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I no longer use Puppet actively and this software has not been maintained for some time.


Puppet module to install Apache Tomcat and run instances as Runit services under one or more users.

The recommended usage is to place the configuration in hiera and just:

include tomcat

Example hiera config:

  admin_user: 'admin'

tomcat::cpu_affinity: '0,1'

    source:   'puppet:https:///files/jdbc/postgresql-9.2-1002.jdbc4.jar'

    mode:     '0440'
    template: '/etc/puppet/templates/myapp/tomcat-users.xml.erb'

tomcat::group:     'tomcat'

tomcat::java_home: '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_17'

tomcat::java_opts: '-XX:MaxPermSize=512m'

tomcat::jolokia_version: '1.1.1'

tomcat::min_mem:   '256m'
tomcat::max_mem:   '512m'

tomcat::version:   '7.0.37'

    basedir:         '/apps/tomcat1'
    bind_address:    "%{ipaddress_eth0_1}"
    localhost:       ''
    logdir:          '/apps/tomcat1/logs'
    jolokia:         'true'
    jolokia_address: %{ipaddress_eth0_1}
    jolokia_port:    '8190'
      admin_user:    'fbloggs'
      - '/apps/activemq1/service/activemq'
    basedir:         '/apps/tomcat2'
    bind_address:    "%{ipaddress_eth0_2}"
    localhost:       ''
    logdir:          '/apps/tomcat2/logs'
      admin_user:    'jbloggs'
        mode:     '0440'
        template: '/etc/puppet/templates/myapp/tomcat-server.xml.erb'

tomcat parameters

basedir: The base installation directory. Default: '/opt/tomcat'

bind_address: The IP or hostname to bind listen ports to. Default: $fqdn

check_port: The port that the instance must be listening on (bound to bind_address) for it to be considered up. Default: '8080'

config: A hash of additional configuration variables that will be set when templates are processed.

dependencies: A list of Runit service directories whose services must be up before the Tomcat service is started.

cpu_affinity: Enable CPU affinity to be set to only run processes on specific CPU cores - for example '0,1' to only run processes on the first two cores.

files: A hash of configuration files to install - see below

filestore: The Puppet filestore location where the Tomcat tarball and Jolokia war file are downloaded from. Default: 'puppet:https:///files/tomcat'

gclog_enabled: Whether or not Garbage Collector logging is enabled. Default: 'false'

gclog_numfiles: The number of garbage collector log files to keep. Default: '5'

gclog_filesize: The maximum size of a garbage collector log file before it is rotated. Default: '100M'

group: The user''s primary group. Default: 'tomcat',

java_home: The base directory of the JDK installation to be used. Default: '/usr/java/latest'

java_opts: Additional java command-line options to pass to the startup script

jolokia: Whether or not to install the jolokia war file and configure a separate service to run it. Default: false

jolokia_address: The address that the jolokia HTTP service listens on. Default: 'localhost'

jolokia_cron: Whether or not to install cron jobs to run the Jolokia JMX monitoring scripts every minute writing to local log files. Default: 'true'

jolokia_port: The port that the jolokia HTTP service listens on. Default: '8190'

jolokia_version: The version of the jolokia war file to download and install. Default: '1.1.1'

localhost: The localhost address to bind listen ports to. Default: 'localhost'

logdir: The base log directory. Default: '/var/logs/tomcat'

min_mem: The minimum heap size allocated by the JVM. Default: 1024m

max_mem: The maximum heap size allocated by the JVM. Default: 2048m

mode: The permissions to create files with (eg. 0444).

remove_docs: Whether or not to remove the Tomcat docs under webapps. Default: true

remove_examples: Whether or not to remove the Tomcat examples under webapps. Default: true

templates: A hash of configuration templates to process and install - see below

ulimit_nofile: The maximum number of open file descriptors the java process is allowed. Default is '$(ulimit -H -n)' which sets the value to the hard limit in /etc/security/limits.conf (or equivalent) for the user.
