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Releases: espressif/arduino-esp32

Arduino Release v3.0.2 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4+

24 Jun 19:36
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The Arduino ESP32 version 3.0.2 is second bugfix release based on the ESP-IDF v5.1.4 (release notes).

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X

System PR


  • feat(crypto): Add libsodium to the included components by @me-no-dev in #9821
  • feat(uart): Add esp-modbus to the included components by @me-no-dev in #9855



  • fix(BLE): Arduino String shall not be used within std::map<> by @SuGlider in #9875
  • Adds BLE Characteristic User Description 0x2901 Descriptor by @SuGlider in #9883


  • BluetoothSerial - Reduce bluetooth serial flush delay by @vincadrn in #9905


  • New OpenThread CLI Arduino Library for ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2 by @SuGlider in #9908


  • fix(client): Implement readBytes in NetworkClient for faster downloads by @me-no-dev in #9824
  • fix(client): Fix NetworkClient::localIP() by @me-no-dev in #9845
  • fix(wifi): Fix WiFi setTxPower and getTxPower by @me-no-dev in #9862
  • ClientSecure.available() fix for connection closed by remote socket by @JAndrassy in #9869
  • feat(net): Switch to typedefs for WiFiClient, WiFiServer, WiFiUdp and WiFiClientSecure by @me-no-dev in #9909






  • fix(ota): Magic byte check fails with encrypted firmware by @me-no-dev in #9852
  • fix(ota): Allow password and partition change while idle by @me-no-dev in #9853




Boards additions & updates

CI & Testing


  • Deep Sleep Example Fix by @SuGlider in #9904
  • fix: Update the root certificate for the BasicHttpsClient example by @a-grealish in #9857
  • change(idf): Rename component example and fix compilation warnings by @lucasssvaz in #9801
  • fix(time): Fix SimpleTime to also use time servers from DHCP by @me-no-dev in #9886


Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.0.2

New Contributors

Thanks everyone for your contribution! πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v3.0.1 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4

05 Jun 07:05
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The Arduino ESP32 version 3.0.1 is first bugfix release based on the ESP-IDF v5.1.4 (release notes).

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X





Arduino as ESP-IDF component

Boards Updates & Additions

  • fix(3rd party board): Changed Board name to describe board more clearly by @SooDragon in #9773
  • Updated Smart Bee Boards for IDE2 & CLI by @strid3r21 in #9778
  • add upload_port vid/pid for Adafruit boards by @hathach in #9779
  • Addition (3rd_party_board): Add board support for Autosport Labs ESP32-CAN-X2 development board by @brentpicasso in #9683
  • fix(boards): Remove duplicate VID/PID from boards.txt and add default CDC/JTAG board by @me-no-dev in #9717
  • fix(variant): Arduino Nano ESP32 variant fix for core 3 by @JAndrassy in #9722
  • Updated UM boards for IDE2 & CLI by @UnexpectedMaker in #9726
  • feat(boards): Add Zigbee menu for all C6/H2 boards by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9754
  • Add missing parameter to esp32_family board for IDE1 by @me-no-dev in #9759
  • feat(partition): Add 4MB No File System partition scheme by @me-no-dev in #9769


  • fix(release): install missing 'packaging' package by @me-no-dev in #9698
  • feat(tools):Use Windows native path separator in ESP_SR model copy command pattern by @per1234 in #9649
  • feat(tools): Updated with ability to verify extracted files and skip if ok by @me-no-dev in #8720
  • fix(release): Shorten all toolchain names/versions by @me-no-dev in #9760

CI & Testing

  • ci(wokwi): Self host Wokwi CLI server by @lucasssvaz in #9701
  • fix(ci): Compare correct name of the artifact by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9708
  • ci(external_libs): Add ZACwire to External libraries compilation test by @lebuni in #9705
  • ci(external_libs): Add EthernetESP32 to ext. libraries compilation test by @JAndrassy in #9747
  • ci(sizes): Sites test between master and 2.x branch by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9755


