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SOLTIX: Scalable automated framework for testing Solidity compilers.


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SOLTIX: Scalable automated framework for testing Solidity compilers.

SOLTIX is a framework for automated testing of Solidity compilers supported by the Ethereum Foundation and the ICE Center, ETH Zurich. The research and development of SOLTIX started at the ICE center, as the MSc thesis project of Nils Weller under the supervision of Dr. Petar Tsankov and Prof. Martin Vechev.

The project now is an open platform welcoming contributors from the Ethereum community. To learn more about the framework, build on top of it or extend it to other virtual machines, please get in touch with the core team and contributors at our Discord group.

Bugs found so far

So far SOLTIX has found several bugs in the official Solidity compiler (solc) and ganache-cli.

1. Solidity compiler bugs

SOLTIX has found the following two bugs in the solc solidity compiler:

  1. Exponentiation bug: This bug results in incorrect computations of exponents. The bug was fixed in version 0.4.25.

  2. Internal compiler error bug: This bug results in an internal compiler error in various solc versions. The bug was fixed in version 0.5.1.

Optimization-related errors have been observed with some test cases (1, 2) on solc 0.5.0+commit.1d4f565a.Emscripten.clang. These have not been analyzed in detail, as they no longer occur with more recent versions.

2. Ganache-cli bugs

SOLTIX has also discovered two bugs in ganache-cli:

  1. Shift and exponentiation crashes: The bugs have not been fixed yet.

SOLTIX overview

SOLTIX tests the Solidity compiler and, in turn, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) in a fully automated way. For this purpose, SOLTIX provides the following two testing modules:

1. Testing via synthesis of random Solidity contracts

The synthesis module tests the Solidity compiler without requiring access to Solidity contracts or transactions. The high-level flow is illustrated in the following figure:

To test the compiler, SOLTIX is provided with a set of parameters (such as number of variables, functions, etc.) which define the Solidity contract which will be synthesized. As a first step, SOLTIX generates transactions and a Solidity contract. The synthesized Solidity contract is instrumented by emit statements that raise an error in case the contract execution is unexpected. In the illustrated example, SOLTIX will execute the transaction foo(10) which should follow the false branch of the if (x != 5) condition. Therefore, SOLTIX throws an error in case the contract's execution proceeds along the true branch. To test the compiler, SOLTIX compiles the Solidity contract into EVM bytecode and executes it, keeping track of all emitted events. Based on the the emitted events, SOLTIX reports an error if an error event has been emitted.

2. Testing via synthesis of semantically equivalent Solidity smart contracts

The equivalence testing module works by generating a large number of semantically equivalent Solidity contracts for a given set of transactions and tests whether they all reach the same state when the transactions are executed. The high-level flow of this module is illustrated in the following figure:

The input to this module is a Solidity contract and a sequence of transactions (e.g. foo(10), foo(15)). First, SOLTIX executes the Solidity contract with the provided transactions and records relevant execution profile information, such as the possible variable values observed at different program counters. In our example, the variable x is assigned values 11 and 16 at Line 4 of the contract (for the provided two transactions). Next, SOLTIX generates a large number of semantically equivalent Solidity contracts. In our example, it introduces a new if (x/2 > y) statement which always holds for the provided transactions. The synthesized Solidity contracts are compiled using solc and executed, while recording the final state of the contracts. The final states are compared to assess whether the compilation step was successful or not.

The remaining part of this document how knowledge on expected behavior is obtained, what types of contracts are generated and how, and how the original equivalence testing technique is integrated to mutated programs.


  1. Getting started
    • Requirements
    • Build
    • Use
      • Generation
      • Execution
  2. Known limitations
  3. Technical details
    • Contract behavior
    • Code generation
    • Equivalence-testing transformation

Getting started

The framework can be used in Docker or natively on Linux systems.

