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WifiServer stop responding after abrupt disconnecting of WifiClient #2194

boguslawb opened this issue Jun 26, 2016 · 27 comments

WifiServer stop responding after abrupt disconnecting of WifiClient #2194

boguslawb opened this issue Jun 26, 2016 · 27 comments
type: troubleshooting waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed.


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boguslawb commented Jun 26, 2016

Basic Infos


Hardware: Wemos D2 Mini ESP12F
Core Version: ?2.1.0-rc2?


It happens when Wificlient is abruptly disconnected (for example when power failure occurs). When power is restored connection to Wifi softAP seems established but TCP server do not work again :
My question is how to detect such problem in server code and close client releasing TCP stack ? At least wdt reset would be nice

Settings in IDE

Module: Wemos D2 Mini
Flash Size: ?4MB/1MB?
CPU Frequency: ?80Mhz?
Flash Mode: ?qio?
Flash Frequency: ?40Mhz?
Upload Using: ?OTA / SERIAL?
Reset Method: ?ck / nodemcu?


#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D2

const char *ssid = "**********************";
const char *password = "******************";
const char *host = "";
const char* hoststring= "ht0";
int channel = 5;

struct HTSensorData {
 const char* name;  // HT0
 int time;         
 int status;       
 int error;         
 float temperature; 
 int mode;         

struct HouseData {
 float temperature; 
 float requested;   
 float tmax;        
 float tmin;       
 int   rmode;       

HTSensorData htdata;
HouseData house;

char house_json[200];
char htsensor_json[200];


bool deserializeHTSensor();
void serializeHTSensor();

bool deserializeHouse();
void serializeHouse();

WiFiServer server(8008);
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);

DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);

void initWiFi();

bool readtemp();

void setup() {

void loop() {


  if (!readtemp()) {
    Serial.println("DS18B20 error reading!");
  //Serial.print("House temperature: ");
  house.requested = 22.00;
  house.tmax = 85.00;
  house.tmin = 15.00;
  house.rmode = 1;

  WiFiClient client = server.available();   // listen for incoming clients

  if (!client) {

  Serial.print(client.remoteIP());Serial.println(" connected.");
  String line = "";                     // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
   while (client.connected()) {            // loop while the client's connected
     if (client.available()) {             // if there's bytes to read from the client,
       Serial.println("Data to read...");
       line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
       if (line.length()>1)
       line.toCharArray(htsensor_json, 200);
       if (deserializeHTSensor()){
         int i = client.print(house_json);
         Serial.println("Error in JSON data received!");


    Serial.println(" disconnected.");

bool readtemp()
  float tmp;
  unsigned long lastTempRequest = 0;

  // call sensors.requestTemperatures() to issue a global temperature
  // request to all devices on the bus

  // set the resolution

  sensors.requestTemperatures();// Send the command to get temperatures
  lastTempRequest = millis();

  while (millis() - lastTempRequest < 750)
    /* czas oczekiwania na odczyt temperatury
     max ok. 750ms bo 12-bit dokładność (2 miejsca po przecinku)


  tmp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
  if ( tmp == DEVICE_DISCONNECTED || tmp > 80) {
    return false;
    house.temperature = tmp;
    return true;


void initWiFi(void) {

  IPAddress Ip(192, 168, 1, 1);
  IPAddress NMask(255, 255, 255, 0);

