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Name GitHub Username Role
Ezra Hall ezrahall Front End Dev
Tahmidul Hasnain Zidaan thzidaan Full Stack Dev
James Harvey Le-DarkOverlord Full Stack Dev
Michael Ukwenya ukwenyam Full Stack Dev
Matt Lewis Matthew9799 Backend Dev

Team Leader

Team leader bonus should be spilt evenly amongst all group members.

Sprint 1 Leader: Ezra Hall

Sprint 2 Leader: Matt Lewis

Sprint 3 Leader: Tahmidul Hasnain Zidaan

Sprint 4 Leader: James Harvey

Final Project Report/Presentation/Deliverable Leader: Michael Ukwenya


Safeat is designed to provide customers a platform to order food from restauraunts in a safe and efficient manner. The application allows users to order off the menu of a restauraunt and pay for that order, which will then be delivered to a location specified by the customer. What makes Safeat standout from any other food ordering service is that it adds contact tracing to the delivery process. The contact tracing feature means that if any individual involved in the food delivery procees (restaurant worker, delivery driver or customer) tests positive for Covid-19 (or in the future any other illnesses) all other parties involved in the order will recieve a notification.

Vision Statement

Design and develop a safe and secure food delivery app that incorporates a Covid-19 contact tracing system.

  • Details regarding the nature of this project along with the vision statement can also be found at homepage.

Languages and Tools

  • Documentation regarding tools can be found on this wiki page.

Meetings Notes

  • Meeting notes can be found here.

System Architecture Design

  • Architecture can be found here.

Data Model and Flow Diagrams

  • Class diagram can be found here and sequence diagram can be found here.

Enforce Coding Styles

  • A list of coding styles enforced by Safeat can be found here

Core Features

  • The ability to report and be alerted to Covid or other health related exposures from your purchase
  • The ability to make and track the progress of orders made
  • The ability to search and filter for preferred restaurants
  • The ability to create / update / delete aspects of your account