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Tags: eugenewere/elasticvue



Toggle v0.39.0's commit message
* [fix]: improve elasticsearch 8 support, fixes [cars10#93][i93]

* [fix]: elasticsearch version not updated, fixes [cars10#94][i94]
* [fix]: add additional button to reset the whole custom search body, fixes [cars10#95][i95]
* adds support for arm64 and arm/v7, fixes [cars10#76][i76]

[i76]: cars10#76

[i93]: cars10#93

[i94]: cars10#94

[i95]: cars10#95


Toggle v0.38.0's commit message
This version includes some fixes for outdated versions of elasticsear…

…ch (like `2.x` and `5.x`).

* [fix]: support snapshots for elasticsearch < 6, fixes [cars10#83][i83]
* [revert]: revert [cars10#85][i85], fixes [cars10#90][i90]

[i83]: cars10#83

[i90]: cars10#90


Toggle v0.37.0's commit message
* [feat]: BETA: adds shard overview + relocation, fixes [cars10#72][i72]

* [feat]: adds index bulk actions, fixes [cars10#78][i78]
* [feat]: save active cluster in sessionStorage instead of localStorage, fixes [cars10#81][i81]
* [feat]: add `track_total_hits` to default search query, fixes [cars10#85][i85]
* [feat]: set page title (e.g. `elasticvue | Search`)
* [feat]: show node role explanation on hover
* [feat]: can copy node uri to clipboard in cluster selection table
* [fix]: do not add body of previous request in rest history to `GET` or `HEAD` requests
* [fix]: fix missing favicon, thanks @rdc-112
* many small improvements and bugfixes


Toggle v0.36.4's commit message
* [fix]: syntax error in query leads to errors during result loading,…

… fixes [cars10#68][i68]

* [fix]: rest query bug when cluster url ends with a slash, fixes [cars10#69][i69]

[i68]: cars10#68

[i69]: cars10#69


Toggle v0.36.3's commit message
* [fix]: error when having an uneven amount of cpu cores, fixes [cars…


* [fix]: reset search after failed query [cars10#66][p66]

[i61]: cars10#61

[p66]: cars10#66


Toggle v0.36.2's commit message
* [fix]: Rest requests not sending body, fixes [cars10#65][i65]

[i65]: cars10#65


Toggle v0.36.1's commit message
* fix GET requests not sending `Accept: application/json` by default


Toggle v0.36.0's commit message
This version includes many fixes and improvements mentioned in the su…

…rvey. Thanks!

* [feat]: Adds history for rest queries. The history can also be backed up and restored in the settings
* [feat]: i18n support including chinese
* [feat]: Adds button to reset the "hide indices regex" setting to default
* [feat]: When deleting an index the name of the index is now included in the confirm message
* [feat]: Adds "Copy content" button to editors
* [feat]: Can download search response as json
* [feat]: Can download rest query response as json
* [feat]: Can send a request body via GET when using rest queries
* [feat]: Cleanup code editor settings
* [feat]: Simplify footer, move link to reset settings to settings page
* [fix]: Adds tooltip to document count column in the indices table, fixes [cars10#54][i54]
* removes link to survey, view the results [here](cars10#55)
* some small css and color improvements

Big thanks to @qiwihui for the chinese translation!

[i54]: cars10#54


Toggle v0.35.0's commit message
* Reworks saved cluster selection to table (with pagination and filte…

…r) to improve support for users with 10+ clusters

* Can open documents in new tab by using `ctrl`+`click`. Standalone click will still open document in modal. Please
  report if this does not work on macOS.
* Adds icons for first/last page in all tables
* Adds "uncheck" button to deselect all columns in search table
* Adds additional hint to set `http.cors.allow-headers` when adding a cluster that uses authorization


Toggle v0.34.0's commit message
* Use `json-bigint` to parse responses, fixes [cars10#52][i52]. This …

…adds support for displaying numbers bigger

  than `9007199254740991`. I still recommend to use strings for numbers like this if you do not need the value for
* Add import/export for elasticvue settings, fixes [cars10#53][i53]
* Add configurable regex to hide indices, fixes [cars10#50][i50]. The default value is `^\..*`
* Improve visibility of active buttons in code viewer/editor
* Autofocus code editor in modals
* Remove fuzzy table filtering. You can still filter specific fields when filtering search results
* Adds a link to an upcoming survey about elasticvue

[i50]: cars10#50

[i52]: cars10#52

[i53]: cars10#53