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Follow-up Experiments for Singing Voice Detection with Neural Networks

This is the implementation for most experiments presented in the "Extensions and Dead Ends" section of the "Singing Voice Detection" chapter in my Phd thesis titled "Deep Learning for Event Detection, Sequence Labelling and Similarity Estimation in Music Signals" (Section 9.8).

Specifically, it includes experiments for learning a magnitude transformation of the input spectrograms, for learning the center frequencies of a mel filterbank, and for comparing different variants of convolutional dropout.

For the baseline experiments of my ISMIR 2015 paper, see the master branch, and for experiments on training a network to not be irritated by wiggly lines, see the unhorse branch. For a demonstration on how the networks can be fooled with hand-drawn wiggly lines, see the singing_horse repository.


The code requires the following software:

  • Python 2.7+ or 3.4+
  • Python packages: numpy, scipy, Theano, Lasagne
  • bash or a compatible shell with wget and tar
  • ffmpeg or avconv

For better performance, the following Python packages are recommended:

  • pyfftw (for much faster spectrogram computation)
  • scipy version 0.15+ (to allow time stretching and pitch shifting augmentations to be parallelized by multithreading, not only by multiprocessing, scipy/scipy#3943)

For Theano and Lasagne, you may need the bleeding-edge versions from github. In short, they can be installed with:

pip install --upgrade --no-deps
pip install --upgrade --no-deps

(Add --user to install in your home directory, or sudo to install globally.) For more complete installation instructions including GPU setup, please refer to the From Zero to Lasagne guides.

On Ubuntu, pyfftw can be installed with the following two commands:

sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev
pip install pyfftw


For preparing the experiments, clone the repository somewhere and checkout the phd_extra branch:

git clone
git checkout phd_extra

If you do not have git available, download the code from and extract it.

The experiments use the public Jamendo dataset by Mathieu Ramona. To download and prepare it, open the cloned or extracted repository in a bash terminal and execute the following scripts (in this order):


The dataset format is the same as used in the master branch; so in case you tried that already, you can skip this step (and just checkout phd_extra).


To train the networks for learned magnitude transformations, learned mel filterbanks and convolutional dropout variants, simply run:

cd experiments
mkdir cache

This will train 16 network variants with 5 repetitions each. On an Nvidia GTX 970 GPU, a single training run will take about 30 minutes. Spectrograms will be cached in the cache directory -- if you'd like to store them in /tmp instead, replace mkdir cache with ln -s /tmp cache or edit the file where it says --cache=cache.

If you have multiple GPUs, you can distribute runs over these GPUs by running the script multiple times in multiple terminals with different target devices, e.g., THEANO_FLAGS=device=cuda1 ./ If you have multiple servers that can access the same directory via NFS, you can also run the script on each server for further distribution of runs (runs are blocked with lockfiles).

The script will also compute network predictions after each training run. If this failed for some jobs for some reasons, run:


This will compute any missing network predictions (if none are missing, nothing happens).


To obtain results for the baseline network, run:

./ spectlearn/allfixed

This will produce results for two variants; one using a fixed mel filterbank compatible to yaafe, one using a mel filterbank layer within the network, but without training the mel filterbank layer. The filterbanks are not exactly identical, but should achieve similar results; in my case I got 6.5(±0.3)%. For each experiment, the evaluation script determines the optimal classification threshold on the validation set and uses it to evaluate performance on the test set.

learned magnitude transformation

For a learned magnitude transformation of the form log(1 + 10**a * x), run:

./ spectlearn/maglearn_log1p0

This will give results with a initialized to 0, and three different learning rate boosts (1, 10, 50). For a initialized to 7 (which recovers a function similar to log(max(10**-7, x)) used in my ISMIR 2015 paper), run:

./ spectlearn/maglearn_log1p7

To reproduce Figure 9.12 (left) of my thesis, which shows the evolution of a over training time, you can use matplotlib. In a Python session, run:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
for name in 'log1p0', 'log1p0_boost10', 'log1p7_boost10':
    for r in range(1, 6):
        plt.plot(np.load('spectlearn/maglearn_%s_%d.hist.npz' % (name, r))['param0'])  # or plt.savefig('yourfilename.pdf')

For a learned magnitude transformation of the form x**sigm(a), run:

./ spectlearn/maglearn_pow

Again, it will give results with learning rate boosts 1, 10, 50, and the change of a over training time can be plotted with about the same commands.

