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Official release of the Eyeful Tower dataset, a high-fidelity multi-view capture of 11 real-world scenes, from the paper “VR-NeRF High-Fidelity Virtualized Walkable Spaces” (Xu et al., SIGGRAPH Asia 2023).


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Dataset Overview

Scene ver cams pos img 2K
apartment v2 22 180 3,960 123 GB 31 GB 92 GB 20 GB 5 GB 1.2 GB
kitchen v2* 19 318 6,024 190 GB 48 GB 142 GB 29 GB 8 GB 1.9 GB
office1a v1 9 85 765 24 GB 6 GB 15 GB 3 GB 1 GB 0.2 GB
office1b v2 22 71 1,562 49 GB 13 GB 35 GB 7 GB 2 GB 0.4 GB
office2 v1 9 233 2,097 66 GB 17 GB 46 GB 9 GB 2 GB 0.5 GB
office_view1 v2 22 126 2,772 87 GB 22 GB 63 GB 14 GB 4 GB 0.8 GB
office_view2 v2 22 67 1,474 47 GB 12 GB 34 GB 7 GB 2 GB 0.5 GB
riverview v2 22 48 1,008 34 GB 8 GB 24 GB 5 GB 2 GB 0.4 GB
seating_area v1 9 168 1,512 48 GB 12 GB 36 GB 8 GB 2 GB 0.5 GB
table v1 9 134 1,206 38 GB 9 GB 26 GB 6 GB 2 GB 0.4 GB
workshop v1 9 700 6,300 198 GB 50 GB 123 GB 27 GB 8 GB 2.1 GB
raf_emptyroom v2 22 365 8,030 252 GB 63 GB 213 GB 45 GB 12 GB 2.5 GB
raf_furnishedroom v2 22 154 3,388 106 GB 27 GB 90 GB 19 GB 5 GB 1.1 GB
Total 1,262 GB 318 GB 939 GB 199 GB 54 GB 12.5 GB

* v2 with 3 fewer cameras than standard configuration, i.e. only 19 cameras.

Example Images

apartment kitchen office1a office1b
apartment kitchen office1a office1b
office2 office_view1 office_view2 riverview
office2 office_view1 office_view2 riverview
seating_area table workshop
seating_area table workshop

April 2024: The following two datasets accompany our paper Real Acoustic Fields (CVPR 2024):

raf_emptyroom raf_furnishedroom
raf_emptyroom raf_furnishedroom

Capture Rig

All images in the dataset were taken with either Eyeful Tower v1 or v2 (as specified in the overview table). Eyeful Tower v1 comprises 9 fisheye cameras, whereas Eyeful Tower v2 comprises 22 pinhole cameras (19 for “kitchen”).

Eyeful Tower Version Comparison

Download instructions

The Eyeful Tower dataset is hosted on AWS S3, and can be explored with any browser or downloaded with standard software, such as wget or curl.

However, for the fastest, most reliable download, we recommend using the AWS command line interface (AWS CLI), see AWS CLI installation instructions.

Optional: Speed up downloading by increasing the number of concurrent downloads from 10 to 100:

aws configure set default.s3.max_concurrent_requests 100

Download a single scene (1K JPEGs only)

aws s3 cp --recursive --no-sign-request s3:https://fb-baas-f32eacb9-8abb-11eb-b2b8-4857dd089e15/EyefulTower/apartment/images-jpeg-1k/ apartment/images-jpeg-1k/

Alternatively, use “sync” to avoid transferring existing files:

aws s3 sync --no-sign-request s3:https://fb-baas-f32eacb9-8abb-11eb-b2b8-4857dd089e15/EyefulTower/apartment/images-jpeg-1k/ apartment/images-jpeg-1k/

For those interested in experimenting with specific cameras, we recommend viewing the collage video first. This will help you identify which camera views you'd like to utilize. For example, for this apartment scene using the v2 capture rig, you might consider camera IDs 19, 20, 21 which are placed at the same height.

