Consider the project as a proof of concept! Definitely not production ready!
Embedded pure Python NoSQL database following DynamoDB concepts.
pip install dynafile
# with string filter support using filtration
pip install "dynafile[filter]"
# bloody edge
pip install git+
pip install filtration
Dynafile stores items within partitions, which are stored as separate files. Each partition contains a SortedDict
from sortedcontainers
which are sorted by the sort key attribute.
Dynafile does not implement the interface or functionality of DynamoDB, but provides familiar API patterns.
- Embedded, file based
- No pagination
- persistence
- put item
- get item
- delete item
- scan - without parameters
- query - starts_with
- query - index direction
- query - filter
- scan - filter
- batch writer
- atomic file write
- event stream hooks (put, delete)
- GSI - global secondary index
- update item
- batch get
- thread safeness
LSI - local secondary index - split partitions
- parallel scans - pre defined scan segments
- transactions
- optimise disc load time (cache partitions in memory, invalidate on file change)
- conditional put item
- improve file consistency (options: acidfile)
from dynafile import *
# init DB interface
db = Dynafile(path=".", pk_attribute="PK", sk_attribute="SK")
# put items
db.put_item(item={"PK": "user#1", "SK": "user#1", "name": "Bob"})
db.put_item(item={"PK": "user#1", "SK": "role#1", "TYPE": "sender"})
db.put_item(item={"PK": "user#2", "SK": "user#2", "name": "Alice"})
# more performant batch operation
with db.batch_writer() as writer:
db.put_item(item={"PK": "user#3", "SK": "user#3", "name": "Steve"})
db.delete_item(key={"PK": "user#3", "SK": "user#3"})
# retrieve items
item = db.get_item(key={
"PK": "user#1",
"SK": "user#1"
# query item collection by pk
items = list(db.query(pk="user#1"))
# scan full table
items = list(db.scan())
# add event stream listener to retrieve item modification
def print_listener(event: Event):
and scan
support filter, you can provide callables as filter like lambda expressions.
Another option are filtration expressions.
- Equal ("==")
- Not equal ("!=")
- Less than ("<")
- Less than or equal ("<=")
- Greater than (">")
- Greater than or equal (">=")
- Contains ("in")
- RHS must be a list or a Subnet
- Regular expression ("=~")
- RHS must be a regex token
SK =~ /^a/
- SK starts with aSK == 1
- SK is equal 1SK == 1
- SK is equal 1nested.a == 1
- accesses nested structureitem.nested.a
TTL provides the option to expire items on read time (get, query, scan).
import time
from dynafile import *
db = Dynafile(path=".", pk_attribute="PK", sk_attribute="SK", ttl_attribute="ttl")
item = {"PK": "1", "SK": "2", "ttl": time.time() - 1000} # expired ttl
list(db.scan()) # -> []
--- ROOT ---
--- MAIN DB ---
|- meta.json - meta information
|- _partitions/
|- <hash>/
|- data.pickle - Contains partition data by sort key (SortedDict)
|- lsi-attr1.pickle - Contains partition data by lsi attr (SortedDict)
--- GSI ---
|- _gsi-<gsi-name>/
|- _partitions/
|- <hash>/
|- data.pickle - Contains partition data by sort key (SortedDict)