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Eurostat online eurostat@github


Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. We provide high quality statistics for Europe.

Contributions are welcome: we invite your participation through collaboration, issues, and pull requests!


Data handling and processing (GSBPM 5)

  • PING: Library of macro/function utilities developed (R/SAS/Stata) for the implementation of statistical processes in production environments (note: other components of the GSBPM model are also identified in this resource).
  • JGiscoTools: Manipulation of geographical and statistical data in Java, with a focus on Eurostat data.
  • EuroGen: Some automated map generalisation processes and software for the production of European geographical datasets.
  • GridMaker: Java tool to produce grid geometries for European statistics.
  • searoute: Computation of shortest maritime routes between ports in Java.
  • RegionSimplify: Java tool to simplify vector geographical datasets representing tesselations, such as administrative regions, land cover areas.
  • GeoDiff: Java tool to analyse differences between two versions of a vector geospatial dataset.
  • pygridmap: Geoprocessing tools (Python) for efficient geometric mapping and set operations over regular grids.
  • regl-map-animation: Configurable WebGL animation showing a map transitioning into a chart.

Data integration and record linkage (GSBPM 5.1)

  • ICW: Codes (R) for experimental statistics on household income, consumption and wealth (see statistics-coded).
  • basic-services: Integration of basic services data in Europe collected from a number of official datasources and published by Eurostat.
  • Smartdata4MNEs: Code to retreive and link publicly avaialbale data from the web on Multi-National Enterprises.

Statistical data editing (GSBPM 5.3 | 5.4)

  • flagr: A simple R package to derive flag for aggregates.

Data validation and transformation (GSBPM 5.3 | 5.4 | 5.5 | 5.6 | 5.7)

  • VTL: interpreter of VTL (Validation and Transformation Language) provided together with the sandbox user interface.

Estimation (GSBPM 5.6 | 5.7)

  • econowcast: Experimental tools (R) for Big Data econometrics nowcasting and early estimates.
  • ecobackcast: Experimental tools (R) for back-casting principal European Economic Indicators.
  • quantile: Agnostic (re)implementations (R/SAS/Python/C) of common quantile estimation algorithms.
  • panelvar: Experimental tools (R) on pVAR models for timely estimates.
  • Spatial-KWD : Computing (Python/R) Kantorovich-Wasserstein distances for large spatial maps.
  • OJA_estimation_study: Experimental tools (R) for estimation of Job Vacancies Statistics (JVS) from Online Job Advertisements (OJA).
  • SAE_citystat: Simulation in R for Small Area Estimation (SAE) using the AMELIA dataset.

Time series (GSBPM 5.6 | 5.7)

  • prophet: Applying (in Python) Facebook Prophet model for forecasting Eurostat monthly indicators.
  • mortality-viz: Basic descriptive statistics on mortality data in Python.

Statistical disclosure control (GSBPM 6.4)

  • confly: Implementation (SAS) of disclosure control methods for microdata confidentiality on the fly.

Visualisation (GSBPM 7.2)

  • d3.sunburst: Reusable function (Javascript) to easily create sunburst visualizations based on D3.js.
  • EurostatVisu: Web visualisations (Javascript) of Eurostat data.
  • d3.examples: Applying d3.js framework for handling and exploring (Javascript/Python) Eurostat data and metadata.
  • GridViz: Three.js visualization for gridded statistics.
  • regl-map-animation: Configurable WebGL animation showing a map transitioning into a chart.
  • NutsDorlingCartogram: Dorling cartogram from NUTS regions with Eurostat statistics.
  • Copernicus-DEM-viewer: Leaflet viewer for DEMs made available by Copernicus.

Dissemination products (GSBPM 7.2)

  • statistics-coded: Catalogue of resources (R/Python/SQL/SAS/Stata/...) to reproduce the results of Eurostat Statistics Explained articles.
  • dff: Promoting the use of a publically available scanner data set in price index research and for capacity building (R/SAS).

Access to official statistics (GSBPM 7.4)

  • PRost: Self-contained platform to access and handle Eurostat data in Python and R.
  • java4eurostat: Java library for multi-dimensional data manipulation and easy access to Eurostat data.
  • eurostat.js: Javascript libraries for Eurostat data users and web developers.
  • Nuts2json: Various versions of Eurostat NUTS dataset as JSON formats, for web mapping.
  • pyrostat: Python API to Eurostat online database.
  • happyGISCO: Simple microservice (Python API) built on top of Eurostat GISCO web-services.
  • restatapi: An R package to search and retrieve data from Eurostat online database.
  • PowerBI-connector: PowerBI custom connector for Eurostat API.

Working together

  • udoxy: Guidelines and script (bash) for generic standalone code documentation.
  • beamslide: Eurostat layout style/template for LaTeX beamer presentation.
  • bibestat: Eurostat bibliographical footprint, BibTeX references and citations.
  • eurostat_latex: LaTeX stylesheet for Eurostat Statistical Working papers.


Any resemblance between this page and the awesome list of statistical software packages is certainly not coincidental.


This repository contains open resources developed in-house and with partners.

The sole responsibility for the content of this webpage lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. Neither Eurostat nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Access to and use of the contents of this website is at the user‘s own risk. Damage and warranty claims arising from missing or incorrect resources are excluded. The authors bear no responsibility or liability for damage of any kind, also for indirect or consequential damages resulting from access to or use of the contents of this website.


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