Download all scenes (1K JPEGs only) using bash — 9 GB

for dataset in apartment kitchen office1a office1b office2 office_view1 office_view2 riverview seating_area table workshop; do
  mkdir -p $dataset/images-jpeg-1k;
  aws s3 cp --recursive --no-sign-request s3:https://fb-baas-f32eacb9-8abb-11eb-b2b8-4857dd089e15/EyefulTower/$dataset/images-jpeg-1k/ $dataset/images-jpeg-1k/;

Download the entire Eyeful Tower dataset — 1.9 TB

aws s3 sync --no-sign-request s3:https://fb-baas-f32eacb9-8abb-11eb-b2b8-4857dd089e15/EyefulTower/ .

Data Organization

Each scene is organized following this structure:

├── apartment-final.pdf      # Metashape reconstruction report
├── cameras.json             # Camera poses in KRT format (see below)
├── cameras.xml              # Camera poses exported from Metashape
├── images-1k                # HDR images at 1K resolution
│   ├── 10                   # First camera (bottom-most camera)
│   │   ├── 10_DSC0001.exr   # First image
│   │   ├── 10_DSC0010.exr   # Second image
│   │   ├── [...]            # More images
│   │   └── 10_DSC1666.exr   # Last image
│   ├── 11                   # Second camera
│   │   ├── 11_DSC0001.exr
│   │   ├── 11_DSC0010.exr
│   │   ├── [...]
│   │   └── 11_DSC1666.exr
│   ├── [...]                # More cameras
│   └── 31                   # Last camera (top of tower)
│       ├── 31_DSC0001.exr
│       ├── 31_DSC0010.exr
│       ├── [...]
│       └── 31_DSC1666.exr
├── images-2k [...]          # HDR images at 2K resolution
├── images-jpeg [...]        # Full-resolution JPEG images
├── images-jpeg-1k [...]     # JPEG images at 1K resolution
├── images-jpeg-2k           # JPEG images at 2K resolution
│   ├── [10 ... 31]
│   ├── [10 ... 31].mp4      # Camera visualization
│   └── collage.mp4          # Collage of all cameras
├── images-jpeg-4k [...]     # JPEG images at 4K resolution
├── mesh.jpg                 # Mesh texture (16K×16K)
├── mesh.mtl                 # Mesh material file
├── mesh.obj                 # Mesh in OBJ format
└── splits.json              # Training/testing splits

HDR images (images-1k/{camera}/*.exr and images-2k/{camera}/*.exr)

  • High dynamic range images merged from 9-photo raw exposure brackets.
  • Downsampled to “1K” (684×1024 pixels) or “2K” resolution (1368×2048 pixels).
  • Color space: DCI-P3 (linear)
  • Stored as EXR images with uncompressed 32-bit floating-point numbers.
  • All image filenames are prefixed with the camera name, e.g. 17_DSC0316.exr.
  • Images with filenames ending in the same number are captured at the same time.
  • Some images may be missing, e.g. due to blurry images or images showing the capture operator that were removed.

Example code: reading EXR images to create JPEGs

import os, cv2, numpy as np

# Enable OpenEXR support in OpenCV (
# This environment variable needs to be defined before the first EXR image is opened.
os.environ["OPENCV_IO_ENABLE_OPENEXR"] = "1"

# Read an EXR image using OpenCV.
img = cv2.imread("apartment/images-2k/17/17_DSC0316.exr", cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

# Apply white-balance scaling (Note: OpenCV uses BGR colors).
coeffs = np.array([0.726097, 1.0, 1.741252])  # apartment [RGB]
img = np.einsum("ijk,k->ijk", img, coeffs[::-1])

# Tonemap using sRGB curve.
linear_part = 12.92 * img
exp_part = 1.055 * (np.maximum(img, 0.0) ** (1 / 2.4)) - 0.055
img = np.where(img <= 0.0031308, linear_part, exp_part)

# Write resulting image as JPEG.
img = np.clip(255 * img, 0.0, 255.0).astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite("apartment-17_DSC0316.jpg", img, params=[cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 100])

JPEG images (images-jpeg*/{camera}/*.jpg)

  • We provide JPEG images at four resolution levels:

    1. images-jpeg/: 5784 × 8660 = 50. megapixels — full original image resolution
    2. images-jpeg-4k/: 2736 × 4096 = 11.2 megapixels
    3. images-jpeg-2k/: 1368 × 2048 = 2.8 megapixels
    4. images-jpeg-1k/: 684 × 1024 = 0.7 megapixels
  • The JPEG images are white-balanced and tone-mapped versions of the HDR images. See the code above for the details.

