Backend http service to serve ep4ever solar station web app but you can easily turn it to something else :)
This http service delivers static content unless the uri provided begins with /api. when the uri as the /api prefix the service lookup for a so called domain.
For exemple /api/config will try to look for a Class (see: called Config and invoke it's execute implementation (class must inherit from BaseCommand).
This mecanism is needed for the solar station web app witch is a frontend first app with REST api call to fetch datas to update & display content.
copy the .env.dist to .env and edit it to fit your needs.For example you can turn on https by uncomenting the last five keys after having:
- generating a ssl key pair (
- set SSL=1 and login / password http basic auth keys
pypoetry management is provided here only to handle dependencies. To build the service pyinstaller is use and you must install dependencies using pip.
- install the relevant packages found in pypoetry.toml
- run python
by default the service serves static content from webapp folder