  • feat(reports): Update Issue-report.yml with new versions by @me-no-dev in #9699
  • change(readme): Update C6 and H2 support by @lucasssvaz in #9697
  • docs(libraries): Add new SoCs H2 and C6 to missing parts in docs by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9709
  • docs(component): Improve Arduino as component documentation by @lucasssvaz in #9765

Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.0.1

New Contributors

Thank you for your contribution πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1.4

27 May 14:23
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The Arduino ESP32 version 3.0.0-stable is based on the ESP-IDF v5.1.4 (release notes) and is major release introducing new SoCs & features support.

This release introduce breaking changes and support for new SoCs, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6. ESP32-C2 support added, for usage you need to build the libraries using ESP32 Arduino Lib builder.

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X

Overview of major changes in 3.0.0 Release

  • in progress

Release notes of development releases

  • in progress



Peripherals fixes

  • fix(adc): Remove masking for ADC channel number by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9692
  • fix(esp-hal-log):Provide a default TAG name for USE_ESP_IDF_LOG logging macro by @mairas in #9686

3rd party boards updates & editions

  • Update(3rd_party_board): Updated ESPDuino with extra options by @alexceltare2 in #9642
  • feat (3rd_party_board): add support for WeAct Studio ESP32C3 by @loozhengyuan in #9653
  • Nano ESP32: delete programmer.default entry (on main) by @pillo79 in #9666
  • feat(3rd_party_board):Add GPIO pin mappings for M5Stack CamS3 Unit and select OPI PSRAM by default by @tarosay in #9688



Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc3...3.0.0

New Contributors

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Arduino Release v2.0.17 based on ESP-IDF v4.4.7

23 May 07:09
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The Arduino ESP32 version 2.0.17 is based on the ESP-IDF v4.4.7 (release notes) and is bug fix release for Arduino ESP32 Core version 2.X.X.



Boards updates & additions

  • Nano ESP32: delete programmer.default entry (on 2.0.x) by @pillo79 in #9665

Full Changelog: 2.0.16...2.0.17

Thanks for your contribution πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v3.0.0 RC3 based on ESP-IDF v5.1

15 May 19:56
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The Arduino ESP32 release candidate version 3.0.0-RC3 is based on the ESP-IDF v5.1 (release notes) and is major release supporting new version of ESP-IDF 5.1.

This release introduce breaking changes and support for new SoCs, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6. ESP32-C2 support added, for usage you need to build the libraries using ESP32 Arduino Lib builder.

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X

Libraries updates


  • fix(net): Add back the friend classes required for Ethernet.h to work by @me-no-dev in #9635
  • NetworkClientSecure - copyability improvements and _timeout shadowing fixed by @JAndrassy in #9632
  • Add support for specifying a WPA2 EAP-TTLS phase 2 method to WiFi.begin by @me-no-dev in #9639


  • feat(usb): Remove redundant absolute mouse support by @me-no-dev in #9640

Peripherals updates



  • fix(cdc): Disable SOF interrupt and CDC reset on begin() by @me-no-dev in #9628




CI & Testing

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc2...3.0.0-rc3

Thanks for your contribution! πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v3.0.0 RC2 based on ESP-IDF v5.1

14 May 09:47
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The Arduino ESP32 release candidate version 3.0.0-RC2 is based on the ESP-IDF v5.1 (release notes) and is major release supporting new version of ESP-IDF 5.1.

This release introduce breaking changes and support for new SoCs, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6. ESP32-C2 support added, for usage you need to build the libraries using ESP32 Arduino Lib builder.