  WiFi.softAPConfig(Ip, Ip, NMask);
 if (!WiFi.softAP( ssid, password,channel,0))
   Serial.println("WiFi.softAP failed.(Password too short?)");
  IPAddress myIP = WiFi.softAPIP();
  Serial.print("AP IP address: ");
  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
  Serial.println(" dBm");
  if (!MDNS.begin(hoststring)) {
     Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
   //Serial.println("mDNS responder started");
   MDNS.addService("htcontrol", "tcp", 8008);

bool deserializeHTSensor()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HTSENSORDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(htsensor_json);
    if (root.success())
    { = root["name"];
    htdata.time = root["time"];
    htdata.status = root["status"];
    htdata.error = root["error"];
    htdata.temperature = root["temperature"];
    htdata.mode = root["mode"];
    return root.success();

void serializeHTSensor()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HTSENSORDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    root["name"] =;
    root["time"] = htdata.time;
    root["status"] = htdata.status;
    root["error"] = htdata.error;
    root["temperature"] = double_with_n_digits(htdata.temperature,1);
    root["mode"] = htdata.mode;
    root.printTo(htsensor_json, sizeof(htsensor_json));

bool deserializeHouse()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HOUSEDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(house_json);
    if (root.success())
    house.temperature = root["temperature"];
    house.requested = root["requested"];
    house.tmax  = root["tmax"];
    house.tmin = root["tmin"];
    house.rmode = root["rmode"];
    return root.success();

void serializeHouse()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HOUSEDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    root["temperature"] = house.temperature;
    root["requested"] = house.requested;
    root["tmin"] = house.tmin;
    root["tmax"] = house.tmax;
    root["rmode"] = house.rmode;
    root.printTo(house_json, sizeof(house_json));

Debug Messages

err already associed!
station: 18:fe:34:e0:36:d2 leave, AID = 1
rm 1
add 1
aid 1
station: 18:fe:34:e0:36:d2 join, AID = 1

last line repeating over and over, WifiServer is not working (cannot connect to it) and need restart.
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client code

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#include "jsondata.h"

const char *ssid = "****";
const char *password = "**";
int errorcount = 0;
bool isHeating = false;
float histereza = 1.0;

#define ONE_WIRE_BUS D2
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
DeviceAddress thermometer;

void CheckHeater();
void SetError(int error);
void SetErrors(int error);
void StopHeater();
void StartHeater();

void connectWiFi();

WiFiClient client;
char hostString[16] = {0};
int hostcount;
bool isConnected = false;//Czy podłączono do sieci WiFi

void setup() {
  if (!sensors.getAddress(thermometer, 0)) Serial.println("Unable to find address for thermometer ds18b20 ");
  sensors.setHighAlarmTemp(thermometer, 90);//alarm przy 90 stopniach
  sensors.setLowAlarmTemp(thermometer, 0);

void loop() {

  sensors.requestTemperatures(); // Send the command to get temperatures
  Serial.print("Sensor temperature : ");
  htdata.temperature = sensors.getTempC(thermometer);

  if (sensors.hasAlarm(thermometer))
    Serial.println("ALARM: temperature not in range (0,90) ");

  if (!isConnected) {

  if (hostcount==0){
      hostcount = MDNS.queryService("htcontrol", "tcp");

  if (hostcount==0) {
    Serial.println("No control service found!");
  } = "HT0";

   Serial.print("Connecting to host ");
   Serial.print(" (");
  unsigned long timeconn = millis();
  if (!client.connect(MDNS.IP(0), MDNS.port(0))) {
    Serial.println("connection failed");

   unsigned long timeout = millis();
     while (client.available() == 0) {
       if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
         Serial.println("Connection timeout");

     // Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial
       String line = client.readStringUntil('\r');
       if (line.length()>1){
         if (deserializeHouse()){

          htdata.error = 0;//wyczyść status błędu
          errorcount =0;
          Serial.println("Error in house JSON received!");


  if (client.connected()) {
    Serial.println("disconnecting from host.");