Docker installation

To build a Docker image containing the ready-to-use framework in the local directory, you can just run:

docker build . -t soltix

The Docker-specifics and combined generation and execution sections describe how to use it. The latter introduces overlay files to configure the container instance for each execution. This currently only allows switching between multiple solcjs versions - if the binary solc compiler is to be tested, only a single default solc binary is available. To select a solc binary which isn't the default, the image must be built to contain that binary by placing it in the directory "builddeps" prior to running the docker build:


Instead of running "docker build", an additional convenience script taking a git repository (local directory or remote URL), a temporary directory name, and the branch to build can be used as well, e.g.:

./tools/ . _TMP master

Native installation

To perform a native installation of the framework, follow the steps described in this section.


  • Operating system: Linux or macOS
  • Java 8+
  • Maven
  • NodeJS 10+ (to use truffle and ganache-cli)
  • GNU C++ (g++)

For Ubuntu Linux, the dependencies can be installed with apt-get using the commands listed below.

Java 8+ (OpenJDK):

    sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jdk


    sudo apt-get install maven

git, wget, cmake, build-essential (to auto-fetch and build geth from github):

    sudo apt-get install git wget cmake build-essential


    sudo apt-get install nodejs

If nodejs is already installed in a version older than 10, it can be updated using the following commands:

    sudo npm cache clean -f
    sudo npm install -g n
    sudo n stable 

Instead of installing or updating nodejs for the whole system, it is also possible to download and build a recent nodejs version in the user's home directory by executing the script:


This requires no sudo access and creates nodejs binaries in the ~/local/bin directory.


To build and configure the SOLTIX software on Linux (macOS is currently unsupported natively - use docker instead), execute the interactive setup script and answer its questions:


Alternatively, to use default values for everything, use:

    ./ --use-defaults

This will generate a file that contains various configurable settings, such as the compiler to be used (solcjs or solc) and its optimization settings. Note that ganache-cli and restricted code generation options are used by default - switching to geth and enabling more advanced features is desirable for many purposes.

Instead of downloading the solc compiler binary, the go-ethereum blockchain client and the the go compiler used to build go-ethereum, these components can be supplied in the "builddeps" directory prior to running using the following naming conventions:

    ./builddeps/go.tgz       - go installation package
    ./builddeps/go-ethereum  - cloned geth repository
    ./builddeps/solc         - solc binary


A basic introduction to the most important framework commands is given below. A technical overview on what these commands do is described at the end of this document in the technical details section.

Docker specifics

The commands described below have the same form regardless of whether you use the Docker image or a native installation. When using Docker, they are started with the "docker run" command. Because state is not persisted in the container, command sequences such as:

    docker run soltix ./soltix/bin/ ... <output-directory>
    docker run soltix ./test-env-truffle/bin/ <output-directory>

would normally fail due to the contract set getting purged when the generation command ends. In order to address this, a local filesystem directory can be mounted as container volume to store contracts - this is also desirable when working on test code.

To store contracts in the host's current working directory (in $PWD/TMP) and address them from the container by using a "/VOL" prefix, the following example commands generate and execute a contract set containing one contract):

    docker run --mount type=bind,source=$PWD,target=/VOL soltix ./soltix/bin/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 /VOL/TMP --complete
    docker run --mount type=bind,source=$PWD,target=/VOL soltix ./test-env-truffle/bin/ /VOL/TMP 0

Generated contract sets can automatically be parallelized with docker instances, as described in the section on combined generation and execution. These scripts also remove the necessity of storing intermediate generated contracts in a mounted volume.


As described in the overview, the framework can execute smart contracts - using randomly generated transactions - and analyze their behavior to infer potential miscompilations.

The test process for one smart contract can be separated into

  1. An optional contract generation phase
  2. A contract execution phase

The framework's contract generation functions can be used to produce the initial seed program for the execution phase, but an externally supplied contract may be used instead as well.

If equivalence-testing transformation is requested, the contract execution phase will involve multiple intertwined additional steps to profile the supplied seed program, generate multiple variants of the seed program, and execute them to detect behavioral differences.