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X

Libraries updates


  • BLEAdvertising.h: Fix spelling mistake in setScanFilter parameter by @Deadolus in #9609


  • Add support for PPP Modems to Arduino by @me-no-dev in #9518
  • fix(config): Fix wrong names in Kconfig that cause Network and NetworkClientSecure to fail by @me-no-dev in #9583
  • NetworkClient - close the connection in stop() method by @JAndrassy in #9542
  • NetworkClientSecure made copyable by @JAndrassy in #9612
  • Ethernet - MAC address parameter for beginSPI by @JAndrassy in #9539



  • fix(RAM): define HTTP_METHOD_STR as static const to save RAM by @craiglink in #9594


  • Arduino core for the esp32 - Add new function "bool isDirty()" to EEPROM.h and EEPROM.cpp by @Rob58329 in #9611

Peripherals updates


  • Fixed typo for adc_continuous_data typedef in esp32-hal-adc.h/.c by @Darkl0ud in #9529




Boards additions & updates

  • change(roboheart): Update of LED_ROBOHEART in RoboHeart Hercules pins… by @evgenimelan in #9494
  • fix GeebkleMINI ESP32C3: add variable for support internal built in switch by @SooDragon in #9499
  • Reduced GPIO17 (Ethernet clock GPIO) signal strength to reduce noise. by @OlimexSupport in #9623
  • change(variant): add additional pin mappings and #define to variant/unphone9 by @garethhcoleman in #9577
  • fix: I2C pin are relocated for arduino nano compatability by @SooDragon in #9610

CI & Testing



  • fix(release): Temporary halt JSON uploads on release, until generator is fixed by @me-no-dev in #9536
  • add LittleFS as partition type to debug report by @Jason2866 in #9354

Full Changelog: 3.0.0-rc1...3.0.0-rc2

New Contributors

Thanks for your contribution! πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v2.0.16 based on ESP-IDF v4.4.7

02 May 13:42
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The Arduino ESP32 version 2.0.16 is based on the ESP-IDF v4.4.7 (release notes) and is bug fix release for Arduino ESP32 Core version 2.X.X.


  • fix: restores UART1/2 pins as in 2.0.14 by @SuGlider in #9502
  • feat (uart): uses the same IDF 32bits size for TX/RX buffers by @SuGlider in #9561

Full Changelog: 2.0.15...2.0.16

Thanks for your contribution πŸŽ‰

Arduino Release v3.0.0 RC1 based on ESP-IDF v5.1

12 Apr 11:07
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The Arduino ESP32 release candidate version 3.0.0-RC1 is based on the ESP-IDF v5.1 (release notes) and is major release supporting new version of ESP-IDF 5.1.

This release introduce breaking changes and support for new SoCs, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6. ESP32-C2 support added, for usage you need to build the libraries using ESP32 Arduino Lib builder.

For version migration, please check Migration Guide from v2.X to 3.X

Major changes

Peripherals updates


  • UART: fixes begin() after a previous begin() :: deleting previous RX/TX buffers and its data by @SuGlider in #9095
  • HardwareSerial Available For Write by @SuGlider in #9319
  • HardwareSerial:begin() changes RTS and CTS pins preventing detaching those pins by @SuGlider in #9353
  • Fixes HW Serial attaching pins, PHY initialization, crash after end() by @SuGlider in #9365


  • Fix i2c compilation when #define CONFIG_DISABLE_HAL_LOCKS=1 by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9164
  • Fix ambiguous for TwoWire::requestFrom() methods and align API with by @safocl in #8817


  • Adds RMT End of Transmission Level API by @SuGlider in #9238
  • Update new RMT function rmtSetEOT(pin, EOT_Level) in the pin remap macros by @SuGlider in #9266


  • Add missing include for SemaphoreHandle_t to LEDC header file by @sgryphon in #9134
  • LEDC - Allow custom channel selection by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9031
  • feature(ledc): Add output invert option for LEDC pin + minor fixes by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9257


  • SPI - Allow detaching of some SPI pins without stopping SPI by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9117
  • SPI (fix): Adds SPI 3 to the ESP32-S2 and adds comments about it by @SuGlider in #9216
  • Fix spiTransaction not updating clock line immediately (#9221) by @and3rson in #9333
  • Fix spiTransaction not updating clock line immediately (C2,C6,H2) by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #9335