 Serial.print("Time : ");
 Serial.println(millis() - timeconn);

void connectWiFi(){

  int count=0;
  sprintf(hostString, "ESP_%06X", ESP.getChipId());
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");
  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
    if (count>30) {
      Serial.print("Cannot connect to ");
  isConnected = true;
  Serial.println("WiFi connected");
  Serial.println("IP address: ");
  Serial.print("Hostname: ");

  if (!MDNS.begin(hostString)) {
     Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
  //Serial.println("Sending mDNS query");
  hostcount = MDNS.queryService("htcontrol", "tcp");
  //Serial.println("mDNS query done");
  if (hostcount == 0) {
    Serial.println("No control service found");
  else {
    Serial.printf("Found: %d TCP/IP services\n\r",hostcount);


void SetError(int error)
      htdata.error = error;

void SetErrors(int error)
  if (errorcount <= 5)

void StopHeater()

  if (isHeating)
  Serial.println("Heater stopping...");
  /* tutaj kod zatrzymujący grzanie  */
  htdata.status = 0; //zatrzymany
  isHeating = false;

void StartHeater()

 if (!isHeating || htdata.error==0)
  Serial.println("Heater starting...");
  /* tutaj kod uruchamiający grzanie */
  htdata.status = 1;// uruchomiony
  isHeating = true;

void CheckHeater()
  /* Tryb pracy pieca
   (0 - automatycznie,1 - grzanie wody, 2 - piec wyłączony)
  switch (house.rmode) {
    case 0:
      htdata.mode = 0;
      if (house.temperature < house.requested + histereza)  StartHeater();
    case 1:
    htdata.mode = 1;
    if (htdata.temperature >= house.tmax || htdata.temperature <= house.tmin) StopHeater();
    case 2:
      Serial.println("Nieznane żądanie trybu pracy!");


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#include <ArduinoJson.h>

struct HTSensorData {
 const char* name;  // HT0
 int status;        // Status pieca 0 - zatrzymany, 1 - pracuje
 int error;         // Kod błędu
 float temperature; //Aktualna temperatura na piecu
 int mode;          //Tryb pracy pieca (0 - automatycznie, 1 -grzanie wody, 2- piec wyłączony)
 /* Tryby nocny i dzienny są ustalane na serwerze heat_server który ma zegar RTC i dostosowuje
 żądanie do aktualnego trybu pracy */

struct HouseData {
 float temperature; //Temperatura w domu
 float requested;   //Wymagana temperatura docelowa w domu
 float tmax;        // Maksymalna temperatura na piecu
 float tmin;        // Minimalna temperatura na piecu
 int   rmode;       //Żądany tryb pracy pieca

HTSensorData htdata;
HouseData house;

char house_json[200];
char htsensor_json[200];


bool deserializeHTSensor();
void serializeHTSensor();

bool deserializeHouse();
void serializeHouse();

bool deserializeHTSensor()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HTSENSORDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(htsensor_json);
    if (root.success())
    { = root["name"];
    htdata.status = root["status"];
    htdata.error = root["error"];
    htdata.temperature = root["temperature"];
    htdata.mode = root["mode"];
    return root.success();

void serializeHTSensor()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HTSENSORDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    root["name"] =;
    root["status"] = htdata.status;
    root["error"] = htdata.error;
    root["temperature"] = double_with_n_digits(htdata.temperature,1);
    root["mode"] = htdata.mode;
    root.printTo(htsensor_json, sizeof(htsensor_json));

bool deserializeHouse()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HOUSEDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(house_json);
    if (root.success())
    house.temperature = root["temperature"];
    house.requested = root["requested"];
    house.tmax  = root["tmax"];
    house.tmin = root["tmin"];
    house.rmode = root["rmode"];
    return root.success();

void serializeHouse()
    StaticJsonBuffer<HOUSEDATA_JSON_SIZE> jsonBuffer;
    JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
    root["temperature"] = house.temperature;
    root["requested"] = house.requested;
    root["tmin"] = house.tmin;
    root["tmax"] = house.tmax;
    root["rmode"] = house.rmode;
    root.printTo(house_json, sizeof(house_json));

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tablatronix commented Feb 10, 2017

I have this problem

reproduce for me is, no ap for persistent sta to connect to , so it just trys over and over.
mode STA+AP
iphone wont connect to soft AP

get errors on iphone such as incorrect password, or could not join network!
errors in debug like

err already associed!
station: dc:0c:5c:e2:.. leave, AID = 1

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devyte commented Oct 16, 2017

@boguslawb is this issue still valid with latest git? with PR #3215 ?

