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Repository files navigation URLs
The URLs system is divided into three different Rails applications that run independently of each other:

-- The website for URL creation, account management and statistics presentation
-- The API
-- The URLs redirection system

These applications are currently hosted in SVN on Nambu's network while I get around to making the personal and (apparently very) painful adjustment to git. I will eventually move the repositories to here so everyone can see new commits, but for now they are available in SVN for your viewing and forking pleasure.

-- svn:
-- svn:
-- svn:

Anonymous users can read the repositories.

By splitting into three applications we can all safely make updates to any one section knowing 100% will not affect the others in any way. Resources can be allocated to each based on demand.

The first Rails application for the website includes all the necessary models and shared plugin code, such that all three applications can access it without headaches, gems or separate plugin repositories. This is based Rails Engines. The trim/vendor/plugins direcory is symbolic link within the API and redirection applications back to trim's, creating a shared plugins directory. Therefore you need the trim application to run the redirection and API applications.

All applications are currently at Rails v2.3.4. does not follow some of the common Rails conventions, especially as it pertains to database management. uses database foreign key constraints to ensure database integrity, trading that for the ease of schema management. Therefore, many of the standard db rake tasks will not work with

To setup trim for the first time you will need to create your own database.yml file which we currently symbolically link from /etc/trim_db.yml. You will also need to update the config/config.yml which I have used to set application-wide constants. Also, update the environment files as you prefer for the cache store and its location, if applicable. a uses memcache cluster of 2 servers.

To get started, after your configuration updates and dataase user setup, in the trim Rails directory run:

  rake trim:setup

There are other rake tasks for various features as well, such as URL Claiming.

The Roadmap
Initially, the idea is to have people use the instance for their own purposes, and fork and extend it if they so choose for service under their own domain names. There are many features that only have placeholders at this point that just need to be flushed out. This includes imminent charts for regions and cities, private domains, and tweet performance reporting, as example. 

There is a complete OAuth implementation in place as well, but no Twitter login option at this time because I still deem it too unreliable for authentication at this time. Errors from OAuth callbacks are very common.

I would like also to see development continue under with the following priorities:

-- New API methods for accessing URL shortening and click data in real-time with notifications
-- Addition of real-time chart updates using a Rack application and thin server set
-- New API for URLs and statistics that is properly RESTful, with better statistics access
-- New API methods to take notifications of shortenings of any shortener and publish them in real-time

And anything else the community needs and wants. I will continue to work on, but Nambu is my priority at this time. I also will be adding some additional items that we want for Nambu OS X since the alternative APIs for the popular shorteners are still very very limited, and generally poorly implemented, or intended to force usage of their websites.

Adding and working on these features under will not have the same impact now that the brand is damaged, probably fatally. New untarnished domain names can hopefully take the platform, and we can extend it together to offer more choice and options other than, which really does not serve novice users very well.

The Network Configuration
To distribute incoming requests to the appropriate Rails applicaiton I use HAProxy. It directs requests based on the path name and forwards them to the appropriate backend. I currently have two servers for each application (bigger ones for redirections) such that I can push out updates with no disruption. You do not need to use HAProxy, but you will need something at the front end to distribute the requests based on the requested path. nginx would be a good second choice if for some reason you don't want to use HAProxy.

The HAProxy configuration for is as follows:

    acl      invalid_ips src
    block if invalid_ips
    acl api     path_beg /api/ /v1/
    acl home    path     / /favicon.ico /robots.txt
    acl tweet   path     /tweet
    acl website path_beg /website /retweet /marklet
    acl account path_beg /signup /login /password /url /statistics /account
    acl assets  path_beg /javascripts/ /stylesheets/ /scripts/ /feed/ /rss/ /flash/ /images/
    use_backend trim_api     if api
    use_backend trim_website if home || tweet || website || account || assets
    default_backend trim_redirects
    errorfile 400 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/400.http
    errorfile 403 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/403.http
    errorfile 408 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/408.http
    errorfile 500 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/500.http
    errorfile 502 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/502.http
    errorfile 503 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/503.http
    errorfile 504 /usr/local/haproxy/errorfiles/trim/504.http

backend trim_redirects
    server regent maxconn 32 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000 
    server parrot  maxconn 32 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000 

backend trim_api
    server macaw maxconn 25 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000 
    server shrike  maxconn 25 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000 

backend trim_website
    server parakeet maxconn 15 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000 
    server lorikeet maxconn 15 check inter 2000 fastinter 1000's network is made up of one (1) dedicated database server and nine (9) virtual servers (aka slices):

    A dedicated Quad Core 32GB DRAM 450GB RAID for MySQL **ONLY**
    1 slice for the HAProxy frontend
    2 slices for a memcached cluster
    2 slices for
    2 slices for
    2 slices for redirections

This is overkill for any new URL shortener. You can easily configure all of these resources, including HAProxy, to run on a single server or one largeish slice to begin with and then split them out as demand and success requires. Before traffic was kneecapped with the shutdown fiasco its network was much larger. Depending on your database server and additional use of memcache, this application set and Rails implementation can scale to approximately 10-15M redirects per day. There is a set of summaries tables in place that can be brought online when necessary to start to expire older click data, but this has simply not been required up to this point.


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