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GSMSim Library for Arduino (for SimCom Modules like SIM800L, SIM900 etc)

This library for Arduino to use SimCom GSM Modules. This library tested on Sim800L (5V Module). Some methods may not work all SimCom Modules like FM Radio methods. This library may work other gsm shields or modules. But some AT Commands only work SimCom modules. So some functions may not work on other gsm shield or module (etc A6 Ai-Thinker)

This library use any Serial library like HardwareSerial, SoftwareSerial etc. If you use SoftwareSerial, please dont forget this library's limits.



  • Little fix for incoming SMS from iPhone. Remove ???? chars at the begining of SMS.


  • GSMSim now can be use with any serial interface. Hardware or Software
  • added some new methods.
  • Changed many method names. There is no backward compatibility.
  • Fixed and added issue#26, issue#24, issue#19, issue#17,issue#14, issue#13, issue#12, issue#1


  • First public release.


  • First release for personal use.

Connection & Pinouts

Arduino Sim800L Notes
+5v (3.8v)~(4.4v)! Power supply input


How I use this library?

Please visit the example pages.


  • If it possible, use HardwareSerial. SoftwareSerial a bit laggy.
  • Use highiest baudrate as you can. (I test on HardwareSerial 115200 baudrate, SoftwareSerial 57600 baudrate)
  • Please chooice good power supply. I recommend 5V power supply and 1A or over. (Sim800L EVB Board)
  • If the signal is weak or the power supply is insufficient, the module can reset itself on load.

Which methods can i use?

GSMSim Methods

All this methods can use with any GSMSim classes. All GSMSim* classes inherit from GSMSim class.*

Method Name Return Notes
init() void Method init reset pin, led pin and led flag.
reset() void Reset module with reset pin.
sendATCommand(char* command) String You can send AT commands manualy. Dont use \r char in command.
setPhoneFunc(int level) bool Set phone function. level can be 0,1 or 4. 0-minimum, 1-full, 4-disable
signalQuality() integer 0-31 -> 0-poor, 31-full, 99-unknown
isRegistered() bool Is module connect to gsm operator?
isSimInserted() bool
pinStatus() int 0-ready, 1-sim pin, 2-sim puk, 3-ph sim pin, 4-ph sim puk, 5-sim pin2, 6-sim puk2, 7-unknown
enterPinCode(char* pinCode) bool Enter pin code if module locked with pin code.
enablePinCode(char* pinCode) bool Enable pin lock.
disablePinCode(char* pinCode) bool Disable pin lock.
operatorName() String If modune not connected it returns NOT_CONNECTED.
operatorNameFromSim() String Only works on SimCom modules. If modune not connected it returns NOT_CONNECTED.
phoneStatus() integer Phone activity status 0-ready, 2-unknown, 3-ringing, 4-call in progress, 99-unkonown
echoOff() bool Echo off AT command on execute result. GSMSim class automaticly set echoOff on init.
echoOn() bool Echo AT command on execute result.
moduleManufacturer() String
moduleModel() String
moduleRevision() String
moduleIMEI() String
moduleIMEIChange(char* imeino) bool Change IMEI. Changing the IMEI is prohibited by the laws of some countries. In this regard, comply with the laws of your country. You've been warned.
moduleIMSI() String
moduleICCID() String
ringerVolume() integer
setRingerVolume(uint8_t level) bool true or false
speakerVolume() integer
setSpeakerVolume(uint8_t level) bool level must between 0-100
moduleDebug() String Print verbose.
saveSettingsToModule() bool Save some setting to module EEPROM.

GSMSimCall Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSim class. You can use GSMSim class methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
initCall() bool Init call function. If you use other methods correctly, add your code this method.
call(char* phone_number) bool
answer() bool
hangoff() bool
status() integer Return codes as same as phoneStatus function
setCLIP(bool active) bool
setCLIR(bool active) bool
setCOLP(bool active) bool
isCOLPActive() bool
showCurrentCall(bool active) bool
readCurrentCall(String serialRaw) String Return call status and number like STATUS:xxx|NUMBER:xxx - This only read when you give raw serial data to this function. It not fetch the raw serial data!
setCallReject(bool rejectAll) bool Enable or disable reject call automaticly.

GSMSimDTMF Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSimCall class. You can use GSMSim and GSMSimCall classes methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
setDTMF(bool active, unsigned int interval, bool reportTime, bool soundDetect) bool Activate or deactivate DTMF tones.
readDTMF(String serialRaw) String Get pressed key info from DTMF on serial raw data.

GSMSimUSSD Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSimCall class. You can use GSMSim and GSMSimCall classes methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
sendUSSD(char* code) bool Send USSD command.
readUSSD(String serialRaw) String Read USSD response from serial raw value.