@devyte devyte added the waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed. label Oct 16, 2017
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devyte commented Oct 16, 2017

@boguslawb if still valid, please reduce the sketch (MCVE) to allow investigation.

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KlaasjanN commented Jan 14, 2018

I've got the same issue.

My solar panels are posting via WiFi to the ESP8266. Every sunrise and sunset, there may be power interruptions to the sending device. As a result the (receiving) ESP8266 stop responding to any TCP.
I have three WiFiServer instances running, on port 80 (tcp), 8080 (httpserver) and 9876 (tcp).
The solar panels only talk to the one on port 80, but traffic stops (time-out) on ANY TCP port.

ESP8266 keeps functioning on everything, except TCP: it replies to a ping, it continues to send out UDP comms, serial is working etc. ESP is running in STA mode. There is more than enough free heap (around 30000), the ESP is also not flooded with TCP requests. The fact that it stops to respond to all TCP ports, makes me think WiFiServer gets into an unresponsive state.

I already had the cleanup in my loop, but this didn't change anything:

Btw: this ESP only runs in STA. Both the panels and the ESP are connected via a separate access point.

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d-a-v commented Jan 15, 2018

@KlaasjanN This was a behaviour with lwip v1.4 that has been improved with lwip v2.
Could you try the latest git version of core (post 2.4 release) ?

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@d-a-v Thank for your reply. I just checked with 2.4 lwip v2 MSS=536. In this case the other TCP services keep running (so that has improved!). But the WiFiServer on port 80 still stops responding, until I reset the device.

The only thing I can get from logging is this: both at sunrise & sunset ;-)
:urn 38
:urd 38, 38, 0

I do not have access to the code of the solar device sending it. When sending via a Raspberry it's all fine. It worries me that this request can actually make the esp unresponsive, this already happens with just a WiFiServer server(80) -and a simple- server.begin(). The device normally sends a http post, but since there is binary data in it, I cannot use the http webserver to access that data (it makes it a string).

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devyte commented May 29, 2018

@KlaasjanN several things have been fixed since January. Could you please retest with latest git?

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KlaasjanN commented May 29, 2018 via email

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mafe commented Jul 2, 2018

I ran into the same problems running WiFiServer and ESPAsyncWebServer and after some hours the services are not responsive anymore.
Client connections (websocket:tcp:80) from the ESP8266 are still working.

Currently framework is on gitver

Platform Espressif 8266 (Stage)
Updating espressif8266                   @ 76fb9d2        [Up-to-date]

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d-a-v commented Jul 2, 2018

@mafe Please try latest git master version, then open a new issue with your details.

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devyte commented Jul 12, 2018

@KlaasjanN did you get a chance to retest?

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KlaasjanN commented Jul 12, 2018 via email

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devyte commented Jul 13, 2018

@KlaasjanN the request is to test with latest git, not with 2.4.1. Several critical fixes have been merged after 2.4.1 was released.

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KlaasjanN commented Sep 5, 2018

@devyte I can confirm that I cannot reproduce the same issue anymore on release 2.4.2 (lwip v2 HB). So the issue seems fixed! (Sorry for the late reply... had too much going on)

I did experience a loss of IP connectivity on one of the devices, but that was not related to this issue. Still need to figure out what actually happened there (perhaps I did not give it a power cycle after an upgrade, else I'll open up an issue once I've done my analysis).
Btw: memory usage has improved a lot as well, also in relation to lwip v2 in this release

Thank you all for your dedication and much appreciated efforts!

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devyte commented Sep 6, 2018

Closing due to lack of feedback from OP and can't reproduce with latest release.

@devyte devyte closed this as completed Sep 6, 2018
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I started having issues like this today, Err already associated, I noticed this seems to happen when the network enviroment is crowded. Might be a hint if anyone comes across this.