As described in the contract behavior section, executing contracts without any equivalence-testing transformations can also be produce meaningful information on program execution correctness, particularly for contracts that are self-contained due to internal correctness checks - as described below - or to compare the behavior of the same contract executed at varying optimization levels.

The generation scripts are described below, followed by the execution scripts, and finally a section on convenience scripts that combine generation and execution, and also enable parallelization and cloud processing with docker.


This section describes the optional seed program generation phase in the test process introduced above. There are two types of contracts that can be generated. Both of them contain storage variables, as well as functions that differ in the code they contain:

  1. Assignment sequence (AS) contracts use a sequence of assignment expression statements
  2. Complete contracts use random statement combinations including (potentially nested) control structures

AS contracts contain built-in correctness checks that verify the correct program behavior - at the cost of structural simplicity. Complete contracts add more complexity, but have no such built-in correctness checks. This makes their combination with equivalence-testing or different optimization level testing particularly desirable to obtain meaningful tests.

Generating a single contract

A random contract with a Solidity file and test transactions can be generated using the script.

A contract is generally identified by the following 6-tuple:

  1. Random number seed number
  2. Number of functions in contract
  3. Minimum number of code units per function
  4. Maximum number of code units per function
  5. Number of variables in contract
  6. Choice of contract type (--assignmentSequence or --complete)

Since random numbers are currently generated by the Java PRNG, the same 6-tuple may however produce programs that vary between systems using different Java PRNG versions.


To generate an AS contract with a PRNG seed of 0, 10 functions, 1-2 code units per function, and 20 variables in the directory "X", run:

    ./soltix/bin/ 0 10 1 2 20 X --assignmentSequence 

This will automatically also generate 4 semantically equivalent contract files, since the expected behavior of AS is known at generation time.

To do the same thing for a contract of type "complete":

    ./soltix/bin/ 0 10 1 2 20 X --complete

This will not generate any mutations, since complete contracts must first be executed with instrumentation to measure their behavior.

Generating a contract set

A contract set containing multiple contracts can be generated using the script. Its first argument is the count of contracts to generate, the remaining arguments are the same as in the single-contract case above - with the given seed getting incremented for each generated contract.

To generate 5 contracts in sub-directories to directory "X" with the same properties as in the precding example (10 functions, 1-2 code units per function, 20 variables) from seed 0 to 4, run:

    ./soltix/bin/ 5 0 10 1 2 20 X --complete


This section describes the execution phase in the test process summarized in the introduction. It works on contracts that were either generated in the generation phase described above, or made available from some external source. The execution phase may involve multiple execution and code generation steps if semantically equivalent transformations are requested.

Generated contracts are already available in the form of a truffle-compatible project directory containing the contract, a deployment script, and a test file with the transactions. Externally supplied contracts are expected to be plain .sol files, but will be stored in a truffle-compatible intermediate project directory as part of the execution prepartions - with randomly generated deployment and transaction files. As described in the test process section, these can be edited for debugging purposes.

The framework produces three major messages to summarize the exeuction results:

  1. OK - No errors were detected (whether this indicator is meaningful depends on the test constellation, as described in the generation introduction)
  2. POSSIBLE BUG: EXPR_ERROR - An internal AS contract check detected an unexpected execution result
  3. POSSIBLE BUG: EVENT LOG ERROR - The event logs between two contracts that should be semantically equivalent differ (as described in the section on contract behavior, this probably means that they ended up with different final storage variable values

Additional result messages may highlight other problems detected during the generation or execution, but do not usually indicate compiler or execution errors. For example, if a "FRAMEWORK ERROR", "CLIENT ERROR" or "STACK TOO DEEP ERROR" occurs, it typically indicates a limitation in some component rather than a bug.