As reported in the thesis, results will be close to the baseline, potentially a bit worse, not better.

learned mel filterbank

For results with learned mel filterbanks, run:

./ spectlearn/mellearn

This will give results for mel filterbanks that have the array of 82 frequencies required to produce 80 overlapping triangular filters initialized with equal distances on the mel scale (as usual for a mel filterbank), with the individual distances becoming learnable network parameters (measured in mel). Again, results will be reported with different learning rate boosts, and tend to be worse than the baseline network.

To reproduce Figure 9.13, in a Python session, run:

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
plt.plot(np.load('spectlearn/mellearn_boost50_1.hist.npz')['param0'].cumsum(axis=-1))  # or plt.savefig('yourfilename.pdf')

This shows the evolution of the 82 frequencies over training time (in mel).

sloped lines augmentation

Just in case you are reading Section 9.8 of my thesis along with this document, the sloped lines augmentation experiments can be found in the unhorse branch.

dropout variants

For the results comparing individual dropout, channelwise dropout and bandwise dropout in the convolutional layers, run:

./ dropout/

Channelwise dropout improved results over the baseline for me, the others deteriorated results. It is possible that the dropout in front of the first dense layer should be channelwise instead of individual as well.


As mentioned in Section 9.9, if just looking for improved results, an easy way is to bag predictions of multiple networks. For example, to bag the five networks using spatial (channelwise) dropout, run:

./ dropout/channels*pred.pkl

This gave an error of 5.9% in my experiments.

To bag the ten baseline networks, run:

./ spectlearn/allfixed*pred.pkl

This gave an error of 5.8%:

thr: 0.69, prec: 0.942, rec: 0.932, spec: 0.950, f1: 0.937, err: 0.058

To the best of my knowledge, this improves the state of the art for Jamendo.

To bag everything, run:

./ */*pred.pkl

This also gave an error of 5.8%.


... the code

This is an extension of the code published for the ISMIR 2015 experiments. It adds a lot of bells and whistles, but also makes the code more complex to follow -- use the commit history to better understand the changes.

This code can serve as a template for your own sequence labelling experiments. Some interesting features are:

  • Datasets can easily be added to the datasets directory and their name be passed as the --dataset argument of, and
  • With --load-spectra=on-demand, can efficiently handle datasets too large to fit into main memory; when placing the spectrogram cache on a SSD, it can be fast enough to not stall the GPU.
  • Both and accept key-value settings in the form --var key=value, these can be thought of global environment variables that you can access anywhere in the code. The defaults.vars files stores default key-value settings to be overridden via --var key=value, and stores the settings used for training along with the trained network model, automatically obeyed by This allows to easily extend any part of the code without breaking existing experiments: implement a new feature conditioned on a key-value setting, add this setting to defaults.vars such that default behaviour stays the same, add a new line to that passes different --var key=value settings, and run the script. See the changeset of commit f2ebbfc for an example.

The advantage of using such a template over creating a more generic experiment framework is that you have direct control of all dataset preparation, model creation and training code and a low hurdle to modify things, the disadvantage is that it becomes harder to reuse code.

... the results

Results will vary depending on the random initialization of the networks. Even with fixed random seeds, results will not be exactly reproducible due to the multi-threaded data augmentation. Furthermore, when training on GPU with cuDNN, the backward pass is nondeterministic by default, introducing further noise.

Furthermore, as argued in Section 9.9 of my thesis, a dataset that only consists of songs containing singing could make it too easy for a singing voice detector. I used the Jamendo dataset because it is easily and freely available, but take results with a grain of salt.


CNN-based singing voice detection experiments







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