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Jon Ursenbach edited this page Jan 4, 2020 · 31 revisions

In order to instruct Mill on where to look for documentation, and any constraints you may have, Mill requires the use of an XML configuration file: mill.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    name="Movie showtimes API"
        <terms url="" />

            name="Get help!"
            email="[email protected]"
            url="" />

            <externalDoc name="Developer Docs" url="" />

        <server environment="prod" url="" description="Production" />
        <server environment="dev" url="https://api.example.local" description="Development" />

        <version name="1.0" />
        <version name="1.1" default="true" />
        <version name="1.2" />

            <directory name="src/Controllers/" suffix=".php" />

            <directory name="src/Representations/" method="create" suffix=".php"  />

                <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\Error" />
                <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\CodedError" />
                <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\Representation" />

            <class name="\My\Application\Representations\Error" method="create" needsErrorCode="false" />
            <class name="\My\Application\Representations\CodedError" method="create" needsErrorCode="true" />


Option Optional Description
name This is the canonical name of your API.
bootstrap Relative path to a PHP bootstrap file that will get loaded before Mill does any work. If running Mill programmatically, this can usually be a Composer vendor/autoload.php file.


All directory paths should be relative to the location of your mill.xml configuration file.

If you specify a controller, representation, vendor tag, or authentication scope in your documentation that hasn't been configured here, documentation compiling will fail with errors.


The <authentication> element lets you configure specific authentication flows and OAuth 2 scopes for your API.

        <bearer format="bearer" />

            <authorizationCode url="/oauth/authorize" tokenUrl="/oauth/access_token" />
            <clientCredentials url="/oauth/authorize/client" />

        <scope name="create" description="Create" />
        <scope name="delete" description="Delete" />
        <scope name="edit" description="Edit" />
        <scope name="public" description="Public" />


Currently supported authentication flows are bearer and oauth2.


If your API has an authentication system that requires a specific scope(s) for using an API endpoint, use this to document those.

You can find usage details for scopes in the @api-scope documentation.


The <compilers> element lets you control the documentation compilers that Mill supports from the compile command.


  • Use <exclude> elements to specify a resource group that should be excluded from compiled specifications.
    • Make sure to add a group attribute so Mill knows what group you're excluding.


        <exclude group="/" />
        <exclude group="OAuth" />


The <controllers> setting lets you inform Mill on where your API controllers live.

  • Use <directory> elements to specify a directory name (and suffix).
  • Specify a <class> element for a specific, fully-qualified class name.
  • Add in an <excludes> block, with <class> elements for excluding specific controllers from being parsed.
        <directory name="src/Controllers/" suffix=".php" />


The <info> element allows you to configure some information about your API:

  • <terms>: A terms of service URL.
  • <contact>: Contact information. name and email are optional.
  • <externalDocs>: External API documentation you may want to surface to the end-user.
    <terms url="" />

        name="Get help!"
        email="[email protected]"
        url="" />

        <externalDoc name="Developer Docs" url="" />

Parameter Tokens

Parameter tokens allow you to create an @api-param or @api-queryparam shortcode to save time for common elements in your API (like paging or sorting).


    <token name="page">page (integer, optional) - The page number to show.</token>
    <token name="per_page">per_page (integer, optional) - Number of items to show on each page. Max 100.</token>
    <token name="filter">filter (string, optional) - Filter to apply to the results.</token>

You can find usage details for parameter tokens in the @api-param and @api-queryparam documentation.

Path Parameters


The path parameters translations section allows you to set up translation elements for @api-pathname annotations. Say, in your code, the route for a video is at /videos/+video_id, but in your documentation, you want it to just say /videos/+id, this is the place to do that.


        <translation from="id" to="video_id" />


The <representations> setting lets you inform Mill on where your API data representations (the content that your controllers return), live.

  • Use <directory> elements to specify a directory name (and suffix).
    • Add in a method attribute so Mill knows the method to pull representation documentation from.
  • Specify a <class> element for a specific, fully-qualified class name, and add a method attribute.
    • If the representation doesn't have a method, or documentation, you should add it to the excludes block.
  • Add in an <excludes> block, with <name> elements for excluding specific controllers from being parsed.
        <directory name="src/Representations/" method="create" suffix=".php"  />

            <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\Error" />
            <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\CodedError" />
            <exclude name="\My\Application\Representations\Representation" />

        <class name="\My\Application\Representations\Error" method="create" needsErrorCode="false" />
        <class name="\My\Application\Representations\CodedError" method="create" needsErrorCode="true" />


The representation <errors> setting lets you tell Mill where your error representations are (the content that is returned from @api-error annotations. Here you can specify a <class> with a fully-qualified class name.

Required attributes for the <class> element are:

  • method: Same in the way that representations in your <representations> declaration have method attributes to tell Mill where your documentation lives, error representations require the same.
  • needsErrorCode: Informs Mill if your error representation handles, and returns, a unique error code. The way that looks in your documentation is:
 * ...
 * @api-error:public 403 (\ErrorRepresentation<7701>) - If the user isn't
 *     allowed to do something.
public function PATCH()

Here, \ErrorRepresentation would have needsErrorCode="true".


Configure your API servers with the <servers> element.

    <server environment="prod" url="" description="Production" />
    <server environment="dev" url="https://api.example.local" description="Development" />


When building resource actions, you can use @api-group to place your action within a specific group (or tag), that you can later use to reference. The <tags> config is here so you can configure your grouping tags, and potentially any additional metadata descriptions you'd like to attach to those in your compiled specifications.

    <tag name="Movies">These resources help you handle movies.</tag>
    <tag name="Movies\Coming Soon" />
    <tag name="Theaters" />

Vendor tags

If you'd like to add additional metadata (that you can eventually filter your documentation against), you should use vendor tags to document those.

    <vendorTag name="tag:BUY_TICKETS" />
    <vendorTag name="tag:MOVIE_RATINGS" />
    <vendorTag name="tag:NONE" />

You can find usage details for vendor tags in the @api-vendortag, @api-param, @api-queryparam, @api-return, and @api-error documentation.


The <versions> setting lets you inform Mill on the various version of your API that exist. From here, Mill will then know what versions to compile documentation for.

To set a "default" API version, use the default="true" attribute. You must have a default version set, and there can only be one.

    <version name="1.0" />
    <version name="1.1" default="true" />
    <version name="1.2" />

XML Schema Definition

If you wish to use it for a reference, Mill has an included XML schema definition.