dai ([email protected])