This repository is a collection of instructional materials for Red Hat Single
Sign-On, from installation best practices to administration.
Red Hat Single Sign-On is based on the Keycloak community project and its goal is to provide a SSO solution to secure web applications using standards like OpenID Connect, SAML 2.0, and OAuth 2.0.
RH-SSO provides advanced features like Identity Brokering, to integrate with 3rd party Identity Providers, User Federation for LDAP/AD integration, and can be managed using REST API, a web administration console and CLI.
Current documentations is developed for RH Signle Sign-On 7.3. Examples and contents were produces from this release.
Installation and Configuration
Admin CLI
Implementing Custom Providers
Deployment on OpenShift
- Giovan Battista Salinetti
([email protected], [email protected])