IMPORTANT: Generated contracts are designed to be well-behaved for their input, but externally supplied contracts tend to produce many runtime errors, such as "INVALID OPCODE" (since the randomly generated transactions cannot avoid invalid operations - such as negative shift operands or divison by zero - for arbitrary input contracts). These cases can generally be distinguished from possible bug cases listed above and should usually be ignored. For generated contracts, "INVALID OPCODE" errors and generic "ERROR" errors (EVM crashes) can also indicate compilation or execution problems. Errors are evaluated, and error messages are generated, in the test-env-truffle/bin/ script.

As discussed in the known limitations section, it is easy to run into generation or execution limitations for large contracts (designated by errors such as "FRAMEWORK ERROR" or "CLIENT ERROR"). These result in various types of framework errors that must either be ignored or get addressed by reducing the contract size.

Executing a single contract

A single generated test contract can be executed using the script, optionally with a specified number of semantically equivalent mutations to execute as well. For a given generated contract directory X, it can be executed with no (zero) mutations:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ X 0

or, with more verbose output to debug technical issues in the test environment:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ X 0

If the contract in X is an AS program, this will produce an error for internally detected unexpected results. For a complete program, the test does not expose unexpected computational results, since no expected behavior to compare the execution with is known. However, a runtime exception would still indicate a miscompilation or execution environment bug.

Externally supplied contracts can be executed as well by supplying the Solidity file instead of a directory, e.g. for a code file x.sol:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ x.sol 2

This generates random transactions on the fly.

Input and results

Input and output data for one such execution is stored in the temporary directory:


The most recent log of "emit" statement events produced by the contract is actually stored in the input directory:


For multiple executions (original, instrumented and mutated), the event logs are stored in:

Semantically equivalent transformations

To run the test with e.g. 2 semantically equivalent mutations instead of none:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ X 2

This will also report divergences between the behavior of the original contract and its mutations as a problem. For AS contracts, 4 mutated programs are already created during generation time, as described above (which limits the maximum number of possible mutations to 4 as well). For complete contracts, an additional instrumentation step is executed to obtain variable environment state and create mutated programs.

Different Optimization Levels testing

Instead of specifying a mutations count, it is also possible to pass the argument "optimize" in order to compare the results for a single contract once compiled with and once without optimization enabled. The "optimize" option requires two additional arguments:

  1. The number of optimization runs must be specified
  2. The optimizer to use must be specified: "standard" or "yul" (an experimental new optimizer)

Example: Compare unoptimized compilation against optimized compilations with 100 runs and using the yul optimizer:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ x.sol optimize=100,yul

5000 using the standard optimizer:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ x.sol optimize=5000,standard

Executing a set of contracts

A whole set of contracts can be executed using the script. If the contract set directory was generated using the script, it is automatically in the correct form.

Externally supplied contracts are expected to follow the convention of having one sub-directory containing one contract file each, e.g. for a directory X:


A generated or externally supplied contract set directory X can be executed with 1 semantically equivalent transformation using:

    ./test-env-truffle/bin/ X 1

As in the single-contract case, no transformations and optimization testing are possible by using a mutations count argument of 0 or "optimize", respectively.

Combined generation and execution

The contract generation and execution steps can be performed with a script that combines both steps. For example, to generate and execute a single contract with the specified settings, run:

    ./tools/ <generation-settings> <execution-settings>


    ./tools/ 0 10 1 2 20 X --assignmentSequence 0

This will use the and scripts described above. An additional script can process contract sets by invoking the and scripts described above, e.g. to generate and execute 5 contracts:

./tools/ 5 0 10 1 2 20 X --assignmentSequence 0

With docker

For contract sets, an additional script can split the work and distribute it to multiple docker instances for parallelization:


This enables experimental Google cloud compute processing facilities, but the feature can also be used locally to improve multi-core utilization.

