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Device motion and orientation capture library with TypeScript support.

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A tiny library to capture device motion, rotation, and orientation events.

iOS 12.2+ Security

From iOS 12.2 onwards the Device Motion and Orientation APIs are disabled by default and can only be used by HTTPS domains. You need to enable access to the APIs in Settings > Safari > Privacy & Security.

This might change in a future release to instead use a popup similar to the Geolocation API permission access.


import * as webmo from 'webmo'

async function startCapture () {
  const hasMotionSupport = await webmo.motion.deviceHasMotionSupport()
  if (hasMotionSupport) {
    const mListener = new webmo.motion.MotionListener(data => {
      console.log('Received motion payload: ', data)
  const hasOrientationSupport = await webmo.orientation.deviceHasOrientationSupport()
  if (hasOrientationSupport) {
    const oListener = new webmo.orientation.OrientationListener(data => {
      console.log('Received orientation payload: ', data)



Behaviour like this can be made configurable through options in the future.

Alpha Orientation Value

This library normalises device alpha orientation, i.e the position the phone is in when the first orientation event is captured is used as alpha of 0. This is only necessary on Android devices, iOS devices default to 0 as the initial alpha heading.

Device Support Tests

The orientation.deviceHasOrientationSupport and motion.deviceHasMotionSupport functions are designed to detect a motion event. If none is detected then you might get a false negative, e.g user left their phone lying on a table so no motion change is detected. Make sure you account for this in your application, by telling the user to "hold the device in their hand" or similar.


To try the example application do the following:

git clone
cd webmo
npm i
npm start

Now visit port 8080 using a device that supports motion and orientation, for example a modern iOS or Android phone, and you'll see live data from the sensors.



All motion related functions fall under this namespace.

webmo.motion.mayHaveMotionSupport(): boolean

Returns true if DeviceMotionEvent is defined globally.

webmo.motion.deviceHasMotionSupport(timeout: number): Promise<boolean>

Tests for motion support by detecting motion events. Defaults to a 1000 millisecond timeout before resolving with false. Resolves with true if a motion event is detected before timeout is reached.

webmo.motion.MotionListener(callback, options)

A class that can be instantiated to listen for motion events. Accepts two arguments:

  • callback - Callback that receives sensor data
  • options - Object containing configuration

Valid options are:

  • threshold (Default: 0) - Threshold required to register motion. Can be used to filter out smaller motions.
  • rotationRateThreshold (Default: 0) - Threshold required to fire an event for rotation rate. Can be used to filter out smaller/sloewr rotations.
  • autoStart (Default: true) - If motion events should be listened for immediately.

Callback and data format:

const options = {
  threshold: 5
const listener = new webmo.MotionListener((data) => {
  // data is an object like so:
  // {
  //   acceleration: {
  //     x: number
  //     y: number
  //     z: number
  //   }
  //   rotationRate: {
  //     alpha: number
  //     beta: number
  //     gamma: number
  //   }
  //   timestamp: number
  // }
}, options)


Start listening for motion events. Only required if options.autoStart was set to false.


Stop listening for motion events.

webmo.motion.MotionListener.setListener(callback: function|undefined)

Replace the listener function that was passed to the instance constructor.

webmo.motion.MotionListener.setThreshold(n: number)

Changes the threshold required for this instance to consider a motion or rotation event event worth emitting.

webmo.motion.MotionListener.isListening(): boolean

Returns true if the instance has bound event handlers for motion.


The orientation API is the same as webmo.motion, but returned data objects have the following structure:

const listener = new webmo.MotionListener((data) => {
  // data is an object like so:
  // {
  //   alpha: number
  //   beta: number
  //   gamma: number
  //   timestamp: number
  // }