Other peripherals changes

Libraries updates

WiFi (Network) related

Bluetooth & BLE related

  • fix(esp32): Added a timeout option to the BLEClient's connect function by @LiveSparks in #9005
  • Fixes Pointer and Call using Serial BT callback by @SuGlider in #9245


Read more

Arduino Release v2.0.15 based on ESP-IDF v4.4.7

11 Apr 12:04
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The Arduino ESP32 version 2.0.15 is based on the ESP-IDF v4.4.7 (release notes) and is bug fix release for Arduino ESP32 Core version 2.X.X.

Known Issues

Major changes & fixes



Boards additions and updates


  • Support relative paths in UNIX search PATH by @me-no-dev in #8622
  • fix(platform): use numbers in all recipe hooks (on 2.x) by @pillo79 in #9219
  • Implement official Arduino IDE debugger API on 2.x by @pillo79 in #9118


  • Added isKey documentation for the Preferences library by @Viproz in #9142

Full Changelog: 2.0.14...2.0.15

New Contributors

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Arduino Alpha 3 Release v3.0.0 based on ESP-IDF v5.1

05 Dec 12:56
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The Arduino ESP32 pre-release version 3.0.0-aplha 3 is based on the ESP-IDF v5.1 (release notes) and is major release supporting new version of ESP-IDF 5.1. This release introduce breaking changes and support for new SoCs, ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6.

ESP32-C2 support was added, for usage you need to build the libraries using ESP32 Arduino Lib builder.

Major changes

Peripherals updates




  • Fully guard I2C Slave in preparation for C2 support by @me-no-dev in #8882
  • Add lock in Wire.cpp to protect concurrent i2c transactions performed by different tasks by @mircopz in #8127


  • Fix ADC detach bus calibration handle error when not existing. by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #8932


Other peripherals changes

Libraries updates

WiFi related

  • WiFiSTA - allow using DHCP again after disconnecting static IP by @JAndrassy in #8848
  • WiFiSTA - new status constant WL_STOPPED by @JAndrassy in #8849
  • WiFi.BSSID and scan result BSSID with parameter as in WiFi libraries by Arduino by @JAndrassy in #8853
  • WiFiSTA - method setDNS as in WiFi libraries by Arduino by @JAndrassy in #8854
  • WiFiServer - deprecate available(), use accept() everywhere by @JAndrassy in #8860
  • Added WiFi Bandwidth Setting Methods for AP and STA modes. by @gonzabrusco in #7619
  • Add missing function getSocketOption by @rtpmsys in #7807

Bluetooth & BLE related

  • Bluetooth-classic: release BLE memory when BT classic only is requested by @ferbar in #8051
  • Added methods to remove service UUID from BLEAdvertising by @dpnebert in #8747
  • Kernel panic when delete BLEClient object with descriptor characteristic by @chesterkwan in #8010
  • Fixes BLEScanResults to be used by reference by @SuGlider in #8759
  • BluetoothSerial: Fix SPP service mode by @lucasssvaz in #8806
  • Fix linker failure when using BluetoothSerial on latest release with Arduino as Component. by @blackhack in #8784
  • Increase BT SPP task priority by @SuGlider in #8859


Other libraries changes

  • Fix linker failure when using SPIFFS or LittleFS with Arduino as component by @blackhack in #8768
  • provide LittleFS feature grow_on_mount by @Jason2866 in #8769
  • Supporting ETag http headers on static files by @mathertel in #7687
  • feat: adding possibility to manually set MD5 checksum and authorization for HTTP update by @vlastahajek in #7629
  • UpdateClass::setMD5 store expected md5 in lowercase by @P-R-O-C-H-Y in #8959

Other general changes

Peripheral Manager improvements

Boards additions and updates

Tools improvements

Documentation & Examples

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