The script takes the arguments of described above, preceded by the following additional arguments (run the script without arguments to get a list of all options):

  1. "local"/"gcloud" execution selection. gcloud is an experimental cloud processing mode - use at your own risk, and supervise actively to detect runaway instances eating up proecssing time or connection errors
  2. maximum duration in seconds (cap cloud processing costs in advance in case things go wrong - this does not work properly yet)
  3. docker instance count (starting one compute node per instance in gcloud mode)
  4. overlay file path (defining environment variables (format: NAME=value) that will override variables in the container)

The test process requires:

  1. Building a docker image "soltix" - see the Docker installation section for instructions
  2. Optional steps required only to run on Google cloud:
    • Set up a gcloud account and project, e.g. called "soltix"
    • Install gcloud SDK
    • Push the image to the project's docker registry using the ./tools/ script
  3. Execute the desired commands using the docker script, e.g.: ./tools/ local 100 1 ./ 1 1 10 1 10 30 X --assignmentSequence 0
  4. Especially in gcloud mode, it is highly advisable to supervise execution to detect indefinite hang-ups preventing proper shutdown of instances
  5. In gcloud mode, termination of all nodes should be checked with gcloud compute instances list and remaining nodes can be shut down by running ./tools/

Contract generation and execution results currently aren't stored anywhere - after encountering bugs, use the parameters for the affected test case to rerun and debug it locally.

Test process

A large generated or externally supplied contract set can be executed using the script to find test cases that are flagged as potential bugs. There are currently no known false positives in the test framework, so detected issues are more likely to point to compilation or execution errors than test framework errors.

There is currently no support for automated test case reduction. The manual test case reduction process may involve editing the transactions file test.js: remove "logEvents(instance...)" transactions and re-run the test until the problem disappears to pinpoint the first faulty contract function.

Note that transactions should be removed from the bottom first, since earlier transactions change the initial program state for later transactions, which may cause many assumptions during code generation to become invalid. So in a transaction list like:


It would be desirable to comment out the second half - f2 and f3 - first, and proceed to comment out f1 afterwards if the problem remains.

Once the first faulty contract function has been identified, it can be reduced by commenting out its code - again starting at the bottom and working to the top. Once the first faulty program statement has been identified, the values of variables it works on can be obtained by defining and emitting events that pass these values to the event log file (described in the input and results section. It would then also be possible to remove earlier statements and functions, and work with assigned hardcoded values obtained from these events.

Finally, the faulty statement must be reduced, e.g. by replacing a sub-expression involving an operator with the expected computational result of that operator, based on the knowledge about the variable values obtained e.g. from emit statements.

Known limitations

Only a comparatively small Solidity language subset is currently supported. This includes expressions and control structures, but is missing various types and operations, as well as more advanced contract structures like modifiers or inheritance, and Ethereum-specific functionality like value transfer.

All components - SOLTIX, solc and truffle - exhibit performance issues for contracts exceeding a few 100 or 1000 lines, and may fail completely. Experimentation is needed to find sensible upper limits on a given system.

It is currently only possible to use truffle or geth as blockchain execution platform - leaving other platforms such as aleth unsupported.

Technical details

This section gives an overview to some of the workings of the framework. The system is composed of three categories of components:

  1. The SOLTIX application to generate code
  2. Third-party software: solc as a test object, truffle/ganache-cli as an execution backend
  3. Shell scripts (described in the use section above) to invoke the SOLTIX and third-party components, and drive result evaluation

Contract behavior

We define the behavior of a contract primarily as the set of values assumed by its storage variables after having executed a set of transactions. An outro function to be called by the transactions file is generated and inserted into the contract in order to emit events that transmit variable values to the event log file. The type, order and values of emitted user-defined events is also stored in the event log and part of the behavior, which only affects externally supplied contracts that emit events.

While compilers are often tested using differential testing - i.e. comparing the behavior of multiple compiler implementations to find divergences and thus problems -, this is not applicable for Solidity language, which currently only has the solc compiler. Instead, the following comparisons are possible:

  1. Compare original contracts to semantically-equivalent contracts (described in the Semantically-equivalent transformations section below)
  2. Compare one contract with optimized compilation against itself with unoptimized compilation (mentioned in the "Use" section above)
  3. Built-in correctness checks in AS programs (described in the contract generation section below)

Contract generation

Most contract generation facilities are largely based on the expression and statement generation functions and the "speculative execution" expression evaluation required by the semantically equivalent mutations described below.