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@tablatronix this will be off-topic for issue 2194, where TCP actually came to a halt, due to the connection being terminated externally (and UDP kept functioning, ESP did reply to a ping etc).

I'm closing in a bit on this apparent new issue, and it seems it's similar to what others reported. What I noticed so far:

  • All (WiFi.status and autoreconnect) seems to work fine when an external connection is broken. But if the cause is actually with the ESP itself, things become different.
  • If the router to which the ESP is connected is switched off, then WiFi.status will indicate it got disconnected, and the ESP will move to another accesspoint/router having the same SSID and continue to run properly.
  • However, if the ESP itself looses its connection for whatever reason (perhaps load or so), then the WiFi.status seems to stay on WL_CONNECTED, also ESP will claim it has an IP address even after a disconnect and reconnect. In real life, you cannot get to the ESP from the network anymore or the other way round. It sits there, stating it has a connection, but it is as if the link is broken.

I've got 3 ESP's running, all exactly the same software and version. Every 10 minutes they write something in a logfile. There is only one difference: my tablet connects to the webserver on the 3rd device every 5 seconds to fetch a 600 byte 'journal', so load is higher. As mentioned the software and configuration is exactly the same. Guess what.... 2 of those are working fine, no issues. The third has experienced issues nearly every night since I deployed the new release. I even exchanged ESP itself! In the past I could experience an occasional 'hang', but nights in a row is a different story (and this happens randomly, but each time it's a multiply of 10 minutes (xx:x0 hours).

I'll try to reproduce it with a nice and clean MCVE.

The symptoms: ESP continues to process sensordata and continues to write the logfile. It also logs that is has a connection and an IP address. But all Wifi communications are blocked in all directions. No ping, no TCP, no UDP (in issue 2194, only TCP stopped working).

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Murphy didn't allow a failure last night.... So no more data. Did do some tests and found out that the symptoms described are similar to what happens if you do a wifi.disconnect (wifi.status stays at connected at that time!). I implemented a workaround by checking if external data is still received. When data is not received for a few minutes, a wifi.reconnect() is triggered. (Guess autoreconnect isn't working as wifi.status remains connected?). The 'manual' wifi.reconnect seems to work fine. Will monitor it for the next few days.

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d-a-v commented Sep 7, 2018

@KlaasjanN @tablatronix You don't mention those tweaks, did you try them ?

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I'll evaluate WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP) as it doesn't hurt to put that in the wifi init.
I think the ping-alive won't do much in my situation, because the device already receives data every few seconds. So I expect it to be alive enough. And for signal strength: it's close to an AP, and if the AP drops, it connects to another one, all without any problems. For last: I'm always running with fixed IP's.

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hmm, I tried sleep none at one point, I will try again if I can

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rodri16 commented Sep 14, 2018

Tried WiFi.setSleepMode(WIFI_NONE_SLEEP) and solved my udp client connection problems!!

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d-a-v commented Sep 14, 2018


I think the ping-alive won't do much in my situation, because the device already receives data every few seconds. So I expect it to be alive enough.

About Ping-Alive, the goal is to reactivate/trigger the wifi layer from the inside. PingAlive does ping the gateway from inside the esp, which is not the same as some host pinging the ESP (the esp does not necessarily wake up before a ping request comes up, but it needs to do so before sending a packet).

I don't know yet for sure whether it is efficient nor anything about current consumption with a good power meter since I have absolutely no report.

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KlaasjanN commented Sep 14, 2018 via email

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d-a-v commented Sep 14, 2018

but my devices are exchanging data every few seconds, they receive and send

... until the esp stops responding, hence the ping from the inside to wake wifi up. Again, and without report, I don't know if that works, but if it does, it will probably consume less current.

Anyway I'm glad the none_sleep sleep mode fixes these disconnections !

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type: troubleshooting waiting for feedback Waiting on additional info. If it's not received, the issue may be closed.
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8 participants