The purpose of the project is to simplify the process of launching a private Ethereum cluster, with the main use case which is testing Ethereum protocol modifications, private Dapp testing or for running a private blockchain.
supports Parity or Geth
run different versions in same cluster
fast sync or full sync mode
blockchain monitoring tools
cluster monitoring tools
scheduled operations over the cluster (backup, restore, etc)
secure access
You need Docker to build container images, download Docker for your platform:
Currently EtherKube is being tested against Google Cloud Container, and you have to download latest Gcloud SDK tool from
Then install Kubernetes command line client:
gcloud components install kubectl
You need Rust compiler and Cargo tool to build Etherkube command line utility. Most simple way would be to install Rustup from, which will install and will help you to manage all required Rust components.
To start you have to create a new Google Cloud project with a Cloud Containers cluster.
Google Cloud -
Cloud Containers (GKE) -
For Google Cloud project Id is my_project_id
and a Cloud Container Cluster named test-cluster-1
run following:
cp etherekube-config.samle.yaml etherekube-config.yaml vim etherekube-config.yaml ./bin/etherkube init