Assignment sequence programs are notably generated and interpreted at once, which enables the introduction of a built-in differential testing function. This is enabled by their structure, which at its core is a list of assignment expressions:

    var1 = expr1;
    var2 = expr2;

The expression evaluator, then, can evaluate the expressions in the order in which they are generated - with a variable environment that is updated in accordance with the assignments as well -, giving reference values known at compile time to compare with the runtime result generated by compiled code. An error event is emitted to signal divergences:

    var1 = expr1;
    if (var1 != evaluated_expr1_result)
        emit ERROR_EXPR(1);
    var2 = expr2;
    if (var2 != evaluated_expr2_result)
        emit ERROR_EXPR(2);

Invalid expressions are avoided by detecting their presence during the evaluation and adapting it to make it valid, and the knowledge of expected values is recorded to simulate the profiling step for semantically-equivalent mutations and thus enable the immediate mutation generation without intervening profiling step.

In contrast, "complete" contracts are not evaluated during generation. For this reason, expressions generated for such contracts are forced to be safe to execute by wrapping operands, e.g. avoiding a division by zero in "x / y" by generating "x / (y != 0? y: z)" instead. Additionally, loop limitations of the form "if (++counter > 2) break;" are inserted both in generated as well as externally supplied contracts to ensure proper termination of deeply nested loops and otherwise infinite loops.

Semantically-equivalent transformation

Conceptually, the semantically-equivalent transformation process takes an input smart contract and produces various variants from it. These should be semantically equivalent as per the Solidity language definition, but could provoke compiler or execution bugs leading to unexpected semantics. This is accoplished by synthesizing and inserting random code snippets (mutations) into the program that should amount to no-op operations - program state can be changed temporarily within a snippet, but is always restored at the end of the snippet. The variants can potentially exercise many constellations in a compiler's program analysis components on data flow and control flow, as well as resource allocation (e.g. registers in traditional computer architectures).

The semantically-equivalent mutations are based on the ideas described in "Finding Compiler Bugs via Live Code Mutation" (Sun et al., 2014), with various adaptations. They motivate the development of significant infrastructure to profile smart contract execution (in the "profiling" package), evaluate expressions (in the "interpretation" package), and generate code (in the "synthesis" package). The three described mutation types are implemented with only minor technical divergences (in the "mutation" package) from their original description.

Algorithmic extensions were required to enable the application of binary operators to expressions of incompatible types: type conversions are applied where needed, with the conditional operator providing a conversion pathway between types T1 and T2 without direct conversion - "T1(expr)? T2(expr2): T2(expr3)", with randomly generated expr2 and expr3 values -, and converting structure values to elementary types by accessing a random member as a representative replacement value.

To process side effects in ++ and -- operators, the expression is not evaluated as it is built, but only once it has been fully constructed. This is needed to know whether a sub-expression involving side effects is actually evaluated, since it could also be an operand in a short-circuiting ||, && or ?: context. To allow for a fully constructed expression to be evaluated without faults, undefined operations (such as division-by-0) are not discarded, but fixed up - by inserting additional operators to correct invalid operands - and reevaluated.

Function calls are simulated using the expression evaluator. Internally, a function is realized as a sub-expression that combines the function arguments using operators, and can thus be evaluated as part of the larger expression containing the function call. Externally, the expression realizing the function is emitted in a function definition as argument to a single "return" statement for the callee in the Solidity code - with corresponding argument aliases.

The profiling step is implemented by emitting events to transmit variable state to the event log file, which can then be read into the SOLTIX application - along with the original contract - to produce the mutated programs. As mentioned earlier, this only pertains to "complete" contracts, since assignment sequence program mutations are created in the same iteration as the original contract because its expected semantics are already known and require no additional profiling step.