  • Each scene uses white-balance settings derived from a ColorChecker, which individually scale the RGB channels as follows:

    Scene RGB scale factors
    apartment 0.726097, 1.0, 1.741252
    kitchen 0.628143, 1.0, 2.212346
    office1a 0.740846, 1.0, 1.750224
    office1b 0.725535, 1.0, 1.839938
    office2 0.707729, 1.0, 1.747833
    office_view1 1.029089, 1.0, 1.145235
    office_view2 0.939620, 1.0, 1.273549
    riverview 1.077719, 1.0, 1.145992
    seating_area 0.616093, 1.0, 2.426888
    table 0.653298, 1.0, 2.139514
    workshop 0.709929, 1.0, 1.797705
    raf_emptyroom 0.718776, 1.0, 1.787020
    raf_furnishedroom 0.721494, 1.0, 1.793423

Camera calibration in KRT format (cameras.json)

This JSON file has the basic structure {"KRT": [<one object per image>]}, where each image object has the following properties:

  • width: image width, in pixels (usually 5784)

  • height: image height, in pixels (usually 8660)

  • cameraId: filename component for this image (e.g. "0/0_REN0001"); to get a complete path, use "{scene}/{imageFormat}/{cameraId}.{extension}" for:

    • scene: any of the 11 scene names,
    • imageFormat: one of "images-2k", "images-jpeg-2k", "images-jpeg-4k", or "images-jpeg"
    • extension: file extension, jpg for JPEGs, exr for EXR images (HDR)
  • K: 3×3 intrinsic camera matrix for full-resolution image (column-major)

  • T: 4×4 world-to-camera transformation matrix (column-major)

  • distortionModel: lens distortion model used:

    • "Fisheye" for fisheye images (Eyeful v1)
    • "RadialAndTangential" for pinhole images (Eyeful v2)
  • distortion: lens distortion coefficients for use with OpenCV’s cv2.undistort function

    • fisheye images (Eyeful v1): [k1, k2, k3, _, _, _, p1, p2]
      • Note: The projection model is an ideal (equidistant) fisheye model.
    • pinhole images (Eyeful v2): [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3] (same order as cv2.undistort)
  • frameId: position index during capture (consecutive integers)

    • all images taken at the same time share the same frameId
  • sensorId: Metashape sensor ID (aka camera) of this image

    • all images taken by the same camera share the same sensorId
  • cameraMasterId (optional): Metashape camera ID for the master camera (in rig calibration) at this position/frame

    • all images taken at the same time share the same cameraMasterId
  • sensorMasterId (optional): Metashape sensor ID for the master camera in rig calibration

    • should have the same value for all cameras except the master camera (usually "6" for Eyeful v1, "13" for Eyeful v2).

World coordinate system: right-handed, y-up, y=0 is ground plane, units are in meters.

Camera calibration in Metashape XML format (cameras.xml)

  • Camera calibration data exported directly from Metashape, using its proprietary file format.

Reconstructed 3D mesh (mesh.*)

  • Textured mesh in OBJ format, exported from Metashape and created from the full-resolution JPEG images.

  • World coordinate system: right-handed, y-up, y=0 is ground plane, units are in meters.

Training/testing splits (splits.json)

  • Contains lists of images for training ("train") and testing ("test").
  • All images of one camera are held out for testing: camera 5 for Eyeful v1, and camera 17 for Eyeful v2.



If you use any data from this dataset or any code released in this repository, please cite the VR-NeRF paper.

  author    = {Linning Xu and
               Vasu Agrawal and
               William Laney and
               Tony Garcia and
               Aayush Bansal and
               Changil Kim and
               Rota Bulò, Samuel and
               Lorenzo Porzi and
               Peter Kontschieder and
               Aljaž Božič and
               Dahua Lin and
               Michael Zollhöfer and
               Christian Richardt},
  title     = {{VR-NeRF}: High-Fidelity Virtualized Walkable Spaces},
  booktitle = {SIGGRAPH Asia Conference Proceedings},
  year      = {2023},
  doi       = {10.1145/3610548.3618139},
  url       = {},


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Official release of the Eyeful Tower dataset, a high-fidelity multi-view capture of 11 real-world scenes, from the paper “VR-NeRF High-Fidelity Virtualized Walkable Spaces” (Xu et al., SIGGRAPH Asia 2023).



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