GSMSimSMS Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSim class. You can use GSMSim class methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
initSMS() bool Init sms function. If you use other methods correctly, add your code this method.
setTextMode(bool textModeON) bool Text Mode or PDU Mode. This class works with TEXT Mode.
setPreferredSMSStorage(char* mem1, char* mem2, char* mem3) bool "ME" (Module), "SM" (Sim), "ME_P" (Module Preferred), "SM_P" (Sim Preferred), "MT" (ME or SM, Sim Preferred). Class use "ME" for all memories.
setNewMessageIndication() bool
setCharset(char* charset) bool "IRA","GSM","UCS2","HEX","PCCP","PCDN","8859-1". Class use IRA charset.
send(char* number, char* message) bool
list(bool onlyUnread) String If no message found it returns NO_SMS else returns SMSIndexNo:x,y,z. If onlyUnread equal to false, method returns ALL messages.
read(unsigned int index) String Read message from given index.
read(unsigned int index, bool markRead) String Read message from given index. If markRead equal to false, message not set to READ.
getSenderNo(unsigned int index) String Give the message sender number.
readFromSerial(String serialRaw) String Read message from serial raw value.
indexFromSerial(String serialRaw) integer Get message index number from serial raw value.
readMessageCenter() String
changeMessageCenter(char* messageCenter) bool
deleteOne(unsigned int index) bool Delete sms in given index.
deleteAllRead() bool Delete all read messages.
deleteAll() bool Delete all messages.

GSMSimFMRadio Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSim class. You can use GSMSim class methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
fmOpen() true or false Open fm radio.
fmOpen(bool mainChannel) true or false Open fm radio. true is main channel, false is aux channel.
fmOpen(bool mainChannel, uint16_t freq) true or false Frequency must be between 875 and 1080. 875 is 87.5 MHz.
fmIsOpened() true or false Return radio status.
fmClose() true or false
fmGetFreq() integer
fmSetFreq(uint16_t freq) true or false 875 to 1080
fmGetVolume() integer
fmSetVolume(uint16_t volume) true or false

GSMSimGPRS Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSim class. You can use GSMSim class methods with this class. When you call this class, it automaticly load default APN, USER and PWD values. If you want to change this values, use gprsInit() method for this. DEFAULT APN => "internet" DEFAULT USER => "" DEFAULT PWD => ""

Method Name Return Notes
gprsInit(String apn) void Set only APN value
gprsInit(String apn, String user, String password) void Set APN, USER and PWD values.
connect() bool Connect to GPRS
isConnected() bool
getIP() String Get IP v4 address.
closeConn() bool

GSMSimHTTP Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSimGPRS class. You can use GSMSim and GSMSimGPRS classes methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
get(String url) String Use GET method. It not returns web page response. Only HTTP method, status code and response lenght.
get(String url, bool read) String If read equal to true it returns HTTP method, status code, response lenght and web page response.
getWithSSL(String url) String Same as get(String url) but it connect to SSL sites.
getWithSSL(String url, bool read) String Same as get(String url, bool read ) but it connect to SSL sites.
post(String url, String data, String contentType) String Use POST method. It not returns web page response. Only HTTP method, status code and response lenght.
post(String url, String data, String contentType, bool read) String If read equal to true it returns HTTP method, status code, response lenght and web page response.
postWithSSL(String url, String data, String contentType) String Same as post(String url, String data, String contentType) but it connect to SSL sites.
postWithSSL(String url, String data, String contentType, bool read) String Same as post(String url, String data, String contentType) but it connect to SSL sites.
ping(String address) String Its to laggy. It returns raw AT response. Its experimental.

GSMSimEmail Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSimGPRS class. You can use GSMSim and GSMSimGPRS classes methods with this class. Note: All commands for SMTP. For Gmail please look at example files.

Method Name Return Notes
setServer(String server, String port, bool useSSL) bool Set SMTP Server configuration.
auth(String username, String password) bool
auth(String username, String password, bool requireAuth) bool
gmail(String username, String password) bool If you want to send email over GMAIL, you can use this method for set server requirements.
write(String from, String to, String title, String message) String Return OK if success.
write(String from, String to, String title, String message, String fromName, String toName) String Return OK if success.
send() String Return SUCCESS:EMAIL_SEND if send status ok. Else return ERROR:Error_Type

GSMSimTime Methods

*This class inherit from GSMSimGPRS class. You can use GSMSim and GSMSimGPRS classes methods with this class.

Method Name Return Notes
setServer(int timezone) bool
setServer(int timezone, String server) bool
syncFromServer() String
getRaw() String
get(int *day, int *month, int *year, int *hour, int *minute, int *second) void


Cristian Steib - Sim800l Arduino library -

Vittorio Esposito - Sim800L-Arduino-Library-revised -


Support or Contact

If you have any question about this library, please contact only on GitHub.